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Lorde Farquad

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Everything posted by Lorde Farquad

  1. Hey everyone, I'm kinda a noob when it comes to all of this, but how do I use the ODST drop pods the way they"re supposed to be used? So far I'm going into the editor and placing a couple of HEVs in the sky but when I preview they just kinda float there and when they hit the ground the pilot dies. Any help would be appreciated thanks
  2. hello everyone, I use editor alot, and i was wondering if there is a way to connect a glider to a c-47 without being a pilot for either plane? thanks
  3. hello, I'm having a problem, when I'm in the mission editor and i delete one of the solders I hear screams from those solders, but they don't stop. Is there a file that i can get rid of that takes away the voices or is there a fix? thanks
  4. aww man, that and the U.S. 101st Airborne looked really cool, hopefully they look even better when they're actually released
  5. hello everyone, I was wondering if proper paratrooper uniforms and gliders will be added to this mod as well as the c47 skytrain that might have a towing cable for the glider?
  6. all tanks are broken for me, even on base maps
  7. Hello, I'm having problems with using tanks on ifa3 and i44 maps since the new update, it says, "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/LIB_PzKpfwVI_E_base/Turrets/MainTurret/Turrets/CommanderOptics.soundElevation'." Just wondering if I'm the only one having this problem and if it'll be fixed soon?