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Posts posted by O360_A1AD

  1. I play PvE version of Conflict on my server.

    I confirmed profile pass and existence of savedata json in the .save directry.

    but every time when I restart the server I lose progression of scenario.

    so I checked the log and found this.


    SCRIPT       : RequestSave: $profile:.backend\campaign.json
    BACKEND   (W): JsonApiStruct :: Object name="m_EditorStruct", not initialized!!!


    if somebody know what should I do please tell me how to solve this issue.

  2. ok here is the files


    I added japanese translation strings below strings which already exist.

    please check section below nnt360 (which is my steam name😉) in the stringtable.xml, that's my addition i already mentioned.

    and comment out section is the section that I couldn't figure out how to reflect to the mission😂

    feel free to use it and of cause you can change STR ID as you like.

    FYI: I changed a number of cost so plz change it before publish.

    • Thanks 1

  3. 15 hours ago, pSiKO said:



    look like a BattlEye script protection,

    you have to declare in BattlEye configuration's files, all command you want to allow

    i don't remember exactly the name of files but  you can search about "remoteExec filter"


    tell me if it's help 🙂


    Your advice was really helpful

    I appreciate your advice!!


  4. I'm trying to add script to save_manager.sqf like below but not working correctly.

    do_build.sqf is already completed.

    please let me know what is wrong with it if you could.


    			if ( _nextclass isKindOf "Tank" ) then {
                _nextbuilding call { 
                    if (isServer) then { 
                        _this lockTurret [[0], true]; 
                        _this lockTurret [[0,0], true]; 
                        _this lockCargo true; 
                        _this addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", { 
                            if (isServer) then { 
                                _d = driver (_this select 0); 
                                _g = gunner (_this select 0); 
                                if (!isNull _d) then {deleteVehicle _d}; 
                                if (!isNull _g) then {_g setDamage 1}; 
                    if (!isDedicated) then { 
                        _this addEventHandler ["GetIn", { 
                            enableSentences false; 
                            _tank = _this select 0; 
                            _unit = _this select 2; 
                            _unit allowDamage false; 
                            _unit action ["EngineOn", _tank]; 
                            _unit action ["MoveToGunner", _tank]; 
                            _tank lock true; 
                            _tank switchCamera "EXTERNAL"; 
                            _tank addAction [localize "str_action_getout", { 
                                _this select 0 removeAction (_this select 2); 
                                _this select 1 action ["GetOut", _this select 0]; 
                            }, "", 3, false, true, "GetOver"]; 
                            _tank spawn { 
                                waitUntil {!isNull gunner _this}; 
                                _ai = createAgent [ 
                                    typeOf gunner _this, [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE" 
                                _ai allowDamage false; 
                                _ai moveInDriver _this; 
                        _this addEventHandler ["GetOut", { 
                            _tank = _this select 0; 
                            _unit = _this select 2; 
                            deleteVehicle driver _tank; 
                            _unit allowDamage true; 
                            _unit action ["EngineOff", _tank]; 
                            _tank lock false; 
                            enableSentences true; 


  5. On 7/18/2020 at 1:04 AM, pSiKO said:




    in fact, they work;) but when they are used from the Parameters menu (on mission's lobby) or from the server config file.

    but you're right, you can't use decimal value for the default in hpp files (arma 3 design) only integer


    from wiki:

    // Default values that are not whole numbers do not work. Param will default to 0 (or 1 if defined)


    you have to use the menu or the server file for fine tuning.


    an example of use of the server's parameters is in the file "mission_param.cfg"

    got it thanks.

    incidentally, could you tell me which file is connected to "Difficulty" params ?

    I want change configuration of difficulty "Tourist"  but i don't know which file is connected.

    i tried search it with string search software but nothing founded.
