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Everything posted by Federick90

  1. how do I set group indicator to 2?
  2. Hi all I tried to implement this script that allows you to drag the bodies and put them in a vehicle but once implemented by entering the init string and inserting only the necessary file H8_dragBody.sqf I get no results! I state that I have to put it on an ALTIS LIFE 5.0 server http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26578
  3. Federick90

    Drag Dead Body HELP

    In altis life I do not need to generate units but if a civilian (Player) dies can be dragged and loaded in the car, in fact I implemented only the H8_dragBody file in MPMission / Altis_life.mission and in the main init I pasted null = allUnits execVM "H8_dragBody .sqf "; to invoke the script but in the game not by any error but the script does not work where I'm wrong? In the H8_dragBody script I modified the original line with this _dragCond = "vehicle _this! = Vehicle _target and isNull attachedTo _target and count attachedObjects _this == 0 and _target distance _this <3 and! Alive _target";
  4. Federick90

    Open/Close Bargate solution !

    Because the script works to open and close the door automatically when there is a police club near the west faction, but I want that if for example you are a civilian and do not belong to the west faction (coop) the door is closed with a key. Because if you use the mouse wheel control as a civilian, the door opens even if from the door sept
  5. Federick90

    Open/Close Bargate solution !

    how can I integrate this variable in the script I used? setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true];
  6. Federick90

    Open/Close Bargate solution !

    I do not deny that it works but on altis life if they are in the west faction with police role and the gate is closed by a key key editor and at play the civilians still open the door as if it were not locked with key.
  7. Federick90

    Open/Close Bargate solution !

    The script you suggested works perfectly on a gate, but how can I put the gate locked and open only in the presence of a west? I tried to set from the closed editor, but it opens anyway. This is the modified script applied to my private server: this allowDamage false;_nul = [this] SPAWN {while {true} do { waitUntil {sleep 1; count ((getposATL (_this select 0)) nearEntities 8 select {side _x isEqualTo west}) > 0}; (_this select 0) animate ["Door_1_rot", 1]; waitUntil {sleep 1; count ((getposATL (_this select 0)) nearEntities 8 select {side _x isEqualTo west}) == 0}; (_this select 0) animate ["Door_1_rot", 0]; }; };
  8. Federick90

    Open/Close Bargate solution !

    Hi guys I placed the bar on altis life server and the police can open the bar both in the car and on foot only even applying the control to the west faction the civilians can open the bar while it should open only in the presence of a west (policeman) This is a code: his allowDamage false;_nul = [this] SPAWN {while {true} do { waitUntil {sleep 1; count ((getposATL (_this select 0)) nearEntities [["Car","Man"],9]) > 0 && (playerSide == west)}; (_this select 0) animate ["door_1_rot", 1]; waitUntil {sleep 1; count ((getposATL (_this select 0)) nearEntities [["Car","Man"],9]) == 0 && (playerSide == west)}; (_this select 0) animate ["door_1_rot", 0]; }; };