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Everything posted by Play3r

  1. Play3r

    RYD_Projectile_Spectator Script

    Great script G & R. Can any of you help me set it up so if a player has a Special rifle the script will work for that player. like if he uses the M320, can't remember the classname.
  2. Play3r

    Forum has died

    No just off for the weekend, just like me away from work..
  3. Hi @pierre MGI Yes did a check before posting, when i go inside the Trigger it do fire. This is from the HVT_SetUp,sqf //make trigger for capture trg_capture = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPosatl _this,false]; trg_capture setTriggerArea [2.0, 2.0, 0, false,1]; trg_capture setTriggerActivation ["anyplayer", "PRESENT", false]; trg_capture setTriggerStatements ["this", "[format ['%1 Captured the HVT', name (thislist select 0)]] remoteExec ['hintsilent',[0,-2] select isDedicated];", ""];//_this execVM 'hvtcaptured.sqf'; from my trigger i now have this Detach HVT; [HVT] join grpNull; deleteVehicle trg_capture; 0 Spawn { [format ["%1", format ["%1",name player]], "We Found him!!"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_showSubtitle",[0,-2] select isDedicated]; Sleep 5; private _handle = ["Smith", "Thanks, We will take it from here.!!!!"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_showSubtitle",[0,-2] select isDedicated]; }; I found out that the Trigger that is created on the HVT if i delete that one, it works fine when it is deleted.
  4. HI sorry to bump up a old tread. I want to use this HVT_SetUp.sqf so that i can drop of the HVT when i get inside at trigger. I have tried with a Detach HVT and [HVT] Join GrpNull, but he is still in my group and he is still attached to the player. So i want to know what i have to type inside the On Activation field in the trigger to let him leave my player and he is no longer my prisoner // Play3r what is inside the trigger
  5. Play3r

    Mission Intro text and audio

    Maybe you can use one of them for your briefing.
  6. class CfgUnitInsignia // [this,"WolfPack"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia; <-- this is inside the Init of the Unit { class WolfPack { displayName = "WolfPack 11"; // Name displayed in Arsenal author = "Play3r"; // Author displayed in Arsenal texture = "pictures\ulven.paa"; // Image path material = ""; // .rvmat path textureVehicle = ""; // Does nothing, reserved for future use }; }; I have this in my description.ext and this in the unit init [this,"WolfPack"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia; But is does not show up on my units. i'm using the SOG:PF Cdlc and it is for a MP game. i did read about the config.cpp, but i do understand that it is not a good idea to use. in my InitLocalPlayer.sqf i have this. So i get it back on ReSpawn. params ["_player"]; _player addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", { params ["_unit", "_corpse"]; private _insignia = [_corpse] call BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia; [_unit, _insignia] spawn { params ["_unit", "_insignia"]; sleep 1; isNil { _unit setVariable ["BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia_class", nil]; // you can also do [_unit, ""] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia, but this way is faster (plus no network traffic) [_unit, _insignia] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia; }; }; }]; Does anyone know why they don't show up on my units? Cheers Play3r
  7. Thanks Pierre. That did it, but when my friends and i are inside Arsenal it disappears from our uniforms, when we close the Arsenal. and it never comes back, not even on respawn. Any idea @pierre MGI I have this in my initPlayerLocal.sqf // Insignia [missionNamespace, "arsenalClosed", { _insignia = [player] call BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia; player setVariable ['sign', _insignia]; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;
  8. Does anyone have problems when you have setup the game so you lose when you kill a civilian, i can play for like 3 min and then i have the Mission Fail, but all i have done is fly from base to my first task. it has all started when i started to use this script, if i remove the #include "L_ambiCivs\init.sqf" from my InitServer.sqf i don't fail. does anyone know a work around? // Play3r
  9. Play3r

    Intel arc

    Ask here about Reforger https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/forum/401-arma-reforger/
  10. The Black dot is a WP for the unit. Try to go to spector function and then find a unit that you have spawned, then press M and you will see the same, that unit will follow them.
  11. It's a bug in the game, try to move the helipath and landWP, sometimes a object get attached to the helipath or the player, that the heli is afraid of and just fly high up in the air. https://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/0/3431201423152186918/
  12. if i use the Praetorian 1C in a Hosted game and i want it to be on the Opfor side, how can that be done? all units are placed in editor.
  13. I have this line i play on screen when a COND is true, but it only shows to the one who triggers is. How do i make is so all player on the server sees it? [format ["%1", format ["%1",name player]], "Downloading!!"] spawn BIS_fnc_showSubtitle ;
  14. Just change this line player groupChat (format ["Town:%4 .Civilians:%1 .Vehicles:%2 .Parked:%3",_GHint,_ghint1,_ghint2, _ghint3]); To this player groupChat (format ["Town:%4]); I think that will do it unless you found another way to do it.
  15. what does not work don't the group spawn, don't the heli spawn, don't you not get a player in the group?
  16. Have you tried to give the missionmarker a name and then delete it when mission is done?
  17. Why not ask in the Jebus tread?
  18. Play3r

    GF Fog Script - Mod

    Yes I know of that one but it has only the weather script that I did share with ice, It was not the fog script he wanted, so if he did find another one I would be glad if he wanted to share it so others could have the opportunity to enjoy it. Cheers play3r
  19. Play3r

    GF Fog Script - Mod

    @icebreakr If you find one Please share it..
  20. Play3r

    GF Fog Script - Mod

    @icebreakr Found this one in a mission maybe you can use it. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/j8f07ys2nyptxti18ybys/h?rlkey=7uzchk3nwo49erqqhuf6ylnvk&dl=0
  21. Does any one have a Script to a hosted server that makes OpFor unit investigate explosions, I want to have the option in my mission, that player can detonate some C4 or make a truck blow up, and then the OpFor units in a radius like 100 mtr ( variabel nummer ) run to the place. i have found a script that makes the units run to the explosion if the objekt is placed in by the editor. But the one i need is for all explosions made by the player. the script i have found, don't know if it can be altered to work like i want it ? Cheers Play3r Object addEventHandler ["Explosion", { params ["_vehicle", "_damage", "_source"]; if ((_vehicle distance _source)< 30) then { _list = _vehicle nearEntities ["CAManBase", 100] select {side _x == opfor}; If (_list isNotEqualTo []) then { { _x doMove (getPosASL _source); } forEach _list; }; }; }];
  22. @mrcurry i nned your help again. i can only make the script run one time. if i place a explosive charge on the ground, and detonate it the units in the radius (set to 500) comes running. If i then place a new one they just keep going there own ways they don't come to look. @RS30002 Can you tried that?
  23. Yes the script is awesome but i see that you have error in InitPlayerLocal and mine is in the InitServer. i have just made a new copy and put it in Notepath ++ and did not see any "unwanted symbols", so will test it right now. After my new copy i have no error what so ever, and it work great. Thanks @mrcurry for the script.