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Everything posted by Heizanjs

  1. Heizanjs

    Unable to install Arma 3 Tools

  2. Heizanjs

    Unable to install Arma 3 Tools

    Steam >> Libary >> Tools >> Arma 3 Tools >> Uninstall Hover & Select Right Click Hope this helped!
  3. Heizanjs

    BattlEye false positives

    Oh yes @BabbelTrabel this is a common issue.. when you hack you get banned for hacking. silly
  4. Heizanjs

    Arma 4 a look to the future

    Hey! That's me. I mean obviously there will be a future ArmA and to everyone's knowledge it would be getting built upon the Enfusion engine. Questions lay around though to where Enforce Script will come into play? SQF backwards compatibility and more. As Jay said it's a long road unfortunately yet we have a good future to look too.
  5. Heizanjs

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain]

    I was wondering if anyone else whilst downloading the source had issues with the buildings being half in the ground?
  6. I'm having a problem with object builder were the texture_path default I set in settings, for me being p:\ isn't being recognised so when I add the texture paths without the P:\ when applying the texture it doesn't work. as seen below. settings http://prntscr.com/ic0aq6 p:\texture_path http://prntscr.com/ic0a31 texture_path http://prntscr.com/ic0agz any help would be amazing
  7. Fixed using Mikero's A3 P Drive setup, that seemed to work and setup my P Drive properly and all needed tools. Thanks
  8. Heizanjs

    Find player by id

    If you know how to program in C++/C# you could create an extension possibly to return a players computer information e.g. hardware id. This extension would need to be approved by battleye first, I believe you can do that on their webpage. This is presuming that the client has the extension on their side, you can get it on their computer via having addons on your server and what not. I know some vanilla servers have extensions for using a player id and using their extension to relate that to an ip via their rcon. Hope this helps.
  9. Yes you entered forbidden servers on accident
  10. Heizanjs

    MBG Killhouses (Arma3)

    Sorry for the late response but thank you, that did work! If anyone else has issues like I did do as mondkalb said.
  11. Yes it's called launching Fraps, Shadow play, OBS. problem solved :P
  12. Heizanjs

    Config error with Altis Life

    Sorry I just really smite AltisLifeRPG supporters/contributors. Life communities are full of drama minus the exceptions of some.
  13. Heizanjs

    Config error with Altis Life

    Yeah, you can go to the altis-life forums for this bud. I don't think this is the place for receiving help.
  14. Heizanjs

    MBG Killhouses (Arma3)

    Mod is great, I have an issue whilst utilising the assets in terrain builder. If I place said assets in terrain builder, export the terrain correctly with the correct shapes/objects I find that the MBG_Buildings in specific the kill houses lack to export properly and don't show on the exported terrain. Any help would be great :)
  15. Heizanjs


    Has anyone ever thought of writing an extension to retrieve a connected clients ipaddress which is parse via their steam64id or becguid
  16. Heizanjs

    hat between legs??

    Paste your model.cfg / config.cpp aswell. Use pastebin or hastebin.
  17. Heizanjs

    hat between legs??

    If someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Arma have enforced case sensitivity on the naming of the character bones. I believe this is also why some player models & player animations were broken after 1.8.
  18. Heizanjs

    Unbreak The Game

    I'm just going to leave this here of what I put in another thread.
  19. Heizanjs

    I need an answer

    BattleEye is a third party anti-cheat providing service who have been successful in catching hackers. A few non-responding messages from time to time is something I don't mind due to the majority of the time it works and catches like I said before hackers. This isn't BiS`s fault that these messages/errors occur due to it being out of their control. Memory Loss errors, as @Wyqer stated make a constructive bug report on BiS Phabricator Provide screenshots/vods/.rpt logs + detailed description of the error your having. A little effort can go far and help the developers fix major/minor errors with the game if it's in their hands to fix it. Complaining about a game which offers a platform for modders to fully modify the game into whatever they desire is shabby. The ArmA franchise is probably the only game I've come across which has a thriving modding community for a game of it's kind. Uninstall the game if you're unhappy with the game.
  20. Heizanjs

    extDB3 Real Time

    I'm sorry but if you're trying to attempt to speak English, you're failing... Please be more direct of what you're trying to achieve e.g. What do you want to make? What in specific to the system do you want to make? You need to direct your replies in full English.. I can't make out what you're trying to achieve with this verbiage.
  21. Heizanjs

    Making an addon

    Okay, what type of rCon Commands do you want to send from the Server & get a return? e.g. Player List? ?????
  22. Heizanjs

    Making an addon

    Two words. `Just. Learn`
  23. Heizanjs

    extDB3 Real Time

    So you want to display the REAL time e.g. UTC+0 ?
  24. Tried reinstalling terrain builder. Enabled view of shape files editor.sqs is done correctly config.cpp loadroads is done correctly. However my roads don't want to show for some reason. Any help would be great, if you need any more info/screenshots tell me., Thanks
  25. Heizanjs

    extDB3 Real Time

    You don't need to restart extDB3 everytime you want to query. May I ask what you are attempting to do? Query wise? SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, EXISTS ??