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Everything posted by Jnr4817

  1. Jnr4817

    Turret Enhanced

    @nomadd We need to add this to our UAV's. Reed
  2. Very nice, is there a script version of this? I'd like to integrate it into a helmet strobe script i use. Reed
  3. Its definitely not, but still better then what the AI currently does by shooting straight up in the air. Could you find a mid-range, say the aircraft only increases altitude to make 75-100 and lands within 750-1000? Great work so far.
  4. Please release this function. Way better performance, then stock. Test 7 looks like the tits. Any video? Reed
  5. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    makes since, thank you very much.
  6. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    Works great from testing in the editor, Ill test on dedicated after I load your autoPop script. Can you explain why this worked for my knowledge base? Thanks again for the help, Reed
  7. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    Ok I tested your solution and no joy on the freedom. The land works well. The vehicles are spawning, just under the ship in the water. Sometimes you can see it flash like its on the ship, then drops below the deck
  8. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    I have the land working well. The ship is the issue. Let me test. THanks for helping.
  9. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    I am running multiple instances of the VVS for different spawn areas around the map, they all cant be named Spawn_pos_1. How can I manage this?
  10. Got it working on both land and Freedom. Thanks @GEORGE FLOROS GR
  11. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    I've got working on land again and spawning on freedom. However the vehicle spawns several meters above the freedom deck Thanks for any help. Here is the most current code.
  12. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    Solved with this code.
  13. Jnr4817

    GF Auto Population Script - Mod

    Going to add to my sandbox mission tonight.
  14. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    Ok, I can get land vehicles to spawn on the freedom with this code, but no Air vehicles will spawn on the freedom. Air vehicles will spawn on land however, so weird.
  15. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    nothing happened using UserTexture1m_F and _pos = getPosATL Spawn_pos_1; I went back to using a marker it worked. I may have jacked it up though, I am not a very good scripter. No errors though.
  16. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    Did not work on freedom.
  17. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    THis is a solution from the VVS thread, but I need to work on land too.
  18. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    Currently the VVS work on land with all BIS assets and most CUP. The issue is some vehicles spawn in the ground. I need to fix this so all assets spawn correctly. Next, VVS doesn't spawn anything on the freedom, it spawns on the ocean floor, at the marker location. I also need to fix this. I want to be able to use the same spawn function from VVS. It sounds like I need to change from a marker to something else and use posatl? Reed
  19. Jnr4817

    Vehicle Spawner.

    Here is the full code. Yes it is a service marker named VVS_all_1. Another problem is spawning on the freedom. The ghost spawner code fixes this issue with this code as you can change the exact height of the vehicle spawning to be over the deck of the freedom. Thanks again for any help. I am also going to integrate your GF_Mission and GF_AutoPopulation. Reed
  20. Haven’t had a chance to test, but will. Was thinking with the addition of the path planning or not. Could you add a way to change the aircraft speed in addition to the elevation you have already added? setSpeedmode Maybe?? Setting to half will help turning radias and when ai comes into land. Full will help longer stretches from point a to b.