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-DL- Shane-uk

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Everything posted by -DL- Shane-uk

  1. -DL- Shane-uk

    No massage recived for xx second

    i have found that sometimes a server will restart after so many matches ..... its happened mid game before ...... or as @EagleByte has said your ISP has dropped your connection for a few seconds which can be enough to loose your connection to the game server
  2. -DL- Shane-uk

    Getting kicked off from games

    personally if i had an issue like this i would do 1 or the 2 following things go to your steam and verify your game files (simple how to can be found here https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335 ) or secondly i would uninstall and re-install the game to ensure there was no corrupt files
  3. -DL- Shane-uk

    проблемы с прицеливанием

    if you find that your mouse doesnt work as you like it too for aiming why not change the buttons in the control options ? as i find it works fine for me what scope are you using ? you know you can switch scopes and some scopes as they have a primary and secondary scope but pressing Ctrl + right mouse button ?
  4. -DL- Shane-uk

    Muffler of AK-12 GL

    i cant say i have noticed but i use my AK12 on double tap with a AMS scope so am normally a little away from what i am shooting at you should be able to test it in the loadouts / armoury screen where it says try on firing range
  5. -DL- Shane-uk

    Lawless Servers

    any server listed as custom is a none official server ...... all you need to do is run the server tool in your games folder or click host server in the browser so it could be anyone .... there are some servers that are provided by GSP as well but these too are non official so you get NO XP towards your overall BI Argo ranking
  6. -DL- Shane-uk

    Lawless Servers

    this is a custom server it has nothing to do with the supporters pack .... its not an official server so posting on here seems a little pointless to me as its down to the server host only they can pull the server logs and control any players team killing, ONLY official servers are provided by the dev team (BI) this server is provided by anyone random player wanting to host a server from their PC the adverts you talk about are controlled by the server host ...... CUSTOM - COOP FRAGZONE#2 *Overflow server whoever this maybe
  7. -DL- Shane-uk

    Lawless Servers

    errr a little confused ..... you became a argo supporter by buying the supporter pack which is great as you now have access to the premium servers ... maybe i have missed something but i havent seen any choppers that you can fly in the game ...... you sure you havent connected to Arma 3 server on the Malden map ?
  8. -DL- Shane-uk

    Muffler of AK-12 GL

    when you say muffler i guess you mean the suppressor ..... i cant think of any reason why it wouldnt work on the AK12 GL as the only thing you cant have on that is the bipod as its space is already taken by the launcher
  9. -DL- Shane-uk

    Servers missing ???

    not when you scoped in ....
  10. -DL- Shane-uk


    yes a 5 min cooling period would be great
  11. -DL- Shane-uk

    Servers missing ???

    i think we need to let the dev team gather the intel from this weekend like they say they will be plus i am sure they are reading both the comments on here and the discord chat about the update i am sure they dont want to cause the death of a game and if it means they have to edit some of what they have done then so be it i personally enjoyed the Normal (hardcore) game type over the easy .... the teams killing only really happened when new players jumped on the server and didnt know which was friendly and which was enemy, i always felt not knowing if the foot steps the other side of the wall was friendly or not added the rush to the game play .....
  12. -DL- Shane-uk

    Can't Find Normal Official Servers

    Quick play is the only way to connect to the official servers other than the premium servers
  13. thank you for the quick reply :)
  14. have any of the settings changed with the latest update ?
  15. -DL- Shane-uk


    just re-download the game and make sure you install it is the easiest way
  16. -DL- Shane-uk

    Player using bug

    i guess the only problem would be is if its the same in all the buildings of the same model or just one or two ..... i guess the dev team could edit the asset in the game files on the next update or hot fix but as none of us know what they are currently working on they could be busy bringing bigger and better things to the game and this maybe a small issue in the grand scheme of things
  17. -DL- Shane-uk

    It Wont Let Me Join

    and ensure your battleye is running as sometimes your windows firewall will block it and you cant see the notification due to the game being full screen
  18. -DL- Shane-uk

    Body armour

    err if its a headshot it displays the headshot symbol in the kill feed
  19. -DL- Shane-uk


    i am sure there was a conversation about this on discord the other day and one of the devs (i think locklear) said something like this and Tom you dont need a suppressor ..... otherwise its harder for me to find and kill you :)
  20. these scripts call your loadouts that you have on the official servers i havent played around with combat patrol yet in the editor but i will have a look later if i get time and if i can get something running i will share it with you
  21. I have my custom classes on my server by adding a initPlayerLocal.sqf file with the following in it : [] execVM "fn_customLoadouts.sqf"; then the fn_customLoadouts.sqf (this was from another player who helped me out Eaglebyte)
  22. quick question guys how can i get a server to find my map ..... i have added it in the server cfg with the other map templates but it cant find it 20:08:09 Can't find a mission collection / mission with template name: 'MP_ARGO_Conf_Military_Base.Abel', skipping to next mission. do i need to put in a set folder for it to find the mission ..... does it need to be a pbo file ?
  23. -DL- Shane-uk


    what tower is that ? and if you could share the video it would be good
  24. -DL- Shane-uk

    Before i download this game.....

    there are now servers all over the world a member of my clan is from New Zealand and still plays with us on the EU servers some nights with no issues
  25. -DL- Shane-uk

    Before i download this game.....

    Green .... Download the game its worth it if you enjoy arma and like a fast action game ..... i play most days and have played since the prototype and still enjoy it ...... yes there are hackers / glitchers etc the same as any game but the devs are working on this !!