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Crimson Mage

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Everything posted by Crimson Mage

  1. Can you open up the small doors on the liberty using BIS_fnc_door or any other command in the editor?
  2. @pierremgiHow do I found out the what the door is. Do I just use BIS_fnc_door and brute force it?
  3. The AI keeps firing at the player from the other side of walls inside the liberty.
  4. Hello, I want to have a bunch of objects in my mission have custom ambient sound effects. The way I do this is not very performance friendly but I don't know any other way to do it. Is there a better way to have objects loop a sound effect? Object's init call{ []spawn { while {true} do { tentlight_1 say ["light",10]; sleep 9; }; };}
  5. Crimson Mage

    Looped Custom Sounds

    Would it be worthwhile to use a trigger to activate the sounds when a player enters the area? Or is the performance loss already minimal.
  6. Crimson Mage

    Looped Custom Sounds

    So with that I can delete the object after the player exits the area and it won't harm performance?
  7. Crimson Mage

    Better Zeus AI CONTROL (move under fire)

    I'm assuming only the zeus needs it right?
  8. Crimson Mage

    Better Zeus AI CONTROL (move under fire)

    This sounds wonderful! When will this be up on the workshop?
  9. I have always been curious about this, if it is even possible.
  10. My favorite part about Arma is making missions. I wish to make a story based campaign with my friend but they really aren't into mission making. My most recent mission was in an editor competition: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1853561504
  11. How do you replicate the taskbar in the Contact campaign? The one where it shows the task at the top.
  12. I'm having difficulty finding the variable names of the USS Liberty parts. I'm trying to attach all the parts to another object, but I cannot find the names of the components of the liberty. How could I find the variable names? I found the class names though: Land_Destroyer_01_Boat_Rack_01_Base_F Land_Destroyer_01_Boat_Rack_01_F Land_Destroyer_01_hull_01_F Land_Destroyer_01_hull_02_F Land_Destroyer_01_hull_03_F Land_Destroyer_01_hull_04_F Land_Destroyer_01_hull_05_F Land_Destroyer_01_hull_base_F Land_Destroyer_01_interior_02_F Land_Destroyer_01_interior_03_F Land_Destroyer_01_interior_04_F
  13. I'm trying to get the variable names so I can attach the freedom parts to another object.
  14. I would second Steam and a mirror download. Mirror downloads are useful for people running dedicated servers.
  15. Hi, I have made a uniform reskin and I would like to have an addaction that rolls the sleeves. Right now I have it so that it will replace the uniform to the rolled sleeves version but the items don't copy over. Here is what I have so far player setVariable["_uniformstuff",UniformItems player]; sleep 2; removeUniform player; sleep .1; player forceAddUniform "marpat1_CamoRS"; sleep .1; player setVariable["_uniformityitems",toString ["_uniformstuff"]]; sleep .3; player addItemToUniform (player getVariable["_uniformityitems",[]]); I probably have butchered that script. I don't have much experience in scripting. Also how could I put that inside of my mod so that it will only appear when wearing that uniform? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  16. Do they use photos or do they make them from scratch using photo references?
  17. Crimson Mage

    Need People to Voice Characters

    I am making an arma 3 mission. But I need people to voice my characters. You don't need any experience all you need is a voice and a decent mic. If you do, PM me and we will talk. The mission is during the Vietnam War and using UNSUNG.
  18. I am trying to edit this restriction script used by AW . I want to be able to restrict vests and helmets but I can never get it to work. I was able to do it with weapons but not anything else here is the non edited script: /* Author: Quiksilver Last modified: 23/10/2014 ArmA 1.32 by Quiksilver Description: Restricts certain weapon systems to different roles _________________________________________________*/ private ["_opticsAllowed","_specialisedOptics","_optics","_basePos","_firstRun","_insideSafezone","_outsideSafezone"]; #define AT_MSG "Only AT Soldiers may use this weapon system. Launcher removed." #define SNIPER_MSG "Only Snipers may use this weapon system. Sniper rifle removed." #define AUTOTUR_MSG "You are not allowed to use this weapon system, Backpack removed." #define UAV_MSG "Only UAV operator may use this Item, UAV terminal removed." #define OPTICS_MSG "Thermal optics such as TWS and Nightstalker are currently restricted." #define MG_MSG "Only Autoriflemen may use this weapon system. LMG removed." #define SOPT_MSG "SOS and LRPS are designated for Snipers and Spotters only. Optic removed." //===== UAV TERMINAL _uavOperator = ["B_soldier_UAV_F","B_officer_F"]; _uavRestricted = ["B_UavTerminal","O_UavTerminal","I_UavTerminal"]; //===== AT / MISSILE LAUNCHERS (excl RPG) _missileSoldiers = ["B_soldier_LAT_F","B_soldier_AA_F","B_soldier_AT_F","B_officer_F","B_recon_LAT_F"]; _missileSpecialised = ["launch_NLAW_F","launch_B_Titan_F","launch_O_Titan_F","launch_I_Titan_F","launch_B_Titan_short_F","launch_O_Titan_short_F","launch_I_Titan_short_F"]; //===== SNIPER RIFLES _snipers = ["B_sniper_F","B_officer_F"]; _sniperSpecialised = ["srifle_GM6_F","srifle_GM6_LRPS_F","srifle_GM6_SOS_F","srifle_LRR_F","srifle_LRR_LRPS_F","srifle_LRR_SOS_F","srifle_GM6_camo_F","srifle_GM6_camo_LRPS_F","srifle_GM6_camo_SOS_F","srifle_LRR_camo_F","srifle_LRR_camo_LRPS_F","srifle_LRR_camo_SOS_F"]; //===== THERMAL OPTICS _opticsAllowed = [""]; _specialisedOptics = ["optic_Nightstalker","optic_tws","optic_tws_mg"]; //===== BACKPACKS _backpackRestricted = ["O_Mortar_01_support_F","I_Mortar_01_support_F","O_Mortar_01_weapon_F","I_Mortar_01_weapon_F","O_UAV_01_backpack_F","I_UAV_01_backpack_F","O_HMG_01_support_F","I_HMG_01_support_F","O_HMG_01_support_high_F","I_HMG_01_support_high_F","O_HMG_01_weapon_F","I_HMG_01_weapon_F","O_HMG_01_A_weapon_F","I_HMG_01_A_weapon_F","O_GMG_01_weapon_F","I_GMG_01_weapon_F","O_GMG_01_A_weapon_F","I_GMG_01_A_weapon_F","O_HMG_01_high_weapon_F","I_HMG_01_high_weapon_F","O_HMG_01_A_high_weapon_F","I_HMG_01_A_high_weapon_F","O_GMG_01_high_weapon_F","I_GMG_01_high_weapon_F","O_GMG_01_A_high_weapon_F","I_GMG_01_A_high_weapon_F","I_AT_01_weapon_F","O_AT_01_weapon_F","I_AA_01_weapon_F","O_AA_01_weapon_F"]; //===== LMG _autoRiflemen = ["B_soldier_AR_F","B_officer_F"]; _autoSpecialised = ["LMG_Mk200_F","LMG_Mk200_MRCO_F","LMG_Mk200_pointer_F","LMG_Zafir_F","LMG_Zafir_pointer_F"]; //===== _sniperTeam = ["B_sniper_F","B_spotter_F"]; _sniperOpt = ["optic_SOS","optic_LRPS"]; _basePos = getMarkerPos "respawn_west"; _szmkr = getMarkerPos "safezone_marker"; #define SZ_RADIUS 300 _EHFIRED = { deleteVehicle (_this select 6); hintC "You are discharging your weapon at base without approval. Cease your actions Immediately!"; hintC_EH = findDisplay 57 displayAddEventHandler ["unload", { 0 = _this spawn { _this select 0 displayRemoveEventHandler ["unload", hintC_EH]; hintSilent ""; }; }]; }; _firstRun = TRUE; if (_firstRun) then { _firstRun = FALSE; if ((player distance _szmkr) <= SZ_RADIUS) then { _insideSafezone = TRUE; _outsideSafezone = FALSE; EHFIRED = player addEventHandler ["Fired",_EHFIRED]; } else { _outsideSafezone = TRUE; _insideSafezone = FALSE; }; }; restrict_Thermal = false; restrict_LMG = false; restrict_sOptics = false; if (PARAMS_rThermal != 0) then {restrict_Thermal = true;}; if (PARAMS_rLMG != 0) then {restrict_LMG = true;}; if (PARAMS_rSOptics != 0) then {restrict_sOptics = true;}; while {true} do { //------------------------------------- Launchers if (({player hasWeapon _x} count _missileSpecialised) > 0) then { if (({player isKindOf _x} count _missileSoldiers) < 1) then { player removeWeapon (secondaryWeapon player); titleText [AT_MSG,"PLAIN",3]; }; }; sleep 1; //------------------------------------- Sniper Rifles if (({player hasWeapon _x} count _sniperSpecialised) > 0) then { if (({player isKindOf _x} count _snipers) < 1) then { player removeWeapon (primaryWeapon player); titleText [SNIPER_MSG,"PLAIN",3]; }; }; sleep 1; //------------------------------------- UAV _assignedItems = assignedItems player; if (({"B_UavTerminal" == _x} count _assignedItems) > 0) then { if (({player isKindOf _x} count _uavOperator) < 1) then { player unassignItem "B_UavTerminal"; player removeItem "B_UavTerminal"; titleText [UAV_MSG,"PLAIN",3]; }; }; sleep 1; //------------------------------------- Thermal optics if (restrict_Thermal) then { _optics = primaryWeaponItems player; if (({_x in _optics} count _specialisedOptics) > 0) then { if (({player isKindOf _x} count _opticsAllowed) < 1) then { {player removePrimaryWeaponItem _x;} count _specialisedOptics; titleText [OPTICS_MSG,"PLAIN",3]; }; }; sleep 1; }; //------------------------------------- sniper optics if (restrict_sOptics) then { _optics = primaryWeaponItems player; if (({_x in _optics} count _sniperOpt) > 0) then { if (({player isKindOf _x} count _sniperTeam) < 1) then { {player removePrimaryWeaponItem _x;} count _sniperOpt; titleText [SOPT_MSG,"PLAIN",3]; }; }; sleep 1; }; //------------------------------------- LMG if (restrict_LMG) then { if (({player hasWeapon _x} count _autoSpecialised) > 0) then { if (({player isKindOf _x} count _autoRiflemen) < 1) then { player removeWeapon (primaryWeapon player); titleText [MG_MSG,"PLAIN",3]; }; }; sleep 1; }; //------------------------------------- Opfor turret backpacks if ((backpack player) in _backpackRestricted) then { removeBackpack player; titleText [AUTOTUR_MSG, "PLAIN", 3]; }; //===================================== SAFE ZONE MANAGER _szmkr = getMarkerPos "safezone_marker"; if (_insideSafezone) then { if ((player distance _szmkr) > SZ_RADIUS) then { _insideSafezone = FALSE; _outsideSafezone = TRUE; player removeEventHandler ["Fired",EHFIRED]; }; }; sleep 2; if (_outsideSafezone) then { if ((player distance _szmkr) < SZ_RADIUS) then { _outsideSafezone = FALSE; _insideSafezone = TRUE; EHFIRED = player addEventHandler ["Fired",_EHFIRED]; }; }; //----- Sleep _basePos = getMarkerPos "respawn_west"; if ((player distance _basePos) <= 500) then { sleep 1; } else { sleep 20; }; }; I need help with this: //------------------------------------- 101 if (({"Armor101","Armor101roz","Armor101serg" == _x} count _101Restricted) > 0) then { if (({player isKindOf _x} count _clone101) < 1) then { player removeVest; titleText [UAV_MSG,"PLAIN",3]; }; }; Any help will be extremely appreciated.
  19. I need help making DAC Zones Launch randomly. Like at the start of the mission a specific zone out of a list of zones (triggers) is activated and when that one is done another starts. Is there any way to do this? Any help will be appreciated
  20. Ok... The first person picks his loudout (ex; auto rifleman). Then when the 2nd person (sniper) either respawns on start or respawns in the mission, on the right where his loadout appears, it changes from "Sniper" to "Autorifleman and spawns with his gear. Please help this problem has been plaguing me for ages.
  21. @Theo1143 Is "name" variable name? I don't use "player" as my variable name. Also what I am doing is spawning a sniper and autorifleman. I set both to playable but if the autorifleman loads in first, the sniper will become a autorifleman when he respawns.
  22. Ok... The first person picks his loudout (ex; auto rifleman). Then when the 2nd person (sniper) either respawns on start or respawns in the mission, on the right where his loadout appears, it changes from "Sniper" to "Autorifleman and spawns with his gear. Please help this problem has been plaguing me for ages.
  23. Yes! I finally did it. I found out it was actually because I did 101_MSG and it wouldn't work for me because I used numbers. When I deleted the numbers it worked!
  24. @7erra It doesn't seem to be working with this. When I do that all of the restrictions don't work. It also breaks when I add the message. Can you have have multiple of these Bound to this:
  25. @7erra OMG Thank you so much. For Helmets i just change "vest" to "headgear" like removeHeadgear and Headgear player in the while loop right?