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About Siddy

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  1. >Aiming for realism >not supporting ultimate realism gods of the VR community yeah, nah. When BI let the Battleye to bone our only means to play ARMA 3 in VR in protected servers, i lost lots of respect for BI. I was hoping for some VR Jungle fighting on that new island and having some Vietnam war-esque scenarios, but now only way you can do it is on non Battleye protected server, and that means you must put i behind password and heavy moderation. This will just cause more and more hassle for already hassle-rich VR early adopters.
  2. I don't really care about the quality of initial release, knowing that we are dealing with Bohemia here, players are paid beta testers (that is, we pay to test, heh heh). Old time ARMA fans should be used to this. What most likely will hold me off from making any future purchase from Bohemia is total and utter radio silence and lack of support for the fledgling VR community. Even more so that now the Battleye has boned over the only way to play ARMA 3 in VR, the VorpX and blocked it from multiplayer. If Bohemia could release some sort of simple way to run SteamVR... It does not even have to be that polished, (some sort "use at your own risk") just the basic head on shoulder translation and the stereoscopic rendering pipe. Leave it open for modding and the enthusiast would do the rest. Making this to be part of the ARMA 3 run times it would not be banned by Battleye and thus let us VR nuts play MP again. But until that day i fear that many VR owners, including me, will be voting with our wallets.