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Everything posted by LuckyArma

  1. I don't know if anyone has ever done this or if it's possible. I can't find any info on how to do it. Anyway, I want to make a sniper go invisible(to AI and other players) IF he's wearing a ghillie suit, and he's prone, and he's not moving. All 3 conditions must be true at the same time, also it would be great if I could cause AI to have a harder time spotting him if he's in a ghillie suit, even harder if he's prone, and impossible to see if he's in a ghillie, prone, and not moving. The logic seems simple enough, I just don't know the actual variable to change to make him invisible once the conditions are met. Is there a setting that will make a player invisible when true or false?
  2. It'll need a few more conditions to be realistic. Thanks
  3. I can fire AGMs at ground vehicles using "T" to lock targets and the missiles hit their targets, but there's no target indicator box only the text message when I press "T", and of course the vehicle explodes when the missile hits it. Is this a bug or am I not setting up the avionics correctly? Update: I got the target indicator working, now the missiles all land about 100 meters past the targets. ?
  4. Altis is the largest map in all of Arma 3, sure it's fine for helicopters and ground troops, but get in a fixed winged aircraft(even a small Cessna) and Altis gets small really fast. I long for the day when someone combines Arma 3 with Google Earth. Arma 3 graphics with Google Earth full world terrain. Yes, that's what I want.
  5. In Arma 3 helicopters, there's this flight path indicator, the little ball that moves around to indicate which direction you're flying or drifting towards. Not many helicopters actually have that capability, so in the interest of keeping my fly time as realistic as possible; is there a way to disable the flight path indicator, or just make it invisible?
  6. LuckyArma

    Arma 3 too small for fixed wing

    I'm looking for the total experience, realistic graphics for aircraft and terrain and buildings, and a realistic flight model as well. I mean, if company A can do one, and company B can do the other; why isn't there a company C that does both?
  7. LuckyArma

    Arma 3 too small for fixed wing

    I have DCS World, but the terrain just doesn't compare to Arma 3 It would awesome being able to fly the helicopters from Arma 3 in Google Earth with ground view terrain like Arma 3 has. Maybe in another life, or a parallel universe.
  8. There's no keybinding for it; however, you can use the scroll menu that opens with the mouse wheel, and select "Turn Collision Lights On".
  9. LuckyArma

    Screen lag

    This happens while I'm flying. Every 2 to 5 seconds the screen sort of freezes for a split second, then continues. Needless to say, this is very annoying. There's something writing to disk causing this. My questions are; what is writing to disk, and how do I stop it?
  10. I created a simple mission/map in the editor, place a few helicopters in there at Altis so I can get in heli and just fly. I loaded the map, then opened MCC and spawned in 4 friendly AI's some distance away, so I could fly out there and see if they would get in my helicopter. So I fly out there to where the friendlies are, but when I'm on approach to land they open fire on me; wtf?! Why are friendlies firing on a friendly helicopter???
  11. LuckyArma

    You've played to much Arma when:

    You've played too much Arma III when you decide to take helicopter lessons, get your PPL, and buy a helicopter. I play too much GTA V also. I think about stealing cars all the time.
  12. LuckyArma

    Weapon tests

    I didn't know the snipers were that well hidden from thermals. Nice.
  13. I've probably asked this question before, if so it hasn't been answered, and no one reads posts that a year old anyway, so I'm asking again in hopes that someone has gotten it right. I've tried a couple of Bell 47 (UH-13) mods, but they don't work in Advanced Flight Model, they'll start up, but no matter how much collective you add they won't get off the ground. Is anyone using a Bell 47 mod that works in advanced flight model. Or even a R22 mod would be nice to see. How about a Safari 400? Please?
  14. I bought a Logitech Force 3D Pro off of eBay, and it's got no power going to the stick. When I first hooked it up the stick jumped just a little, then I tried again and it came on, but the stick went all the way right and foward then stayed there. I tried setting it up but windows 8.1 wouldn't identify the stick, just unidentified device, so I disabled that one and I tried reconnecting it, then it has no power at all. Any idea what happened? Could be the pcb has burned out trace? I looked but couldn't see anything on the traces, but the backside of where the USB cable connection is pinned into the board looked a little yellowed, but not burned, more like aged glue or something, but not really burned. I cleaned that up a little, and the connections there look good. Maybe a motor burned out, or diode? Is there a way to check the circuit, maybe a program that will trace through and tell me what's wrong?
  15. LuckyArma

    My anti torque pedals are all or nothing

    I hooked up the new pedals and they're working the way they're supposed to. Thanks for the tips anyway though.
  16. In advanced flight model(standard too I assume) if I push either pedal just a little it's the same as if I'd pushed it all the way down. I have the sensitivity set as low as it will go, but little improvement if any. There doesn't seem to be an option for setting the pedals up analog. Is there a setting anywhere that will cause the pedals to behave as if they were analog, for example if I push the pedal down 1" the helicopter turns slowly, and if I push the pedal all the way down the helicopter turns fast? The way it is now I have to pump the pedal to make a slow turn at hover, and if there is a crosswind in forward flight I can't hold just a little pedal to correct attitude, so I'm forced to fly sideways, because pumping the pedal in continuous forward flight would soon wear my foot out. Thanks in advance for any assistance
  17. LuckyArma

    My anti torque pedals are all or nothing

    @GrumanThere is no (analog) option for pedals in Arma 3. Windows does nothing to change how the pedals are set up analog or otherwise. To be honest I don't see that calibrating in windows does anything at all. Then again Windows(Microsoft) has a nasty habit of making things obsolete long before their usefulness has expired. I have a new set of pedals due arrive today, so maybe the issue will finally be solved.
  18. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.
  19. Last Arma 3 update took 3 hrs to download. The only things I can tell that have changed are my keybindings have been changed, and I'm getting the memory dumps again. It's as if they reverted to a previous engine that had those issues or used part of one that has those issues. Other than that; what changed?
  20. I get the AI to load into my heli after I land by using isTouchingGround, but I have no idea how to handle the same trick while hovering. Could someone point me in the right direction? I know there's probably a command for it, but the list is so long, and the examples are so few. Thanks.
  21. Yes it's a water extraction. To get ai's to unload I unassign all passengers from the helicopter. The only problem I encountered that way is when I land on the rooftop heli-pad at Kavala, once the ai gets out he will walk right off the roof, unless you assign him a waypoint that keeps him on the roof.
  22. Yes, they just sort of teleport aboard which is arcadish. I don't see any interaction menu, and I'm glad I don't, because that would be even more arcadish. Anyway, I got the guy to load in the chopper, with onActivation, allowGetIn, assignAsCargo, and orderGetIn, but he doesn't always get in if the weather is so bad that he has time to swim out of the trigger area. Running the mission close shore he'll swim out and walk ashore, then he won't get in even if I land, prolly because he's out of the trigger area, which makes sense, because why use a heli to rescue someone who's close enough to shore to swim out; right? So I will just put him further out to sea and extend the activation zone on the trigger.
  23. Yeah, I'm assigning them as cargo once the heli touches down, then unassigning them at their drop off point so they'll get out again. I'll give the getposatl variable a try. Thanks