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About knoedelsalat

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  1. You could also use stringtable.xml In TB -> Keypoint Properties -> Visualization -> Text, instead of location name put $STR_YOURTAG_YOURKEYID (no quotes) fake localize it, so to speak. Also works with funny location names in binarized configs :)
  2. Great news. Looking forward to the release :)
  3. Hey bludski, First post here. Beautiful map, we had lots of fun yesterday just racing up and down the river in speedboats :) Somebody already mentioned the black grass, one thing i noticed is it'll stay black even if loading up Tanoa after Suonkomar Sahav. Screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/KbiMi Once i shut down Arma and reload Tanoa everything's back to normal. Anybody confirm this? Other than that, great work and can't wait for the next update. Thanks for the effort!!