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About speedweasel

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  1. speedweasel

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Tried with and without quotes and braces and every combination thereof. It doesn't seem to matter what class name I put in the 'Immune Units' field, the module errors out with an undefined variable, _unit. The only way I can avoid the error is to leave the field blank. Looks like a bug ? ***Issue is resolved*** The 'Immune Units' field appears to accept the Variable Name of a unit, not the class name. I just named my unit in the editor and used that same name in the Immune Units field and my scientists are now immune :)
  2. speedweasel

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    RyanZM_ModuleInfected doesn't accept the following argument in the Immune Units field: ["C_scientist_F"] Gives this error: 22:16:07 Error in expression <_unit = C_scientist_F> 22:16:07 Error position: <C_scientist_F> 22:16:07 Error Undefined variable in expression: c_scientist_f 22:16:07 Error in expression <ll compile format ["_unit = %1",_unit]; _unit setvariable ["ryanzombiesimmunity"> 22:16:07 Error position: <_unit setvariable ["ryanzombiesimmunity"> 22:16:07 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit 22:16:07 File \ryanzombies\functions\fn_ModuleInfected.sqf [RyanZM_fnc_rzfunctioninfected], line 41
  3. speedweasel

    [1.60] Eden Interface too big

    Same. The Eden interface size needs to be decoupled from the rest of the game UI size. Linking them probably satisfied a Dev's OCD but it makes things unnecessarily difficult for the customer. Didn't BIS hire a UX specialist?
  4. speedweasel

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    Holstering a rifle while prone causes the player to stand up. executing, player action["switchWeapon", player, player, 100]; ...on a prone man will reproduce it.
  5. speedweasel

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    The gamma slider in the configure/video/displayoptions doesn't appear to do anything. Brightness works, but gamma does not. Vanilla; no mods enabled.