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Posts posted by BattleChief

  1. @Evil Organ


    So...I have only one thing to say to your furniture addition...You are wonderful! I love the way the furniture is assembled! It is beautiful! You did wonderfully with this system! Now we just need Comsic and his aged guns and jamming system, and the game will be spectacular! Maybe a building system too...mainly window boards and barricades..maybe some boxes too...

    • Like 2

  2. 3 hours ago, cosmic10r said:



    I was gonna add them to the pool of available Bandit cars... maybe there is a field that could be added in a module ...

    Haleks can also hard code this because Ravage does add the land rover from warfare thai and one of several RHS vehicles if  you have those mods running.


    Field in module is likely the friendliest for mission makers tho...

    Fox cars are awesome... i just wouldnt want the bus in there lol


    Same, the bus isn't exactly appealing XD I would like to cruise the roads of Altis on one of the more classic cars...

  3. 3 hours ago, Chuc said:



    Great job like always. 


    I was wondering if you could make support for fox survival cars in your vehicle module


    or point me in the right direction and i can try and do it and post my results here or in a pm to you.


    Hm, looking at these, I do like the look of them, and it would be cool to drive across Altis in one of the more classic cars..I hope you find a way to make this work, good luck, I thing it would make a decent piece to make the mod a bit more diverse and fun...

  4. @Evil Organ


    I was really piecing the first post together, so here it is in order : I started the game, met an Ai survior, friendly, and tried to recruit him. I failed to recruit him, he only had a PM. I went into a town, and had my "amazing moment," it seemed as if it was a movie, the trader guard came out, shot him, and came around the wall where I was waiting, it said rifleman, so I could tell it was a trader group, or what was left of it, only two were left, and the trader was dead, I checked them both


    I quite honestly don't care about the failure to recruit the AI, I just wanna play the walker version of Haleks' Altis mission!

  5. @haleks


    Found an issue, I can't seem to recruit Ai...I ran across one...but I had a wonderful moment, and I really like it...I had an Ai that was about to step out into my line of sight, and as he did, before I could fire, another Ai took him out, it was what was left of a Trader patrol...absolutely saved by that...besides that, I love the furniture spawning, and its fun...but I hate the fact that I couldn't recruit an AI...

  6. 3 hours ago, cosmic10r said:


    It has to do with licenses and permissions.

    They allow retextures that work off the original mod so you arent touching the actual 3d files and just the textures.

    How it would work is I would release an optional PBO and if you wanted them you would have NIArms active... move my pbo into ravage and then the rusty versions would then be pushed into the ravage rusty weapons pool...

    So they currently are not part of the mod. More just an idea of what to come once the Guns are integrated into ravage which may take a bit with the Wear and Jamming features.


    Darn...I was hoping they were, it would be great to use them all in Ravage...especially the M1903...

  7. so to enable saving during the mission, just to get back to where you were...what do I need to put in the script? I have SP saving enabled in the ravage module...I am working on seeing if I can figure it out, so I will let you know if I got it, or if I will need some help...


    EDIT: Yeah, gonna need some more help :face_palm:

  8. @cosmic10r


    Hey, only 3 things guaranteed in this life...Birth, death, and taxes...


    Besides that, I am curious, we got a work around for the _addgear script? cause the ravage _addgear functions seem to be a bit screwed up..The _adduniform seems to be the main problem on mine...besides that, It spawns a vanilla gun to the game...
