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About Frostbite_Hgy

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  1. [“$STR_HGY_ID_Frost”,“$STR_HGY_kb_MeetCivilian_Frost_1”] spawn BIS_fnc_showSubtitle; not work。 how to display Written words?
  2. 百度上就有sqf脚本入门,你在弄本C语言和C++的书就能学会,自己编任务的话你可以把官方的战役和展示任务拆开,然后慢慢研究,碰到BIS_fnc这样的就查BI的百科,其他的就直接翻译,这样慢慢研究1个月绝对能成为大神
  3. Frostbite_Hgy

    Unable to create server

    Include file a3\functions_f\Params\paramDaytimeHour.inc not found.
  4. Frostbite_Hgy

    Crash on LAN host MP game

    me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Frostbite_Hgy

    Can not open activation in Trigger activation

    I found this BUG before I used DEV version arma3, I canceled the dev, the bug appeared. Then I put all the arma3 files in the C drive all deleted. Including my documents and arma3 files in AppDate. Finally, I deleted the arma3 whole file. Then I found a wonderful thing. If I deleted all the files, the first time I run arma3, the bug is gone. But the second time I run the game this BUG appeared. I tried this 3 times, every time this is the case.
  6. Frostbite_Hgy

    Can not open activation in Trigger activation

    I did not add any mod.