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About BrezZZzel

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  1. Hotfix is out, and yeah.... Works for my Server atm.
  2. BrezZZzel

    Update 1.78 and BattlEye problem

    When you run Port 2302 it should run anyway with BE. But at this moment they released a Hotfix for the BE Port stuff, and yeah.... seems like it works for me. Thx BiS :)
  3. BrezZZzel

    Update 1.78 and BattlEye problem

    When you start the Server with BattlEye = 0; then its off. You can see it at the BEserver.cfg, if its in use then it changes the name like BEServer_active_xyzy.cfg. But dont forget, when you turn of BattlEye your BE filter will not Work, your Rcon tool will not work and the Bans.txt will not load.
  4. hahahaha also your Bans.txt will not loaded, so every Person you allready banned with Rcon is free now ;) But if you broke your Front door at your House, let it stay wide open.... what should happen? fix it a week later..... thx BiS
  5. yup, exactly the same here. My Servers running now for 3 Years and everytime in good use and now this. The Server on 2302 is running quiet good without any problems, the second on 2502 is rekt. For sure, you can disable BE but they said on Twitter "We had hoped to hotfix it Friday" so, lets run a full Server over a week without BE, these Hackerkids smell this shit ;) I hate every single Patch, if you dont need to change something in your script then you need 100% a Perf. Binary or a Hotfix.
  6. BrezZZzel

    Update 1.78 and BattlEye problem

    Hey, i allready reportet this Problem... https://feedback.bistudio.com/T127236 Only one Server on the 2302 Port can run with Battleye atm, hope they fix this asap. They dont give me any information at the feedback site, but a friend found a twitter Post. But this is Sad, i dont use twitter and i wish they would give more Information via. feedback.bistudio.com