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About swagmeister71

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  1. swagmeister71

    Broken Zeus causing crashes

    Had the same thing happening to me 3 4 times today when Zeusing an OP. Happened about 5-7 minutes in. Screen just froze and then I got this: https://gyazo.com/98fbb35e8f316876ca0d17dc4b3d3ae6 I have no idea what to do about it, please help.
  2. Squad name:- Task Force Team Six Timezone/location : GMT+1 EU Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP Contact email: tsixinfo@gmail.com Website address: http://tsix.enjin.com/ Short description: Today Task Force Team Six is starting it's long over due recruitment campaign. Who are we? -We are a global unit comprised of the most elite operators. -Our operations are based on tactical realism, and as a Task Force, we go where we are needed. -we have our custom mods and members have the possibility of having the flag of the country that they represent on the uniform -Custom made mods and Operations -Detailed background stories for operations/campaigns - New to Arma, or want to improve your skills? No problem, we provide the training you might need. OPs are Thursdays and Saturdays 19:00 GMT If you want to become a operator with Task Force Team Six, just apply on the website, or come say hi on TS. Web: http://tsix.enjin.com/ TS: TSIX.ts-ip.com Thank you for taking the time to read this and happy hunting. Language: English
  3. Squad name:- 101st Combat Aviation Brigade Timezone/location : GMT+1 and EST Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Military Simulation (Co-op) Website address: http://101cab.shivtr.com/forums Teamspeak Short description: The 101st Combat Aviation Brigade is an air assault infantry unit which focuses heavily on the infantry experience assisted by an aviation detachment. We are looking for motivated players who know when to have fun, and when to take things more seriously. Come say hi if are interested in taking your Arma experience to the next level. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/101cab Language: English
  4. Squad name: Spearhead Battalion Timezone/location : GMT+1 Gamemode preference : Coop Contact email: admin@spearheadbattalions.com Website address: http://spearheadbattalion.enjin.com/home ts:www.spearheadbattalion.com Short description: Spearhead Battalion is an international Arma 3 Milsim Unit that is based on 3 core concepts: Teamwork, Tactics, and Immersion. Striving to achieve enjoyable gameplay, we pride ourselves in having organized and dynamic operations multiple times a week. We accept members from all around globe and we are very welcoming of all nationalities. Whether infantry, armored or combined arms warfare, we tailor every mission with the intent to create a unique experience each session. We satisfy the need to get your Arma fix and most of all, to have fun. Our unit is a milsim unit. We use similar methods and concepts as milsim clans but without the unnecessary elements like dedicated units or requirements to assert your superiors in teamspeak or on the forums. In addition, we play a variety of conventional and unconventional factions in diverse terrains through land, sea, and air combat. Language: English