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About KenniT

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    Private First Class

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    Espoo, Finland

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  1. I want to make ending credits.. :D But I wasn't able to make it show anything :(
  2. Hey, I was wondering on how could I use this script? private ["_display","_displayMain"]; _displayMain = _this param [0,finddisplay 46,[displaynull]]; _mode = _this param [1,1,[0]]; BIS_fnc_credits_movie_script = [_displayMain,_mode] spawn { disableSerialization; uiNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_fnc_credits_movie_script",BIS_fnc_credits_movie_script]; _displayMain = _this select 0; _mode = _this select 1; if (_mode > 0) then { //--- Show display 102 cuttext ["","black out",0]; (["BIS_fnc_credits_movie"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cutrsc ["RscCredits","plain"]; waituntil {!isNull (uiNamespace getVariable ["A3_RscCredits", displayNull])}; with uinamespace do { disableSerialization; //----- Basic Variables ------ _backColor = [0,0,0,1]; //background color _delay = 10; //travel time _supporterArray = [] call BIS_fnc_credits_movieSupport; //moved here because of lag, here nobody should see it _display = uiNamespace getVariable "A3_RscCredits"; //_display = findDisplay 999; BIS_fnc_credits_A3_display = _display; //--- Background _ctrlBack = _display displayctrl 1000; _ctrlBack ctrlsetbackgroundcolor _backColor; _ctrlBack ctrlsetposition [safezoneXAbs,safezoneY,safezoneWAbs,safezoneH]; _ctrlBack ctrlcommit 0; _ctrlBlackLeft = _display displayctrl 9098; _ctrlBlackLeft ctrlsetbackgroundcolor [0,0,0,1]; _ctrlBlackLeft ctrlsetposition [safezoneX - 10,safezoneY,10,safezoneH]; _ctrlBlackLeft ctrlcommit 0; _ctrlBlackRight = _display displayctrl 9099; _ctrlBlackRight ctrlsetbackgroundcolor [0,0,0,1]; _ctrlBlackRight ctrlsetposition [safezoneX + safezoneW,safezoneY,10,safezoneH]; _ctrlBlackRight ctrlcommit 0; /* _BGPicture = gettext (configfile >> "CfgWorlds" >> "Altis" >> "pictureMap"); _ctrlBG = _display displayctrl 1301; _ctrlBG ctrlsettext _BGPicture; _ctrlBG ctrlsettextcolor [1,1,1,1]; _ctrlBG_W = safezoneW; _ctrlBG_H = safezoneH; _ctrlBG_X = safezoneX; _ctrlBG_Y = safezoneY; _ctrlBG ctrlsetposition [_ctrlBG_X,_ctrlBG_Y,_ctrlBG_W,_ctrlBG_H]; _ctrlBG ctrlcommit 0; */ //uiSleep 1; 102 cuttext ["","black in",0.25]; //3 fadeMusic 0.5; //--- EH - keydown BIS_fnc_credits_A3_keydown = { _key = _this select 1; _display = BIS_fnc_credits_A3_display; //--- Escape if ((_key == 156) || (_key == 28) || (_key == 57) || (_key == 1)) exitwith { // num_enter, enter, space, esc terminate BIS_fnc_credits_movie_script; BIS_fnc_credits_A3_display closeDisplay 0; (["BIS_fnc_credits_movie"] call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; }; }; uinamespace setvariable ["BIS_fnc_credits_A3_keydown",BIS_fnc_credits_A3_keydown]; _display displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","with uinamespace do {_this call BIS_fnc_credits_A3_keydown;};"]; //--- Start logo _ctrlLogoA = _display displayctrl 1310; if (isClass (configfile >> 'CfgPatches' >> 'A3_Map_Tanoabuka')) then { _ctrlLogoA ctrlsettext "\a3\Ui_f\data\Logos\arma3apex_shadow_ca.paa"; } else { _ctrlLogoA ctrlsettext "\a3\Ui_f\data\Logos\arma3_shadow_ca.paa"; }; _ctrlLogoA ctrlsettextcolor [1,1,1,1]; _ctrlLogoA_W = 0.25 * safezoneW; _ctrlLogoA_H = 0.25 * safezoneH; _ctrlLogoA_X = 0.5 - _ctrlLogoA_W / 2; _ctrlLogoA_Y = safezoneY + safezoneH; _ctrlLogoA ctrlsetposition [_ctrlLogoA_X,_ctrlLogoA_Y,_ctrlLogoA_W,_ctrlLogoA_H]; _ctrlLogoA ctrlcommit 0; _ctrlLogoA_Y = safezoneY - _ctrlLogoA_H; _ctrlLogoA ctrlsetposition [_ctrlLogoA_X,_ctrlLogoA_Y,_ctrlLogoA_W,_ctrlLogoA_H]; _delayCoef = _delay * (1 + (_ctrlLogoA_H/safezoneH)); _ctrlLogoA ctrlcommit _delayCoef; uiSleep 5; //--- Names _oldId = 0; _id = 1; _c = 0; _cMod = 10; while {_id != _oldId} do { _oldId = _id; _nameArray = [_id] call BIS_fnc_credits_movieConfig; _ctrlText = _display displayctrl 9011; _ctrlTextOld = _display displayctrl 9012; if !((_nameArray select 2) < 0) then { _id = _id + 1; _text = (_nameArray select 0) + "<br/>" + (_nameArray select 1) + "<br/>"; // Paragraph _ctrlText = _display displayctrl (9000 + (_c % _cMod)); _ctrlText ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext _text; _ctrlText_W = 0.8 * safezoneW; _ctrlText_H = ctrlTextHeight _ctrlText; _ctrlText_X = safezoneX + (safezoneW - _ctrlText_W)/2; _ctrlText_Y = safezoneY + safezoneH; _ctrlText ctrlsetposition [_ctrlText_X,_ctrlText_Y,_ctrlText_W,_ctrlText_H]; _ctrlText ctrlcommit 0; // Move up _ctrlText_Y = safezoneY - _ctrlText_H; _ctrlText ctrlsetposition [_ctrlText_X,_ctrlText_Y,_ctrlText_W,_ctrlText_H]; _delayCoef = _delay * (1 + (_ctrlText_H/safezoneH)); _ctrlText ctrlcommit _delayCoef; _c = _c + 1; waitUntil {(((ctrlPosition _ctrlText) select 1) + ctrlTextHeight _ctrlText) < (safezoneY + safezoneH)}; } else { //--- Supporters //--- Title _text = (_supporterArray select 0) + "<br/>"; // Paragraph _ctrlText = _display displayctrl (9000 + (_c % _cMod)); _ctrlText ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext _text; _ctrlText_W = 0.8 * safezoneW; _ctrlText_H = ctrlTextHeight _ctrlText; _ctrlText_X = safezoneX + (safezoneW - _ctrlText_W)/2; _ctrlText_Y = safezoneY + safezoneH; _ctrlText ctrlsetposition [_ctrlText_X,_ctrlText_Y,_ctrlText_W,_ctrlText_H]; _ctrlText ctrlcommit 0; // Move up _ctrlText_Y = safezoneY - _ctrlText_H; _ctrlText ctrlsetposition [_ctrlText_X,_ctrlText_Y,_ctrlText_W,_ctrlText_H]; _delayCoef = _delay * (1 + (_ctrlText_H/safezoneH)); _ctrlText ctrlcommit _delayCoef; _c = _c + 1; waitUntil {(((ctrlPosition _ctrlText) select 1) + ctrlTextHeight _ctrlText) < (safezoneY + safezoneH)}; //--- Names _intPos = 0.1 * safeZoneW; _i = 0; _cMod = 9; _height = 0; { if ((typeName _x) == "STRING") then { _heightOld = _height; _text = _x; // Paragraph _ctrlText = _display displayctrl (9000 + (_c % _cMod)); _ctrlText ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext _text; _ctrlText_W = 0.8 * safezoneW / 3; _ctrlText_H = ctrlTextHeight _ctrlText; _ctrlText_X = safezoneX + _intPos; _ctrlText_Y = safezoneY + safezoneH; _ctrlText ctrlsetposition [_ctrlText_X,_ctrlText_Y,_ctrlText_W,_ctrlText_H]; _ctrlText ctrlcommit 0; // Move up _ctrlText_Y = safezoneY - _ctrlText_H; _ctrlText ctrlsetposition [_ctrlText_X,_ctrlText_Y,_ctrlText_W,_ctrlText_H]; _delayCoef = _delay * (1 + (_ctrlText_H/safezoneH)); _ctrlText ctrlcommit _delayCoef; _c = _c + 1; _i = _i + 1; _intPos = _intPos + safezoneW * (0.8/3); _height = ctrlTextHeight _ctrlText; if (_height > _heightOld) then { _ctrlTextOld = _ctrlText }; if (_i == 3) then { _height = 0; _i = 0; _intPos = 0.1 * safeZoneW; waitUntil {(((ctrlPosition _ctrlTextOld) select 1) + ctrlTextHeight _ctrlTextOld) < (safezoneY + safezoneH)}; }; }; } forEach (_supporterArray select 1); waitUntil {(((ctrlPosition _ctrlTextOld) select 1) + ctrlTextHeight _ctrlTextOld) < (safezoneY + safezoneH)}; _cMod = 10; }; }; uiSleep (_delay / 4); //--- Final logo _ctrlLogo = _display displayctrl (1302 + (_c % _cMod)); _ctrlLogo ctrlsettext "A3\Ui_f\data\Logos\bi_white_ca.paa"; _ctrlLogo ctrlsettextcolor [1,1,1,1]; _ctrlLogo_W = 0.5 * safezoneW; _ctrlLogo_H = 0.5 * safezoneH; _ctrlLogo_X = 0.5 - _ctrlLogo_W / 2; _ctrlLogo_Y = safezoneY + safezoneH; _ctrlLogo ctrlsetposition [_ctrlLogo_X,_ctrlLogo_Y,_ctrlLogo_W,_ctrlLogo_H]; _ctrlLogo ctrlcommit 0; _ctrlLogo ctrlsetposition [_ctrlLogo_X,0.5 - (_ctrlLogo_H / 2),_ctrlLogo_W,_ctrlLogo_H]; _delayCoef = _delay * (1 + (_ctrlLogo_H/safezoneH)); _ctrlLogo ctrlcommit (_delayCoef / 2); waituntil {ctrlcommitted _ctrlLogo}; uiSleep 10; BIS_fnc_credits_A3_display closeDisplay 0; (["BIS_fnc_credits_movie"] call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; //[_displayMain,0] call bis_fnc_credits_Movie; }; waitUntil {isNull (uiNamespace getVariable ["A3_RscCredits", displayNull])}; } else { //--- End //103 cuttext ["","black out",3]; uiSleep 3; 102 cuttext ["","plain"]; 103 cuttext ["","plain"]; BIS_fnc_credits_A3_display = nil; BIS_fnc_credits_A3_keydown = nil; }; }; Just trying to fire out how this big chunk works... :D Could somebody explain this to me please? :) Thanks!
  3. Cool! Could you give me an example or something? :P
  4. Hey, I was wondering if there's a scripts or mod that makes the items in the backpack unusable unless you move them to vest or uniform? e.g. you can't magically reload your weapon if all your mags are in the backpack. P.S. sorry for possible misleading title.. as english is not my native language I was/am not sure what kind of title it should be :D Thanks!
  5. To anybody who will need same script as this _crew1 = []; _airframe1 = []; if (isServer) then { _airframe1 = [getMarkerPos "evachelispawn", 200, "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", WEST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _heli = _airframe1 select 0; _heli setVehicleVarname "evacheli"; evacheli = _heli; publicvariable "evacheli"; }; sleep 5; rec = [] spawn Mypath; sleep 72; evacheli action ["LandGear", evacheli]; It spawns UH-80 Ghost Hawk at "evachelispawn" marker position, it will have its nose pointing bearing 200. With some help I managed to make the heli called evacheli. After it's spawned it will wait 5 second until it will play unitplay And after a few tries in review mode in editor I managed to time it right so that it will retract its gear until it gets into air.
  6. How can I activate game logic by trigger? When I try to do it, it activates immediately at the mission start and ignores the trigger... :/
  7. Sorry I'm pretty new to scripting.. :D It doesn't seem to recognize anything that I put into <name> [<name>, path1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; I tried _airframe1, _airframe1 and many more Could you give me an example? Thanks!
  8. Sorry I'm pretty new to scripting.. :D It doesn't seem to recognize anything that I put into <name> [<name>, path1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; I tried _airframe1, _airframe1 and many more Could you give me an example? Thanks!
  9. Hello, I have a evacheli that is spawned by this code _crew1 = []; _airframe1 = []; if (isServer) then { _crew1 = creategroup WEST; _airframe1 = [getMarkerPos "evachelispawn", 200, "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", _crew1] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; publicvariable "evacheli"; }; sleep 5; rec = [] spawn Mypath; As you can see I set publicvariable to evacheli and the thing I want to do is for the evacheli to play unitplay after It's spawned but this error pops up '.....983258],[61.4079,39.9577,0.0947061]]]; [|#|evacheli, path1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay;' Erro Undefined variable in expression: evacheli This is my init Mypath = compile preprocessFile "path.sqf"; [] execVM "briefing.sqf"; This is my path path1 =<random numbers>; [evacheli, path1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; This is my trigger with what I activate evacheli.sqf _nul = [this] execVM "evacheli.sqf"; How could i make it work? Thanks!
  10. Nevermind! My ogg file name was wrong! Sorry for taking your time! Admin if possible delete this post :)
  11. I have ogg files and description.ext but I don't know what to put into trigger and I couldn't find any solutions in google as well Q_Q Could somebody help? Thanks!
  12. You probably got me wrong here. I said spawn/start not REspawn. It should look like in these pictures.
  13. Hey, I was googling around for 30mins now and still didn't find anything about it. So I was wondering that how could I make multiple spawn/start locations in singleplayer scenario from which player can choose only one spawn/start. Thanks!