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Everything posted by Ry4nD

  1. Ry4nD


    I seen, it. Assume that's the only way. lol
  2. Ry4nD


    Yea, there must be something with the module, is there a force sqf I can run in my initServer.sqf to get it to run?
  3. Ry4nD


    Well i'll keep searching for answers, it's a shame as the mission concept is wicked, and my community loves the idea, and it's a lot of fun, super creepy especially at night. I wish I could find a remedy for the loot spawn, I didn't really think it would be as easy as just a module placement. I wish it was. Just to be sure, i'm using Ravage v0144 i'm assuming that's the latest?
  4. Ry4nD


    Yea, I understand, do you guys have a support discord or?
  5. Ry4nD


    Yes obviously.
  6. Ry4nD


    What am I missing, is there some magic to get loot to spawn in multiplayer? Do I need a lot script or pre-init? Iv'e placed the module, and nothing.
  7. Ry4nD


    I used some old codes from my insurgency missions, but since removed everything except ravage modules, still no loot spawn, i'v checked all over altis, random locations, nothing. BTW this mission is on my dedicated server. Keep in mind I am familiar with dedicated servers as I have 6, 3 Exile servers, and also a Milsim server all public. The mission I am designing the ravage fits perfectly, if I can get the loot to work
  8. Ry4nD


    I am running the current version of ravage, I just removed all my own scripts, everything is vanilla, except the ravage modules, a playable unit, LOOT does not spawn in multiplayer, but it did spawn a min ago in the editor. Yes I am using the latest CBA, my description is now bare, and below that my init respawn = 3; respawndelay = 3; respawnOnStart = 0; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition"}; class cfgNotifications { // Notification Template class Template { title = "Escape V2c"; // Tile displayed as text on black background. Filled by arguments. iconPicture = ""; // Small icon displayed in left part. Colored by "color", filled by arguments. iconText = ""; // Short text displayed over the icon. Colored by "color", filled by arguments. description = "A deadly virus has spread in Altis, get out alive!"; // Brief description displayed as structured text. Colored by "color", filled by arguments. color[] = {1,1,1,1}; // Icon and text color duration = 5; // How many seconds will the notification be displayed priority = 0; // Priority; higher number = more important; tasks in queue are selected by priority difficulty[] = {}; // Required difficulty settings. All listed difficulties has to be enabled }; }; class CfgDebriefing { class End1 { title = "Mission Completed"; subtitle = ""; description = "You successfully rescued our forces and neutralized the infected!"; pictureBackground = ""; picture = "b_inf"; pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1}; }; }; init enableSaving [false, false]; {_x setSpeaker "NoVoice"} forEach playableUnits; initServer setTimeMultiplier 6; 100% vanilla Altis mission, has only a few triggers. Vehicles and burning wrecks do work, Also Walkers, Infected spawn all wearing the same thing. Is there a way to fix the multiplayer loot, and what the zombies wear.
  9. Ry4nD


    I have tried both dynamic weather and also the module on and off, also tried a custom weather function, weather always stays the same. Loot spawns, do'n work in the eden editor, or, in multiplayer, I have the loot module in the editor. I've waited upto 1 hour, in game editor, and in multiplayer, weather stays the same, even as time changes. Even login in as admin, trying to change weather via parameters has no effect. With loot module placed in Altis, no loot spawns in editor or in multiplayer class f_param_weather { title = "$STR_f_param_weather"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; texts[] = {$STR_f_param_weather_Option0,$STR_f_param_weather_Option1,$STR_f_param_weather_Option2,$STR_f_param_weather_Option3,$STR_f_param_weather_Option4,$STR_f_param_weather_Option5,$STR_f_param_weather_Option6,$STR_f_param_weather_Option7,$STR_f_param_weather_Option8,$STR_f_param_weather_Option11}; default = 8; }; class f_param_fog { title = "Override Fog"; values[] = {0,1,2,4}; texts[] = {"No Fog","Light Fog","Heavy Fog","Use default"}; default = 2; }; class f_param_wind { title = "Override Wind"; values[] = {0,1,2,4}; texts[] = {"No Wind","Light Wind","Heavy Wind","Use default"}; default = 1; }; class f_param_timeOfDay { title = "$STR_f_param_timeOfDay"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; texts[] = {$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option0,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option1,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option2,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option3,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option4,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option5,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option6,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option7,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option8}; default = 3; function = "f_fnc_setTime"; // This function is called to apply the values isGlobal = 0; // Execute this only on the server };
  10. Ry4nD


    Hey, guys. I fixed my AI spawn buy creating a script and using triggers, works great for the random AI camps. Only 2 issues left to work out, Multiplayer mission I am creating, 1. Dynamic weather dos not change, I've tried a few methods to pre-set weather, nothing. LOOT, does loot spawn work in multiplayer? Any help appreciated
  11. Ry4nD


    So I changed some parameters, and also the faction of the spawned group from EAST, to IND and same thing, works in editor, not in multiplayer, is there a spawn disable built into ravage mod?
  12. Ry4nD


    Hey guys quick question, having an issue with EOS spawning into pre-defined zones, does it conflict with ravage? It does work in the editor, however server side, nothing happens. I do use EOS on other servers and other missions, with no problem. Any ideas? I have roughly 25 zones defined, 4-5 units. A side not, really loving the mod, starting to create some interesting missions with it.
  13. I have a Thrustmaster Hotas Worthog, many hours flying with no issue, since the Jets DLC I cannot fly the Blackfish period. Solutions? Regardless of the settings or sensitivity it is ether 0% or flat out 100%, trying to slow down mid flight and land is impossible, just stalls and does a nose dive and you crash?
  14. Agree, I just stick to the heli's
  15. I remapped, and adjusted the sensitivity a lil, but I literally flipped upside down and danced across the runway in it lmao
  16. thank you i'll check it out,
  17. Ry4nD

    ASR AI 3

    lol, yea I'm gonna try just for fun!
  18. Ry4nD

    ASR AI 3

    Is this mod compatible for AI in Exile? I have static missions, and zombies, will it work?
  19. Ry4nD

    VTOL handling after Jets DLC...?

    Can no longer fly with a Thrusmaster hotas and pedals, regardless of what I do, settings sensitivity, %0 problems before, the Blackfish is now not flyable. there is no soft spot with the throttle, its like 0% or flat out 100% no matter what I do.
  20. Ry4nD

    ASR AI 3

    I will try again soon as I have some time, thank you for the reply!
  21. Ry4nD

    Bulldozer crash on startup

    Having this same problem today, my computer locked up, had to force restart.
  22. I tried using just 1 requester linked to 1 artillery provider, and it didn't work correctly.
  23. Provide a script example? What layout you use that works correctly?
  24. Ok, after some dicking around I got it to work correctly, here is what I came up with _this select 0 synchronizeObjectsAdd [SupportRequester]; SupportRequester synchronizeObjectsAdd [_this select 0]; BIS_supp_refresh = TRUE; publicVariable "BIS_supp_refresh"; if (typeOf (_this select 0) isEqualTo "B_recon_M_F") then { [_this select 0, ArtilleryRequester, ArtilleryProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; [_this select 0, CasRequester, CasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; [_this select 0, TransportRequester, TransportProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; [_this select 0, AmmoRequester, AmmoProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; [_this select 0, HelicasRequester, HelicasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; }; So I placed 1 support requester module named SupportRequester Then I place a support requester module named ArtilleryRequester and linked it to a Virtual Artillery Requester and named it ArtilleryProvider, then placed and actual M109 and synced the m109 to the module named ArtilleryProvider, then syned that to the module named ArtilleryRequester and then synced that to the support module named Support Requester and it works, don't ask me how and now I feel dirty ;-) SupportRequester -> ArtilleryRequester -> ArtilleryProvider -> M109 unit Basically for it to work correctly there are 3 modules required for each support. I will assume that now I can replicate the process for each unit that will have access to support and it should work, or I can just duplicate the process for each unit group that will have support abilities. Thank you again.