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About Silky322

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  1. Silky322

    Released![MP][WarFighter] Liberation

    As far as I know AI controlled squads don't complete missions independently. I think additional AI independence is coming in a later update though. Not sure if that will include Blufor ai completing objectives on their own or just more variety in Opfor ai ops and random encounters.
  2. Silky322

    Released![MP][WarFighter] Liberation

    If you go in the build menu from the scroll wheel once you have built a FOB the first tab should be individual AI units and the final tab should be pre-made AI squads.
  3. Silky322

    Released![MP][WarFighter] Liberation

    I will give that a shot. I poked around in some of the mission files last night when I was trying to see if it was an issue and saw the kp cfg file with the parameter in it, but that obviously didn't resolve it. I will keep looking tonight and let you know if I find anything that may be helpful. Thanks for the workaround.
  4. Silky322

    Released![MP][WarFighter] Liberation

    Awesome. Didn't see the github issue tracker when I was first looking into the issue. Thanks for the update.
  5. Silky322

    Released![MP][WarFighter] Liberation

    I am having some issues with ACE compatibility. It seems like ace is deactivated by the mission (no windows key context menu), but the default medical system does not activate even with ace not working. I still see the ace bandages but am not able to use the medical menu or the context menu to check/bandage players. If I disable ace medical the default scroll wheel med system works again. This is on a dedicated server with no headless clients. I will grab the rpt file tonight when I get back from work but just wanted to check if this was a known issue or I am missing something in the config files.
  6. @jonas232 I believe for epi you need to change the value for ace_medical_medicSetting in your serverconfig.hpp to 2. I was running into the issue when I started hosting this as well. I am still not sure about blood but I am testing some vars and if I figure it out I will post it here. Edit: Just realized you might have more luck asking on the ace github page.