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About kaia

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  1. is it possible to have a option to change the ingame chat color when a person types through battle metrics as a serverwide msg. i find the default ingame system color isnt visable enough and just gets ignored most of the time cause the same color is used in everything the server system does from connections to deaths.
  2. found a issue with the most recent upate to v0.18, i cant get the f-16's to show up in zeus, 2d editor or anywhere. ive reinstalled dianogised and even reinstalled arma. is there a simple fix im missing or is this more then a isolated bug?
  3. kaia

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    These vehicle could be better used for combat over the trucks that come with RHS esspecially the MEV M577, i could see having the medical HQ truck thats already there as a aid station or something but a combat ambulance would be of more use. The M113 is nice but a M577 has better patient carrying capacity plus its non medic cousin is a great vehicle for trying to communicate over long distances.
  4. kaia

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    i was wondering if you guys had plans to add the M577 Comm post & MEV versions along with a M806 refit/recovery vehicle for the us army forces. M577 the M577 MEV would be little better for moving people because instead of the M113 max patient load is 2 and the M577 is 4 patients Comm post version would be useful due to it having a better radio working with tfar, or something that can reach farther then a backpack but not as far as a aircraft radio M806 The M806 would be great for recovering damaged tanks and other vehicles like if the engine is fried or it got stuck on a object / in a hole. it could also repair vehicle over time if pulled up beside the vehicle. i would like to hear what you guys think about this suggestion.