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Everything posted by Incontinentia

  1. Incontinentia

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    The commenter on that video had a point. What was that sorcery?
  2. Incontinentia

    Spyder Addons

    Just as a very quick heads up for the guys who wanted to use it, the undercover script is now up on the ALiVE forums here: http://alivemod.com/forum/2486-undercover-civilian-recruitment-for-alive-alpha-soft-release
  3. Incontinentia

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    There's the Rift and the Vive, and not an enormous amount to separate them in terms of game development, especially if you develop for SteamVR. All the rest are more for watching weird anime erotica than playing actual PC games.
  4. Incontinentia

    Spyder Addons

    Alright, thanks buddy. I'll brush it up and probably release it initially just on the ALiVE forum hopefully in the next few days.
  5. Incontinentia

    Spyder Addons

    I might have a script I can help you guys out with? Developed it for one of my missions (unreleased, keep delaying as I learn more stuff!) but it could help take the pressure of Spyder's detection. Was thinking about releasing it standalone anyway. That's presuming you're not so keen to keep working on the detection script Spyder?
  6. Incontinentia

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    Haha yes my mistake, sorry about that. Sounds like I do need to do some reading! And do my reading a little bit better it seems. Cheers for the heads up.
  7. Incontinentia

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    Edit: ignore this comment!
  8. Incontinentia

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    Yeah I'd second this. No idea why but the image quality isn't anywhere near DCS. Even with supersampling.
  9. Incontinentia

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    Hi dude, sorry I didn't reply to this sooner! Unfortunately the best description is still the one from earlier on in the thread (my comment a couple of months back - sorry, the forums are really slow today). That's as far as I got before all the crashes started to get to me. I'd write a new one but I don't have my rift set up right now so I don't want to get it wrong. PM me if you need some more details!
  10. Incontinentia

    3den Enhanced

    Also, another one, something to do with animationset not recognised although it disappears before I can read it properly! It also has the words "NOCHANGE" in it, don't know if that helps! Will try to pin it down when it isn't 2 in the morning...
  11. Incontinentia

    3den Enhanced

    Hi R3vo, Thanks for the awesome update. Just got a little bug report to file. Let me know if you need any more information. Getting a couple of errors with the new version. First is an empty popup box on loading Tonoa in the editor with something like "Copy that" and "Whatever" as the options to click (no text though). The second is another popup box that appears after loading a mission file on Tonoa in the editor with something like: "variable '_display' does not support serialisation. Call disableSerialisation in the current script (maybe BIS_fnc_ambientCombat) if you need to use it." The third is a showScriptErrors popup on mission load that says: "Error : "_this #setUnitTrait ["explosiveSpecialist"_value... type string, expected number,bool" (or something like that). All errors I didn't have before the latest steam release. Cheers!
  12. Incontinentia

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    Um yeah... See below (or above). Yet again, the myth refuses to die. As Keycat said, higher performance is better. In an ideal world, asynch timewarp wouldn't be needed at all. But for me (and I suspect many others who have tried Arma in VR with decent hardware), it is actually quite difficult to tell the difference between 'perfect VR' at 90 fps and 'make do' VR at 45 - 60 fps. I actually notice the judder less than I do on my monitor. FSX / Prepar3d aren't known for their high FPS counts (they are likely worse than Arma by some way), but they manage VR support absolutely fine. In fact, they have incredible VR support. So, like I keep saying, before trying to put devs / other users off the idea, try Arma in VR. If the judder makes you sick where other games don't and you have reasonable settings and a powerful machine, fair enough. But until then, I'd sooner defer to the experiences of those who have actually tried it than a developer blog which was written before VR was formally launched and has a strong incentive to make sure other developers don't produce poorly optimised content on a fledgling platform. Seriously, this myth needs to die. Then I can finally put the tissues away in favour of clear, stable Arma 3 in VR. Or, you know, stop doing whatever it is I do in my Rift otherwise. Elite Dangerous and stuff obviously. Such an emotional game...
  13. A comprehensive AI mod that actually includes some kind of human behaviour simulation (based on personality, environment, fatigue, weather, friendly losses, known enemy forces, training / skill, fanaticism, suppression, remaining ammo, target priorities, terrain analysis etc). Perhaps not what you were thinking but the biggest barrier I can see to calculating all this is the massive performance hit to run dozens of AI routines simultaneously. Some mods do something similar but rely on scripted outcomes rather than dynamic emergent behaviour if that makes sense? Would be incredible to have Arma AI do that!! Eagle1992's suggestion is probably much more feasible though!
  14. Incontinentia

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    This isn't true. Arma 3 more than delivers with async timewarp on the Rift (I gather the Vive has something similar). The issue has nothing to do with performance, more stability and image clarity. Those are the only things stopping Vorpx being a completely workable solution for Arma as it stands right now. I keep seeing this myth crop up every now and again and I really want it to go away because it just puts the devs off making a few tweaks to make Arma stable in Vorpx. I've spent hours playing Arma in the rift but the constant crashes and (to a much lesser extent) lack of stable AA made me stop. The immersion is phenomenal though. Seriously, right now for Arma to be one of the best VR FPS games out there, we just need: - Better image clarity (geometry 3D ideally, but VR-compatible anti aliasing would do) - Crash fixes All this talk of "Arma has really bad performance, it will never work in VR" is an unhelpful load of bollocks.
  15. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    There's some instructions earlier on in the thread for just that. Good news is that it's relatively straightforward to implement!
  16. Incontinentia

    Detection Script

    Thank you so much buddy, really helpful!
  17. Incontinentia

    Detection Script

    So it's otherwise correct no? [_unit2] call _getHideFromUnit; is how it's being called elsewhere. Edit: Updated initial script and clarified!
  18. Incontinentia

    Detection Script

    Sorry davidoss, any chance you could elaborate on that? What's the difference between calling a local function and what I've done? It's going slightly beyond my scope of knowledge (like I said, early days!).
  19. Incontinentia

    Detection Script

    Thanks, just edited it. Does that look alright to you now davidoss?
  20. Incontinentia

    Detection Script

    Well, for anybody interested, here's what I came up with (not quite what I said above, but you can call it for whichever groups you want to check detection on so it works fine). Bear with me as I am very new to scripting! /* Detection script. This gets the number of units of the selected side that are aware of each member of the target group. In init.sqf: fnc_countAlertedUnits = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "fnc_countAlertedUnits.sqf"); Parameters: enemy side, name of target group leader, detection accuracy radius (optional, defaults to 1500). Example: myVariable = [east,_sneakyFker] call fnc_countAlertedUnits; indKnowsOfMyGroup = [independent,player,2000] call fnc_countAlertedUnits; Returns number of units with beef against that group's members up to max group size of 8. Be aware, script will count duplicates of detected units if multiple units in group are detected. */ private ["_side","_detectedGroupLead","_distSqr","_detectedGroup","_detectedGroupStrength","_alertedUnits","_unit2","_unit3","_unit4","_unit5","_unit6","_unit7","_unit8"]; _side = _this select 0; _detectedGroupLead = _this select 1; _distSqr = if (isNil {_this select 2}) then {1500} else {_this select 2}; _detectedGroup = units group _detectedGroupLead; _detectedGroupStrength = count _detectedGroup; _alertedUnits = []; _getHideFromUnit = { private ["_GroupsKnowAboutUnit","_detectedUnit"]; _detectedUnit = _this select 0; _GroupsKnowAboutUnit = allGroups select { (side _x isEqualTo _side) && {((leader _x getHideFrom _detectedUnit) distanceSqr _detectedUnit < _distSqr) && alive leader _x} }; _GroupsKnowAboutUnit apply {_alertedUnits append units _x}; }; [_detectedGroupLead] call _getHideFromUnit; if (_detectedGroupStrength >= 2) then {_unit2 = _detectedGroup select 1; [_unit2] call _getHideFromUnit}; if (_detectedGroupStrength >= 3) then {_unit3 = _detectedGroup select 2; [_unit3] call _getHideFromUnit}; if (_detectedGroupStrength >= 4) then {_unit4 = _detectedGroup select 3; [_unit4] call _getHideFromUnit}; if (_detectedGroupStrength >= 5) then {_unit5 = _detectedGroup select 4; [_unit5] call _getHideFromUnit}; if (_detectedGroupStrength >= 6) then {_unit6 = _detectedGroup select 5; [_unit6] call _getHideFromUnit}; if (_detectedGroupStrength >= 7) then {_unit7 = _detectedGroup select 6; [_unit7] call _getHideFromUnit}; if (_detectedGroupStrength >= 8) then {_unit8 = _detectedGroup select 7; [_unit8] call _getHideFromUnit}; _alertedUnitCount = (0 + (count _alertedUnits)); _alertedUnitCount
  21. Incontinentia

    Dash - SQF Editor

    Very happy to hear that!
  22. Incontinentia

    Spyder Addons

    You're a hero, thank you Spyder.