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About SteemSucker

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    Private First Class

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  1. SteemSucker

    [WIP] Embraer A-29 Super Tucano

    Cannot wait for this! Count me in if you need beta testers haha.
  2. SteemSucker

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    To my knowledge this is still impossible with Zeus without mods. @oukej, any chance for an update on the control mappings still missing? Its still a bit of a chore to fly with a HOTAS having to go back and forth with mouse. Also is there going to be a way to modify dynamic load-outs in vanilla perhaps with rearm HEMMT vehicles?
  3. SteemSucker

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    It's been a few months so I'm going to re-post my list of Feedback Tracker requests. F/A-18 Black Wasp II Dynamic Loadout in Zeus / In Game F/A-181 Black Wasp II Control Mapping F/A-181 Black Wasp II Incorrect Flight Characteristics Edit: I'm in the process of trying to figure out a method to better analyze the accuracy of the flight characteristics of a fictitious aircraft :P F/A-18 Black Wasp II Fold Wings Option in Eden/Zeus (IK it can be done in Eden now)
  4. SteemSucker

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Datalink should push all target information to friendly units. In a fifth generation scenario, sufficient communication of the threat environment is key.
  5. SteemSucker

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    I beg to differ. With the inclusion of supersonic audio I see no reason why this is infeasible. I'm running a 6700k @ 4.7Ghz and a GTX 1080 and I was able to fly ~1400km/h on Tanoa with 12k view and 8k obj render distance while keeping above 45 fps. Granted this is in single player but I think limiting the performance of the engines based on the premise that the game cannot handle it in some way is silly. It's still an unacceptable TWR even if the top speed is left untouched.
  6. SteemSucker

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Incorrect TWR and engine performance for Black Wasp: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124666 Missing keybinds for new jets: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124667
  7. SteemSucker

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    I honestly don't know why they don't expand on the features of the USS Freedom. It cant be that hard to add a second deck and hangar system. And as far as movement goes I don't see why not. A simple GPS system could be used to set waypoints for the carrier to travel.
  8. SteemSucker

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Could you provide us with any information as to what of is likely to be fixed/changed before release? Also I don't know enough about developing and such so will it be possible for 3rd party developers to add features such as elevator/bridge functions to the USS Freedom and are there any plans to incorporate said features in future updates? Unfortunately it seems as though the Nimitz mod will be a more viable option at the moment.
  9. SteemSucker

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    From my testing thus far, it's a good start. I'm not going to go into most of the problems I've had with the Black Wasp and other jets as most have been well documented in previous posts. That said, the carrier is a bit buggy right now... 1. Black Wasp a. rear gear sink into carrier deck b. front gear needs better turning radius to be usable on carrier deck. c. HUD adjustments as mentioned earlier to include weapon selection d. sort laser marker option before GBU f. When set to respawn on carrier, aircraft respawns with no landing gear and engine on. g. Glitchy wing slats when not moving. 2. Launch catapults are unrealistic. The Ford class carriers will use an electromagnetic system in lieu of a conventional steam driven catapult resulting in more gentle acceleration during launches and thus reducing wear on air frames. The current in game launch system you are catapulted from 0 to 360kmh in a fraction of a second. Please nerf. :P The speed of the aircraft upon leaving the deck should also be dependent on how much munitions the aircraft is carrying and the aircraft type/weight/etc. 3. Jerkiness of the arresting cable system. It just looks derpy as hell. Please fix. 4. Arresting cables do not move as they should and the arresting system seems to have a larger "hitbox" than it should. I don't think a UCAV is supposed to stop before the first cable. Also note the derpy deceleration. In real life, arresting cables are adjusted for the weight and type of aircraft that is landing to provide a relatively smooth deceleration. 5. Blast shields staying up after launch. 6. As far as ambiance goes even having a yellow shirt spawn to signal the launch such as with the Nimitz carrier would provide a more realistic experience. 7. When UCAV is set to respawn on carrier, it flies off as if it were spawned mid air. Would a dev care to elaborate on the apparent decision not to include a second deck "hangar" and elevator/bridge functionality? I really think this is a missed opportunity. Without these functions the Nimitz is looking like a more viable option. If Bohemia elects not to expand the carriers capability I hope it will be possible for 3rd party developers to use the Freedom as a model to expand upon with additional functionality.
  10. SteemSucker

    Suggestion: Collaborative Eden Editor

    I've done this, however for any sort of intensive mission editing, the full Eden editor is required.
  11. SteemSucker

    Vehicle Respawn Issues

    Bump. Still having this issue, a friend linked me a post that I didn't have time to check out at the time but now I can't find it. I believe someone may have answered this but have been looking through the forums to no avail. Any help?
  12. SteemSucker

    Suggestion: Collaborative Eden Editor

    Bumping this because why not.
  13. SteemSucker

    Vehicle Respawn Issues

    So, little update. I managed to figure out the player respawn by adding the following scripts to spawn.sqf and init.sqf I'm still stumped on the vehicle respawn though. I've tried adding a setPos script to the init of the vehicle and putting the vehicle on land and my friend was trying to get a trigger working but to no avail. Any ideas here?
  14. Hello all. I'm trying to set up a simple Zeus template mission using the Nimitz as a base. I'm having issues with player and vehicle respawn. Player Respawn: I'm using the respawn module and have set the following parameters. My problem is players respawn under the carrier at ocean level. If I sync the players to the respawn module, they respawn where they die despite having the "respawn on custom position" selected. I've also tried setting an invisible heli pad as a respawn point but to no avail. What am I doing wrong? Vehicle Respawn: Vehicles respawn on their original position as they are supposed to however they start with their engine on as if I spawned them in the air even thought they are empty. Settings and screencap of the problem below. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. :)
  15. SteemSucker

    Suggestion: Collaborative Eden Editor

    Any more opinions/thoughts on this?