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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Devastator_cm

    laserTarget not working?

    () is typo here it is not the one in game which I used otherwise I would get the error message with Line information ;) Thanks for the added hints part though. That might help me on my goal
  2. you can check my autopilot mod (at signature) via depbo. It is also a script based mod
  3. are you flying with a flight suit? Flight suit adjusts the g-force coefficient to give your better endurance. You can also do it via script for the units which will play the pilot. I think ACE_GForceCoef was the varialbles name so in pilot unit's init if(isserver) then {this setVariable ["ACE_GForceCoef", 0.8];} 0.8 is used as example. The lower you have the higher endurance you will get
  4. Devastator_cm

    Devas Turkish Armed Forces (TAF)

    v.3.7 released! Leopard 2A4 hitpoint tweaks based on feedbacks
  5. @firewill I think such a modpack makes sense. Maybe you can upload by yourself which contains all Firewill products (Airplanes, AWS and pilot pack)?
  6. Devastator_cm

    Devas Turkish Armed Forces (TAF)

    v.3.6 released! It has bug fix and some tweaks for Leopard 2a4.
  7. Devastator_cm

    Devas Turkish Armed Forces (TAF)

    v.3.5 released! Leopard 2a4 (Thank you Aplion), mechanized crew and patches for the ranks added (Thanks LTF). Special thanks to @reyhard (for tank loader script) and to @da12thMonkey (as always! )
  8. Devastator_cm

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    in 2016 there was :) Then you can check only the armaholic file signatures to see if your mod has the same issue like mine had.
  9. Devastator_cm

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Above messages are pretty old ones but I think I finally found the reason :)) I have my own mod and one day after I finished a new release and wanted to test it in my server, I started to get kicked automatically. I tried to adjust the onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; setting which caused the error message changed. So again the server thought the mod is hacked one. As the mod was mine I could start testing to find the reason. After some checks, I ended up with DSUtils as I wanted to re-sign the mod but before doing it I wanted to verify the current PBO signatures and it appeared that some PBOs got signature mismatch somehow. They got corrupted no idea how and why. After I fix those specific ones the problem disappeared and I could connect to server again. I beleive USAF has the same issue with some PBO files. Some servers are ultra sensitive to this issue as far as I see because the corrupted mod of mine was able run on other people's server without an issue. Can you guys maybe make a small signature check to see if all PBOs are still valid for the files coming from Workshop and/or Armaholic as both sources giving me same issue when I want to play with USAF Mod?
  10. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks! :) Good to hear.
  11. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Anybody has any idea why custom patches on rhs_uniform_acu_ucp getting a weird colored frame? Example patch below is from opfor mod. I tried other custom patches and had such frame around Here is another one and the frame which I mean with close up picture
  12. Hi Guys, can someone tell me why my turret is having such weird movement? When I hit the right or left maximum range and if I keep moving my mouse in that direction further, turret suddenly comes to start point at other edge Here is my config entry class loaderTurret { type="rotation"; source="loaderTurret"; selection="otocvelitele"; axis="osa_velitele"; sourceAddress = clamp; minValue = "rad -90"; maxValue = "rad +45"; angle0 = "rad -90"; angle1 = "rad +45"; minPhase = "rad -90"; maxPhase = "rad +45"; }; what is wrong here? I want only 45 degrees to right side and -90 to left as possible rotation range...
  13. Read ACE3 wiki regarding settings. serverconfig.hpp is not used anymore
  14. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    is it possible to adjust the AI Skills during the game? It is a global parameter so I assume it will take effect for the units which are spawned by Zeus after skill change but want to double check :)
  15. you defined _box as array but ace functions are awaiting object. So you need to adjust your code to something like this for each ace call above (I didn't test it as not playing arma 3 at the moment) _box = [box1,box2,box3]; { [_x, false, false] call ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox; [_x, ["arifle_MX_pointer_F", "Chemlight_green"]] call ace_arsenal_fnc_addVirtualItems; } foreach _box;
  16. via cba settings as explained before
  17. Really good idea to implement! Thanks for your effort. Did anybody run the script in dedi with >25 people? Is there any performance issues?
  18. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    looks really nice. Thanks to you both :)
  19. Devastator_cm

    Is this possible?

    picture is not visible.
  20. modules will not be used anymore with the latest update. Check the changelog
  21. You can adjust the addon options for ACE3 NVG to have similar look
  22. Devastator_cm

    Countdown trigger not working?

    you can spawn a code or call script via your radio trigger which sleeps for 10 sec and then blow the car. I do not think that radio triggers can use countdown as the event will not be true for 10 sec (countdown trigger says the event should be true for the countdown duration, i.e. blufor exists in an area for 10 sec)
  23. Devastator_cm

    "you were kicked off the game" reason?

    I found the issue which is very weird.... I made a verification with my key file to my mod files and 3 pbos gave error. No idea how those PBOs got corrupted though. After repacking the mod, issue solved
  24. Hi Guys, any idea how to identify the reason of kick? I am the admin of the server and I cannot join it when I load my own mod (Devas_Taf)... On the other hand, that mod is used by already around 2k people and nobody has issues. RPT file of server shows nothing. I cannot find a place where I can see the reason of the kick.. Btw, when I load the mod to server not to my PC then I can join and see the mission selection screen. When I enable it also at my PC, it kicks me off right away after I press join..
  25. Hi Guys, I am trying to make a small mod based on sqf files. I understood that I need to use config.cpp with class CfgFunctions to call the first script. My problem is the first script which initializes everything need to be executed on each machine at mission start including server but later on also if someone joins with JIP it should be executed for him on his machine too. How can I achieve this ? Thanks in advance