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Everything posted by BertiiTheHero

  1. BertiiTheHero

    co10 Escape

    First up, Thanks Neo and Scruffy for the amazing game mode. I've literally wasted days of my life trying to escape from Tanoa and Altis! I was wondering when the UAV hacking actions will be back? I normally play in a small team with some friends, and it's really handy having the ability to scout out an area before we get completely owned by a bomber anyway. Cheers, Bertii
  2. BertiiTheHero

    Feedback Thread

    Thanks Locklear for replying :) I hope it does all work out, I truly love the game modes, esp. Clash.
  3. BertiiTheHero

    Feedback Thread

    Hi everyone, I've been playing Argo on and off since it was first announced and loved it from the start. I've just dipped back into it after seeing the notifications that it's due for release towards the end of June and I was also able to rope in some of my friends to give it a try too. I was bitterly disappointed. The weapon unlock system, makes the game inaccessible to new players. You start off with no armour, no grenades, no scopes/sights, and no good rifles. Yet you are up against players with all of those things, giving those who have been playing the game for any length of time a massive advantage. And the unlocks are not done on skill, they are purely down to the length of time played. As a 'new' player to the game, it's not fun anymore. Personally, when Argo started out and the devs were testing the guns every couple of weeks, giving us all a fixed loadout of weapons, grenades and scopes, as players we had to choose the best loadout for our play style, safe in the knowledge that all the other players in the game had the same 5 choices to make. Playing last night on the maps that I remember well from the start of Project Argo I was not having fun, my friends were not having fun either. Yeah we got some kills, yeah we won a few rounds, but it wasn't fun. And surely the idea of Argo is that it should be fun? The only thing that destroyed the fun? Weapon unlocks. Most competitive FPS games don't use this stupid system of weapon unlocks. Those that do, have a massive marketing campaign and a disposable business with the next game only a year away (CoD I'm looking at you!). Counter Strike doesn't make you earn guns for play time, yes you have to buy them, but everyone in the game is in the same boat, After playing last night, we went off to play some Overwatch, it's not my cup of tea, I'd rather play something more 'real', but the balance of guns and equipment is done really well. A new player (to Overwatch) like myself was quickly able to get stuck in, swapping to different loadouts/characters when a different weapon/play style was required. Please, please get rid of weapon unlocks. It's pointless, doesn't increase fun, and penalises new players - Argo will quickly die if it isn't welcoming new players and all your great effort will be wasted. I want to play Argo, but I don't want to have to put in hours of non-fun just to be able to be on a level playing field. Thanks