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Diaverso Carrasco

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About Diaverso Carrasco

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. When I update a mod in the Workshop, the mod is changed to friends-only visibility. When I change it in the Arma 3 Publisher, it allows me to do so, but after that it is only visible to friends. Two weeks ago, I was able to do this without any problems. Image 1: https://imgur.com/O0S7v8P Image 2: https://imgur.com/zWok6P4
  2. I am creating a menu, to load custom Loadout. But, when I give it to equip the Loadout, it doesn't do it. Image of the gui who believes Video example of how the menu works These are the files I am using //Description.ext #include "scripts\defines.hpp" #include "scripts\arsenal\menu.hpp" //menu.hpp //--Importante añadir esto antes--// class listas { idd = 2025; movingenable=false; onload = "[] spawn {execVM 'scripts\arsenal\ListBox.sqf';};"; class controls { class RscPicture_1200: RscPicture { idc = 1200; text = "imagen\fondoext.paa"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 5.58794e-009; y = -2.23517e-008; w = 1; h = 1; }; class RscListbox_1500: RscListbox { idc = 456; x = 0.025; y = 0.14; w = 0.275; h = 0.7; }; class RscText_1000: RscText { idc = 1000; text = "Recluta"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.1125; y = 0.08; w = 0.0875; h = 0.04; }; class RscListbox_1501: RscListbox { idc = 1501; x = 0.35; y = 0.14; w = 0.275; h = 0.7; }; class RscText_1001: RscText { idc = 1001; text = "Soldados"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.45; y = 0.08; w = 0.0875; h = 0.04; }; class RscListbox_1502: RscListbox { idc = 1502; x = 0.6875; y = 0.14; w = 0.275; h = 0.7; }; class RscText_1002: RscText { idc = 1002; text = "Extras"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.7875; y = 0.08; w = 0.0875; h = 0.04; }; class RscButton_1600: RscButton { idc = 1600; text = "Equipar"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.3625; y = 0.86; w = 0.2625; h = 0.1; tooltip = "Seleciona una equipacion y presioname"; //--- ToDo: Localize; action = "[] spawn {execVM 'scripts\arsenal\listboxAction.sqf';};"; }; }; }; //ListBox.sqf disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 2025; _listBox = _display displayCtrl 456; _listbox lbAdd "Fusilero"; _listBox lbAdd "Portador Municion (Vacio)"; _listBox lbAdd "Portador Municion (Municion)"; _listBox lbAdd "Portador Municion (Medico)"; _listBox lbAdd "Portador Municion (Explosivos)"; _listBox lbAdd "Portador Municion (AT)"; _listBox lbAdd "Granadero Basico"; _listBox lbAdd "Ametrallador Basico"; _listBox lbAdd "AT Basico"; _listBox lbAdd "AA Basico"; _listBox lbAdd "Ingeniero"; _listBox lbAdd "Operador de Radio"; _listBox lbAdd "Tirador Basico (SCAR-H)"; _listBox lbAdd "Tirador Basico (HK417 DLC)"; //listboxAction.sqf _selectedIndex = lbCurSel 456; if(_selectedIndex == 0) exitWith { [player] execVM "scripts\arsenal\equipaciones\fusilerobasico.cpp"; closeDialog 0; }; if(_selectedIndex == 1) exitWith { [player] execVM "scripts\arsenal\equipaciones\portadormunicionvacio.sqf"; closeDialog 0; }; if(_selectedIndex == 2) exitWith { [player] execVM "scripts\arsenal\equipaciones\teleportmap.sqf"; closeDialog 0; }; if(_selectedIndex == 3) exitWith { [player] execVM "scripts\arsenal\equipaciones\teleportmap.sqf"; closeDialog 0; }; if(_selectedIndex == 4) exitWith { [player] execVM "scripts\arsenal\equipaciones\teleportmap.sqf"; closeDialog 0; }; if(_selectedIndex == 5) exitWith { [player] execVM "scripts\arsenal\equipaciones\teleportmap.sqf"; closeDialog 0; }; if(_selectedIndex == 6) exitWith { [player] execVM "scripts\arsenal\equipaciones\teleportmap.sqf"; closeDialog 0; }; if(_selectedIndex == 7) exitWith { [player] execVM "scripts\arsenal\equipaciones\teleportmap.sqf"; closeDialog 0; }; //portadormunicionvacio.sqf comment "Exported from Arsenal by Sld. Diaverso Carrasco"; comment "Remove existing items"; removeAllWeapons player; removeAllItems player; removeAllAssignedItems player; removeUniform player; removeVest player; removeBackpack player; removeHeadgear player; removeGoggles player; comment "Add weapons"; player addWeapon "rhs_weap_m4"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "rhsusf_acc_compm4"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_red"; comment "Add containers"; player forceAddUniform "sph_w_uniforme"; player addVest "sph_w_chaleco_a"; player addBackpack "sph_w_mochila_big"; comment "Add items to containers"; for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {player addItemToUniform "ACE_epinephrine";}; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {player addItemToUniform "ACE_splint";}; player addItemToUniform "ACE_Flashlight_XL50"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {player addItemToUniform "ACE_morphine";}; player addItemToUniform "ACE_EarPlugs"; for "_i" from 1 to 4 do {player addItemToUniform "ACE_tourniquet";}; for "_i" from 1 to 20 do {player addItemToUniform "ACE_fieldDressing";}; player addItemToUniform "ACE_IR_Strobe_Item"; player addItemToUniform "ACE_SpraypaintGreen"; player addItemToVest "rhsusf_acc_nt4_black"; player addItemToVest "ACE_EntrenchingTool"; for "_i" from 1 to 5 do {player addItemToVest "ACE_CableTie";}; for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {player addItemToVest "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_red";}; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {player addItemToVest "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red";}; for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {player addItemToVest "HandGrenade";}; for "_i" from 1 to 6 do {player addItemToVest "SmokeShell";}; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {player addItemToVest "SmokeShellBlue";}; player addItemToBackpack "SAS_BoonieHat_W"; player addHeadgear "sph_w_casco_a"; player addGoggles "USP_OAKLEY_SI2"; comment "Add items"; player linkItem "ItemMap"; player linkItem "ItemCompass"; player linkItem "TFAR_microdagr"; player linkItem "TFAR_rf7800str_3"; player linkItem "ItemAndroid"; player linkItem "ACE_NVG_Wide_Black"; How can I fix it so that it equips the Loadout?
  3. Diaverso Carrasco

    I really need help with ARMA 3 Server

    Are you using nitrado as host?
  4. I am trying to start a server on linux. But I have the problem that I have files in uppercase This is what the directory contains If I run these commands inside the directory, I get this find . -depth -exec rename 's/(.*)\/([^\/]*)/$1\/\L$2/' {} \; find "$PWD" -type f -name '*.pbo' -exec rename 's/(.*)\/([^\/]*)/$1\/\L$2/' {} \; find "$PWD" -depth -exec rename 's/(.*)\/([^\/]*)/$1\/\L$2/' {} \; If I meter inside any @ and inside the addons folder and run the command again, I get the same error
  5. Diaverso Carrasco

    Server Spotlight

    @ampersand38 Look at other mods that I remember seeing seen. the mod is this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2606775107&searchtext=poplife In the image, you see that it has changed the 3 icons, But it has so many pbo, that I get lost trying to find anything related.
  6. Diaverso Carrasco

    Spotlight menu

    Hi, I'm trying to create a mod for a 3 weapon clan. This mod would change the images and button of the 3 squares in the center. 1º - Spotlight2 2º - Spotlight 3º - Spotlight3 But with the script I found, only the one in the middle works for me. This is the script I am using: class CfgPatches { class amp_spotlight { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.6; requiredAddons[] = {}; version = 1.0; versionStr = 2.0; versionAr[] = {2, 0}; author = "diaverso"; }; }; class RscStandardDisplay; class RscDisplayMain: RscStandardDisplay { class Spotlight { class server1 { text = "Centro"; // Text displayed on the square button, converted to upper-case textIsQuote = 0; // 1 to add quotation marks around the text //picture = "\amp_spotlight\button.paa"; // Square picture, ideally 512x512 //video = "\a3\Ui_f\Video\spotlight_1_Apex.ogv"; // Video played on mouse hover //action = "0 = [_this, 'your.domain.here', '2302', 'yourpasshere'] execVM '\amp_spotlight\joinServer.sqf';"; action = "0 = [_this, '', '2302', ''] execVM '\amp_spotlight\joinServer.sqf';"; actionText = "Centro"; // Text displayed in top left corner of on-hover white frame condition = "true"; // Condition for showing the spotlight }; }; class Spotlight2 { class server2 { text = "Test Izquierda"; // Text displayed on the square button, converted to upper-case textIsQuote = 0; // 1 to add quotation marks around the text //picture = "\amp_spotlight\button.paa"; // Square picture, ideally 512x512 //video = "\a3\Ui_f\Video\spotlight_1_Apex.ogv"; // Video played on mouse hover //action = "0 = [_this, 'your.domain.here', '2302', 'yourpasshere'] execVM '\amp_spotlight\joinServer.sqf';"; action = "0 = [_this, '', '2302', ''] execVM '\amp_spotlight\joinServer.sqf';"; actionText = "Test Izquierda"; // Text displayed in top left corner of on-hover white frame condition = "true"; // Condition for showing the spotlight }; }; class Spotlight3 { class server3 { text = "Test Derecha"; // Text displayed on the square button, converted to upper-case textIsQuote = 0; // 1 to add quotation marks around the text //picture = "\amp_spotlight\button.paa"; // Square picture, ideally 512x512 //video = "\a3\Ui_f\Video\spotlight_1_Apex.ogv"; // Video played on mouse hover //action = "0 = [_this, 'your.domain.here', '2302', 'yourpasshere'] execVM '\amp_spotlight\joinServer.sqf';"; action = "0 = [_this, '', '2302', ''] execVM '\amp_spotlight\joinServer.sqf';"; actionText = "Test Drecha"; // Text displayed in top left corner of on-hover white frame condition = "true"; // Condition for showing the spotlight }; }; }; In configuration viewer, inside "RscDispalyMain" there are those parameters. But it doesn't work for me, it just loads the "Spotlight" How can I make it all work?
  7. I am trying to make an addAction call a script and display the script for everyone on the server. I am trying with these 2 scripts: 0 = this addAction ["Vehiculoos Quietos", "Examenes\AT\mision1.sqf"]; [monitor,["Vehiculos en movimiento2","Examenes\AT\mision1.sqf"]] remoteExec ['addAction',0,monitor]; When you click to run the script, it only runs the person who gives it, instead of everyone. This is what it contains mision1.sqf hintSilent parseText format["<t size='1' font='Zeppelin33' color='#ff0000'>Cargando Examen Vehiculos quietos!</t>"]; sleep 2; hint "Puedes utilizar 1 misil por Vehiculo. Tienes 4 Vehiculos"; sleep 5; hint "Examen empieza en 5s"; sleep 2; hint "Examen empieza en 3s"; sleep 1; hint "Examen empieza en 2s"; sleep 1; hint "Examen empieza en 1s"; sleep 1; hintSilent parseText format["<t size='1' font='Zeppelin33' color='#ff0000'>COMIENZA EL EXAMEN!</t>"]; sleep 1; _veh1 = "rhs_uaz_open_vmf" createVehicle [9716.91,4424.07,0]; _veh2 = "rhs_uaz_vmf" createVehicle [9856.53,4259.5,0]; _veh3 = "rhs_tigr_vmf" createVehicle [9791.37,4427.55,1.90735e-006]; _veh4 = "rhs_gaz66_ammo_vmf" createVehicle [9760.5,4256.07,0]; sleep 80; Is there a way to make it work? Thank you
  8. Diaverso Carrasco

    open/close Bar-Gate editor

    Here you have a composition that does it automatically. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2462201688&amp;searchtext=open+gate
  9. Diaverso Carrasco

    Script Radio online?

    Hi, I'm looking for information on whether a script could be made to play an online radio. Example would be to add this url https://diaverso.com:8000/radio.mp3 Could it be done somehow? Thanks for the help
  10. Diaverso Carrasco

    Error updating mods to WorkShop

    Hi, I am trying to update my own mod to the workshop and it is giving me this error. I deduced that it could be by the name of GrupodeAsalto-Base. But by changing it and putting it GrupodeAsalto Base, Nor does it leave me and it gives me an error. Did you open a solution, so that you can update it so that people don't have to download it all over again? Thanks.
  11. Diaverso Carrasco

    ia drive to a marker

    I put it in the post above
  12. Diaverso Carrasco

    ia drive to a marker

    I have an init.sqf that contains this code: if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then {waitUntil {player == player};}; nul = [-1] execVM "AL_intro\intro.sqf"; and inside intro.sqf I have this: execVM "scripts\animation\animation1\avionnegro.sqf"; sleep 17; playsound "arrancapu"; sleep 3; execVM "scripts\animation\animation1\coche1.sqf"; _firstshot = [cam1, cam2, car1, 20, 0.3, 0.1, false, 0, 0, 0,FALSE] execVM "AL_intro\camera_work.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptdone _firstshot}; _secondshot = [cam3, cam4, car1, 25, 1, 1, false, 0, 0, 0,FALSE] execVM "AL_intro\camera_work.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptdone _secondshot}; execVM "scripts\animation\animation2\coche2.sqf"; sleep 3.2; __thirdshot = [cam6, cam7, car2, 30, 1, 1, false, 0, 0, 0,FALSE] execVM "AL_intro\camera_work.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptdone __thirdshot}; _fourshot = [cam8, cam9, car2, 20, 1, 1, false, 0, 0, 0,FALSE] execVM "AL_intro\camera_work.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptdone _fourshot}; _fiveshot = [cam10, cam11, car2, 25, 1, 1, false, 0, 0, 0,TRUE] execVM "AL_intro\camera_work.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptdone _fiveshot}; and drive1.sqf is where is the script that I put at the beginning
  13. Diaverso Carrasco

    ia drive to a marker

    Hi, I'm writing a script for a mission. The script is for an ia to drive a car to the marker. When I play the mission locally and multiplayer on my pc, it works perfectly. But, when running it on a dedicated server. The script does not work. This is the script: civ1 doMove (getMarkerPos "Marker1"); execVM "scripts\animation\animation1\charla1.sqf"; sleep 20; civ1 doMove (getMarkerPos "Marker2"); sleep 30; civ1 doMove (getMarkerPos "Marker3"); deleteVehicle civ1; deleteVehicle car1; deleteVehicle civ2; deleteVehicle civ3; How could I make it move to the marker? Thanks for the help
  14. Diaverso Carrasco

    Zeus log script?

    Hi, I'm trying to find or perform a log script for the zeus. In my case it is for a simulation clan, to control when they open the zeus and what they do with it.
  15. Hi, I'm trying to create a script for a cinematic. The cinematic consists of spawning a plane and making it advance through the airport without taking off. This is the script I have at the moment: _grp1 = [[4639.55,5413.66,0], civilian, ["C_Plane_Civil_01_F"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _grp1 addWaypoint [[5145.62,5814.23,0], 0]; sleep 10; _grp1 addWaypoint [[5077.51,5868.84,0], 0]; Currently the plane is spawning in the air instead of on the ground.