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Posts posted by By-Jokese

  1. 2 hours ago, MarcCasey1981 said:



    ok, sorry, still confused  :-\  again, sorry, and thank you  🙂


    If I already have the profiling branch active from Steam, do I need to download anything off Google Drive or Dropbox at all?

    - as in the GD DB links are backups of the the same Profiling build exe's I have from Steam  ?

    - I just need to add "Arma 3 Profiling Branch Companion Mod" to my already existing Steam based Profiling build to get these benefits ?

    As Dedmen said, you only need steam branch to have this version, steam does handle the rest. Forget about drive or Dropbox.
    The companion mod is just for the benefit of those extra features. If you see the change log at the end there's a separate list of changes, those are the ones that if you want them, you need the companion mod loaded.

    • Thanks 1

  2. I want to add to my mod a setting using the CBA Setting Menu. I have followed the Wiki and so far I have done everything, but the Menu is not showing up.


    On my config.cpp

    class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers
    	class my_preInit
    		init="call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers 'myAddon\XEH_preInit.sqf'";

    And on my XEH_preInit.sqf:

        "View Distance",
        "My Settings",
        [200, 15000, 5000, 0],
    ] call cba_settings_fnc_init;

    Settings are just for testing that the menu is showing up.


    What am I missing? I have been checking other mods that use the CBA, and I don't see nothing different. In Eden Editor CBA Settings Menu is empty. There no error showing up when starting arma or editor.

    EDIT: I have been following this wiki: https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/wiki/CBA-Settings-System#create-a-custom-setting-for-mission-or-mod

  3. I have coded this simple scripts, that should place an object (var name "_object"), 1 meter away from the player in the same direction he is facing.

    _pos = getPosATL _unit;
    _azimuth = getDir _unit;
    _far = 1; //Distance from the player to the _object
    _x = (_pos select 0) + (_far * (cos _azimuth));
    _y = (_pos select 1) + (_far * (sin _azimuth));
    _obj = createVehicle [_object, [_x, _y, (_pos select 2)], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

    I have used that technique on many other sites, but cant make it work in Arma... The object keeps spawning where it wants.... (Not random location but depending where you are facing it has 2-3 different locations where it spawns)...

    Can any help?

  4. Sorry for posting here, but arma does not allow me to post out.


    I have same problem, could any help me?


    I have this on my config.cpp

    class my_class: object_class { //this is correct
    		scope = 2;
    		accuracy = 10000;
    		armor = 5000;
    		displayName = "the_name";
    		model = "\pbo\to\the\object.p3d";
    		class EventHandlers
    			init = "(_this select 0) execVM ""\pbo\to\the\virtual_arsenal_init.sqf"""

    An on the virtual_arsenal_init.sqf file:

    //Init stuff
    _crate = _this select 0;
    ["AmmoboxInit",[_crate,false,{true}]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;
    //Lists of items to include
    _availableHeadgear = [
    _availableGoggles = [
    _availableUniforms = [
    _availableVests = [
    _availableBackpacks = [
    //Populate with predefined items and whatever is already in the crate
    [_crate,((backpackCargo _crate) + _availableBackpacks)] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo;
    [_crate,((itemCargo _crate) + _availableHeadgear + _availableGoggles + _availableUniforms + _availableVests)] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
    [_crate,(magazineCargo _crate)] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo;
    [_crate,(weaponCargo _crate)] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo;

    Its says Select Error. Any idea. I want to add custom VA to a object done by me.

  5. I'm looking ot create a RHS USAF Retexture  too. but i cant get it work with the USAF. It works with the ARFR.



    I get invisible characters.... The same texture but with the: \rhsafrf\addons\rhs_infantry2\rhs_gorka_base.p3d model works. But when i change it to: \rhsusaf\addons\rhsusf_infantry\rhsusf_army_base.p3d does not work.


    The texture done for the USAF work witht he AFRF (a bit distorsioned as it not for that model but works), and when i change to the USAF model (the right model for that texture) I get invisible characters. Any idea?


    need help. Thanks
