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Posts posted by Zakuaz

  1. I'd like an illness system!


    Illness type 1 from eating anything..it's some type of nonlethal ( well it can be lethal if gone unchecked)  byproduct of the contamination/virus, surface contact and ingestion. You'd need some pills to treat it ( reskinned rads bottle) Threat level mild. Gives us more loot to hunt down in the form of those pills.


    Illness type 2 the entire Kuru thing , more pills to loot!


    Illness type 3 would be something along the line of a bite from a Zed.  We'd maybe need another class of Zed that didnt kill you but instead was a "Spreader" or "Infector" ...he's really fast , tackles you and bites the crap out of you. You have to kill him before he gets too many bites of yes you will die right there.

  2. Your example number 3 should not create "suppression", it'll piss off your brothers who are near by and maybe get you a solid slap to the back of your dome but no, not suppressed, maybe he could write that in hahaha!!

    Yeah, I dunno dude, #1... being out of cover and hearing the snaps and cracks is pretty fucking spooky.  Regarding #1 and #2, I'm not sure TPW could write up a script that replicates that fray in time where the 3 square feet right around your boots is all you have. 


    Hear the crack, COVER - Identify - COVER, respond.  If they have overwhelming fire on your position... now we play the suppression game.


    Good discussion IMO.  If I had to pick, I'd say the first two create different types of stress and I like them both #1 = "Oh shit HALP" Your weapons sway and breathing skyrockets.  #2 "Pinned, Got to shoot and move"  Your a little hazed from the volume of fire and slower but not out of breathe slow...just -scared- slow.  #3... nah.


    EDIT: A+ for the pics to show us your points, nice work.

    • Like 2

  3. @ EO,   Would be cool to see one burning off in the dusk lit, foggy distance "hmm wonder what that is" and stumble onto a Raider camp haha, or some Zeds flossing!!


    I've been playing a lot on the GM map just running around skirmishing with a few mods then this morning I thought "oh man, use the border fence as a barrier from the Zed/quarantine zone"  .

    Could be pretty interesting and immersive with some placed hordes and lines of abandoned cars at the fence line where to roads end. 

    Like the Apoc had progressed just slow enough for some Gov's to prepare.  I'm going to set East up with some Evil warlord style OPFOR and a sprinkle of Zeds then have the West just a shit show of zombie activity, see how that goes 😃 

    • Like 4

  4. I was thinking about doing some extended Ops in hostile territory, instead of the conventional -grab a task- Infil/Xfil/repeat.

    It would be sweet if I could attach the VQ_ Item_ ( sorry I'm forgetting the name specifically ) for task generation to a tablet that I can carry around with me, deep into hostile areas. 

    So I gave the tablet the ability to access the task gen, fired up the scenario but after I picked up the tablet  effectively adding it to my Inventory - then set it back down onto the ground -  it no longer was able to access the module to gen any tasks.


    Am I overlooking a simple step in this setup? 

    If the VQ_**laptop** item can only be applied to static items that one cannot put into his inventory, is there a way to make it so it could? 

    Hell I'd be fine if it was a selectable feature within the module to " Task gen from equipped radio"  so then you'd simply scroll wheel your context menu while pointing at nothing and select "Communicate with Command" and out it spits a task.  Then the other options "Task gen from static object" as we currently have and maybe even "task on request" meaning you could be in nothing but your underwear and scroll wheel to select "generate task" haha


    BTW killer work on all of this VQ, the amount of customization and variable details makes this a pretty fun suite to mess around with!

  5. Yes the strange CTD when flying...I've had it for years. 

    4 or more diff installs of the game across 3 totally different HW platforms, AMD then I7 4790k and now 8700k.


    So far playing A3 vanilla with no mods allows me to fly my Kajman all day if I want with out issue ( editor placed combat units, triggers and other boring crap).

    This is an inconclusive mess but here I go...


    With just JSRS, I have not seen it crash yet in my latest attempts to figure out wtf it is. Approaching 2 hours of flight time, no hiccups.


    With JSRS and TPW ( civs, park, cars, light, Soap, air, animals, radio, hud, Skirmish set to 1 OPFOR sqd and vehicle) I've had it CTD seldomly.

    Just TPW = no CTD ( thousands of ingame hours running TPW)


    With JSRS, TPW and RAVAGE/CBA, it'll crash every session if I fly the Kajman ( 8 ai sqd, load them up and go for a cruise) and engage targets at some point.  I am unable to construct the steps or the situation exactly that makes it CTD  -BUT-

     I have noticed it frequently happens if I am hitting AutoHover, zoomed or zooming in ( as pilot) telling AI gunner to target X and he is swing the weapon around theeeen just about to shoot and CTD, that's happened dozens of times. Other times it sort of random. Hell I've even CTD while in a tank/APC/vehicle with those 3 mods running BUT not every session.


    I have not gotten around to just RAVAGE to see if it alone will CTD me if I'm flying a heli... I hung the towel up on all of it lol and decided to play Spookwarcom stuff for a while and just JSRS active... so far alls running great.

    EDIT: Just CTD running JSRS, TPW ( SOAP, Skirmish, Radio) and spookwarcom, no Ravage... So it's all not so much about the actual mod but the situation I'm thinking/guessing.  I again was flying around, landing and completing tasks for over an hour.  I then flew up to this last task and there was some technicals and a couple of infantry squads, I engaged the technicals at range no prob then I was creeping in to get my gunner to target the infantry on the other side of some shrubs - zoomed in, hit X the auto hover the bird and began to draw a bead on their location, hit T and the gunner swung the turret and POOF, CTD.  So I got no damn clue haha but it doesn't on my end seem to be JSRS or any of the other mods I've mentioned.  It "feeeels" like it's the engine just saying "fuckit I'm out" for some reason, no stutters or chugging, solid FPS...

  6. As always coming in from far left of nowhere..

    Does  this   {this addMagazineTurret ["200Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red",[0]]} foreach [1,2,3,4]   still work? 

    I have an NPC group holding out awaiting my Captain Save a Hoe team to rescue them but they keep getting over run by OP/INDFOR or Zeds... maybe I need to up the amount of ammo lol


  7. OMG that is perfect!

    Yes I like dust, you lost me when you said "You can patch" lol.


    EO, sounds like an opportunity for another peripheral mod like Sullen Skies eh?  I'd use it and it'd be awesome if it had some dustier, really dusty and "I hope you have a 2080TI " dusty options haha!


    Haleks, I am sorry I keep throwing out requests...well they aren't requests just ideas so with that, here is another.

    Option to select frequency and number of spawned vehicles, then/and/OR it'd be awesome to have fields to customize OPFOR and INDFOR vehicles individually ... I have a drug lord on my current operation and his gear is top notch compared to what the surrounding simple folk can get their hands on. This is for the car patrols not wrecks if there was any wonder.

    • Like 3

  8. Exams...aah that time of year, GL with all that fun stuff!


    I've joined the CSAT team in my tactical barbie ops and noticed the fatigues are a little lighter in color  -love it-  but then I saw the defender ( IIRC ) helmet and it had the lighter color then another variant that said "Arid" next to it.  Is there plans to offer up/extend that Arid color palette to the fatigues/recon fatigues?  No big deal at all, I like the colors now but options are always fun haha.

    • Thanks 1

  9. 3 hours ago, EO said:


    Dust from footsteps and vehicles come from the terrain itself, the Atmosphere module only spawns dust gusts around the player. Not sure why you have no dust loading a saved game. :headscratch:  

     Yeah EO, I figured as much but it is odd, one thing I've not tried is setting this up on Altis or any of the vanilla maps.  It's an easy setup, Ravage, TPW, CBA, Achilles and 3den Enhanced.


    How intensive is the dust gust particle effect/emitter anyway?  I have always wanted to really dial that effect up but I tread not past the mission folder lol.  

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  10. I noticed there is no gusts of dust if you load in from a MP save. 

    I have the gusts set to yes in the Ravage module, worked great yesterday on Icebreakrs Angola map.

    Everything was making dust, footsteps, vehicle movement, gusts of dust... Now after loading in from the save it's just a little trickle from vehicle movement.

    Any ideas?


    Oh and while I'm on the dust topic... it'd be cool to have a "medium, heavy dust" option it that's even possible or not a nightmare to do haha.


    • Like 1

  11. Checking in to report the AI via TPW Skirmish are reacting much better it seems.

    I shot at two different foot squads and this time as soon as one got shot they ducked and dispersed as they returned fire, much funner then seeing them just continue to walk along unphased haha.

    Not conclusive but I'll keep playing and see if they continue to perform as expected.


    EDIT for an idea.

    Would it be possible to have AI ( maybe just your squad ai) turn / face and aim in the direction of distant gunfire/firefight, maybe within 600m or make it configurable?  Not sure if this falls into the realm or scope of the TPW mod set but it would be cool to see AI look a little more aware...oh there ya go, TPW Aware mod haha.

  12. I seem to be seeing some different AI activity ( Skirmish ) after grabbing this latest TWP update.

    They used to respond quickly and return fire, now I can shoot and kill one of them in a squad and the rest of them just keep walking along hahah...  like they are stuck in "safe".  So I shoot the next guy,  they keep walking etc... They will eventually start to shoot back but by then it's too late because they didn't disperse and get into combat quickly.


  13. Hmm yeah that is odd to have them separate and activated via the launcher...I mean if I'm not wanting to see aliens then I'd ( I think..?) simply not place any in the editor and away we go eh?  Does the Sci-Fi offend some players so much so that BI felt they'd need to cordon it off? haha 


    BTW, Haleks, I seem to recall being able to place down vehicles in the editor and still have the ability to siphon fuel and salvage/repair them but I'm not able too now.  Maybe that was a Warfare Thai module I used to use, IDK.  I know it's never worked for CIV vehicles spawned in by TPW mod but that wasn't a big deal, not being able to refuel my stolen tank though... ouch haha.


    Nevermind the siphon thing... You have to find the right spot on some of the vehicles haha.


    • Like 1

  14. I love missions around dusk and Dawn with a little of the mid day/night sprinkled in. The lighting in the mornings and evenings is better looking IMO.

    Would it be possible to have a time dilation system? Something a mission creator could set. 


    Example would be, I set my missions to x3 or x4 time acceleration normally but with an adjustable time system I could make it, lets say, 5am to 7am x3 speed, 7am to 5pm x10 speed but 5pm to 9pm x3...This would put most of my mission times in the -visual- sweet zone but still give me those day/night cycles.  I'm guessing most folks can't sit down at their PC and play Arma for 12 hours straight on one mission but some of us do 😃

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