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Everything posted by Alert23

  1. Alert23

    EH HandleDamage Help

    this worked thank you !
  2. Arma 3 MGS-Vr Missions Arma 3 + mgsr + plp-containers vid
  3. I found this: https://www.google.de/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/armadev/comments/3u09gf/scripting_in_a_sniper_shot/ _bullet = createVehicle ["SomeKindOfBullet",(_unit modelToWorldVisual [1,0,1]),[],0,"NONE"]; _vector = vectorNormalized ((getPosATL _bullet) vectorFromTo (_unit modelToWorldVisual (_unit selectionPosition "head"))); _bullet setVelocity (_vector vectorMultiply 500) you still have to replace: _unit with the target name and replace: SomeKindOfBullet with the bullet-classname https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgMagazines
  4. I noticed too, also with sound files if u change their volume etc without going back to main menu or changing to another mission and only restart then it wont affect. Also with images, changing names dident work. I got it working by adding the picture with a different name to the directory
  5. Upcoming ARMA VR Missions ARMA 3 + MGSR
  6. hey guys, with this code i can check how much ammo/bullet in the currentweapon magzine left: Trigger: Condition: player ammo currentWeapon player == 0 On Activation: null = [] execVM "SpawnAmmo.sqf" but how would i check if 0 magazines for the currentweapon left ?
  7. Alert23

    count magazine left

    Guess I'm not getting any answer to that?  hey sry that i dident answer, yes i always use cba =) just because of the debug consol :) i will try that and thank you very much for your help.
  9. Hi everyone, i have already wasted some time in this script.. trying to addeventhandler to every object in mission by its classname, i want to create an disappearing effect when a target is hit. adding eventhandler by naming the object works but i have to many objects on the map to add them all manually [] spawn { { if (typeOf _x == "Land_VR_Target_Dart_01_F") then { _x addEventHandler ["HitPart", { playSound "hitplate"; sleep 0.3; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.1; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.2; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.1; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.3; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.2; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.1; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.3; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.05; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.05; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.05; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.1; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.02; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.03; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.01; _x hideobject true; deletevehicle _x; }]; }; }; }; this dosent throw any error but also dosent work. what i do wrong?
  10. rpt: isent _x == "Land_VR_Target_Dart_01_F" defined? so like this: Land_VR_Target_Dart_01_F = _x _x addEventHandler ["HitPart",{
  11. okay so according to what to said than is must be like this if im "right" ( im not =D ) {if (typeOf _x == "Land_VR_Target_Dart_01_F") then { _x addEventHandler ["HitPart",{ (_this select 0 select 0) spawn { params ["_target"]; playSound "hitplate"; sleep 0.3; _target hideobject true; sleep 0.1; _target hideobject false; sleep 0.2; _target hideobject true; sleep 0.1; _target hideobject false; sleep 0.3; _target hideobject true; sleep 0.2; _target hideobject false; sleep 0.1; _target hideobject true; sleep 0.3; _target hideobject false; sleep 0.05; _target hideobject true; sleep 0.05; _target hideobject false; sleep 0.05; _target hideobject true; sleep 0.1; _target hideobject false; sleep 0.02; _target hideobject true; sleep 0.03; _target hideobject false; sleep 0.01; _target hideobject true; deletevehicle _target; }; }]; }; }; but still not working.
  12. thanks for your advise, maybe something like this i rly dont know what im doing 😃 if (typeOf _x == "Land_VR_Target_Dart_01_F") then { _x addEventHandler ["HitPart",{ (_this select 0) spawn { playSound "hitplate"; sleep 0.3; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.1; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.2; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.1; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.3; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.2; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.1; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.3; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.05; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.05; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.05; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.1; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.02; _x hideobject true; sleep 0.03; _x hideobject false; sleep 0.01; _x hideobject true; deletevehicle _x; }; }]; };
  13. Thank you for this beauty, Mgs 3 anyone? 😅
  14. Alert23

    Scripting General & Library

    Hi EO, i tried this in a mission of mine but somehow it dosent turn the mine detector into a z-detector, any advise or clue what im doing wrong?
  15. WoW ! Amazing that this is even possible, THANKS. Edit: so the code will only update/shown if the totalEnemy number decreases?
  16. hi everyone, hope your fine. i have a script which shows me how much Hostiles Remaining: shown on screen with HintSilent [] spawn { while {alive player} do { _totalEnemy = {alive _x && side _x == resistance} count allUnits; if (_totalEnemy > 1) then { Hintsilent format ["Hostiles Remaining: %1", _totalEnemy ]; }; }; }; however my question is, is it possible using BIS_fnc_dynamicText in the script above instead HintSilent ? i find BIS_fnc_dynamicText looks way better.
  17. Alert23

    count magazine left

    thx 😃 also throw the same error, messed abit around and got it working like this: ((count magazines player) == 0) && !((getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> currentWeapon player >> "magazines") in magazines player)) thank you very much for your help.
  18. Alert23

    count magazine left

    Thank you for your reply! i did like this to check how much magazines are left regardless for which weapon: ((count magazines player) == 0) and it does work. but offcurse what you posted is better, checking magazines only for currentweapon. but i got an error: missing " ) "
  19. hey, i found this:
  20. OUTCAST A Former Ravage Special Forces Unit Deployed Into The Desert To Finally End The Z Plague. (saving is disabled,you cant run because its hard to move fast in a desertstorm and dont waste your ammo you gonna need.) beware of suicide zombies Kill 50 Zombies to achieve an Easter Egg Steam: Outcast
  21. Alert23

    AI "scan sector" help!

    you can force lightOn put this in the init field of the searchlight: null=[] spawn { while {true} do { player action ["lightOn", Searchlight1]; sleep 0.01};}; do some changes at the red lines:
  22. Alert23

    Kill count

    Yes exactly.
  23. Alert23

    Kill count

    what im trying to do is this if you kill 10,20,30 and so on.. zombies u get a reward something like this addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled",{ params ["_killed", "_killer", "_instigator"]; if (isPlayer _killer && side group _killed isEqualTo resistance) then { switch true do { case "10": {player execVM "Rewardfor10.sqf"}; case "20": {player execVM "Rewardfor20.sqf"}; case "30": {player execVM "Rewardfor30.sqf"}; case "40": {player execVM "Rewardfor40.sqf"}; }; }];
  24. Alert23

    Kill count

    thank ou very much George for ur help!
  25. Alert23

    Kill count

    very sry that i digged up an old thread, but this is exactly what im looking for but Unfortunately you dident provide the solution i hope some1 else can point me in the right direction. especially this part: