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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. Hi... Perfect - I think it's just about knowing which commands to look at... Let me give this a shot... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Yep - for me - all the vehicles, weapons, and units might as well just go right in the trash bin - no interest - I bought it for the map alone and I'm pretty happy I did... I've got to find a good Chinese OPFOR pack and it would make a great location for some present day South China Sea conflict... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Hi Pete, Yeah - don't think so - PSP 9 came out long before Gimp I believe... I'll check though... I use Gimp on occasion as well - I usually just cut/copy/paste a layer at a time between the two when needed... Maybe someone made a plug-in if you really need it... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. scottb613

    Automated medic?

    I'll have to try this - thanks... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Hey - thanks - a big help -this gives me a place to start - while I've never written an Arma script - I do know UNIX scripting - so I can understand most of this... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hi Folks, I have a bunch of the basic mission editing skills down using the mission editor - I'd like to expand my horizon a bit more with scripts... I'm planning an Air Assault mission - I'd like the mission to start with a FAC/Observation aircraft departing an airport to survey the intended LZ for the enemy... I'd like the aircraft to report the enemy spotted during the patrol and if the number is above a given threshold - the mission should call in an air strike guided by the FAC before the Air Assault team departs... If the count is below a threshold - the Air Assault team departs minus the air strike... I'm using DAC zones for the OPFOR with random zones defined - so even as mission creator - I'm not going to know the composition and location of the OPFOR... Does this sound possible ? I'm looking at the scripting wiki functions - to start - what function would allow the FAC to report observed enemies in a defined area ? Any other tips on the mission or what specific functions I should be looking at would be appreciated as well... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9.x - an oldie - but handles both vector and raster - does everything I need it to do - and no subscriptions... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Hi Egg, Ok - thanks for your time... Then my next step is figuring out how to tell AI what supplies they need to fetch from the box... As for A3 you should try it - just right click on any unit in Eden - I forget the exact name (little pistol icon about 2/3 way down menu?) but it brings the unit into that virtual arsenal screen - you can swap load outs at will - then just save your changes... It's pretty slick and I don't know how A2 got by without it... Again - appreciate your help on this old stuff... I truly hope somewhere in your team's plans is a port of the SEA map as I just can't seem to get enough of it... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Hi Egg, Yeah - probably the same things I would use the new load out editor for in Arma 3... All I've done - so far - is SP related... Both player and AI related... All the things you mentioned sound great... I downloaded the RH Pistol package - so I wanted to swap out the .45's to see how they compare... If I'm going on night ops - might want to be sure and add flare guns to the team... If I'm going to be defending a position - add some Claymores to the mix... Scroll through the available content and maybe notice something I want to try... Add ACE supplies to the team... Etc etc etc... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Hi Folks, Man - I made a mission using two RHS Chinooks equipped with mini-guns delivering troops for an attack on a fort in Takistan - no explicit orders to attack anything - simply move in - drop troops and go home - they decimate the infantry with mini-guns - in fact my issue is they won't break off the attack and go home like the should - they just keep coming back for another gun run... Strange... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Hi Folks, Working on an Air Assault mission for Unsung - I have multiple helicopters launching from an airfield after a single trigger fires... Problem is it looks pretty unrealistic having every helicopter lifting off at precisely the same time... I'd like to add some random amount of delay for each unit before they take off... Is there an easy way to accomplish this ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Hi Egg, As always - thanks for your response... Ideally - I'm just trying to figure out the easiest way to modify troop load outs with available equipment in Arma 2... The only reason I have Arma 2 loaded is to take advantage of Unsung - so I'm trying to find the best way to easily equip Unsung content without having to resort to working off your spreadsheet to modify init fields by typing individual add/remove commands... If there is a better way - I'm all ears... It seemed like LEA was a good alternative if I could get it to read Unsung content... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Hi... Thanks - one follow up - what's the deal with the underscore preceding variables ? Is it just proper etiquette or required syntax ? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Hi... Thanks so much for all the help - I tried using your examples - I couldn't get them to work inside a waypoint or trigger - I'm pretty new at this stuff although I do know Unix shell scripting so I am starting from a better place than many... I'm guessing these are stand alone sqf scripts ? That said - I did find a fix... I had three helicopters in standby waiting for a radio call - so I started with a single trigger synced to three different "hold" waypoints adjacent to the respective helicopters - as I'm sure you know - when he trigger fired all three helicopters started engines and took off at exactly the same time... It looked pretty fake... If I used the (min/mid/max) timer in the "hold" wp - the helicopters would ignore the synced radio trigger and would take off without the trigger being fired when the "hold" wp timer expired... The fix seemed to be changing the "hold" wp to a "move" wp - not syncing the trigger to the waypoints at all - and - using the function "triggerActivated" to test if the named trigger had fired in the "condition" field of the "move" wp - and - also setting values in the (min/mid/max) timer fields... Now when I fire the radio trigger - all three helicopters start randomly anywhere from 60 to 120 seconds... It looks much better now... Thanks !!! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Hi Folks, Recently tried to get VAC working in Arma - downloaded installed VAC (still in demo mode) - made sure MS Speech Recognition worked on my PC with headset - did first complete training session - then closed MS Speech Recognition - downloaded and installed a profile I had found for Arma in VAC Builder - tested in VAC Builder - software recognized the terms from the profile successfully - closed VAC Builder - loaded the profile into the TSR for VAC (lower right of menu bar) set VAC to "On" - started Arma and - - - nothing... Am I missing something ? Do I have to purchase VAC before it will actually work ? Does MS Speech Recognition have to be left running ? Any ideas ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. HI Folks, If someone has a moment to answer a question - it seems A2 never included a load out manager in vanilla - after searching around it appears that "LEA Loadout Editor" is the most commonly used one... After playing around with it - it seems to need a static database to be aware of what equipment is available for each mod - it doesn't look at Arma for real time lookups... Unfortunately Unsung doesn't seem to be included with the app... Again - from poking around - it looks like you have two options for adding a mods contents into the editor.. One is it looks at the PBO and somehow extracts the data - haven't been able to get that to work... The other seems to be the ability to import a file that someone else may have made... Would anyone have the file so that Unsung content can be equipped via LEA ? Do you guys use this editor or are there alternatives ? Do you just equip via init fields ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. scottb613

    Setting up VAC (voice control) with Arma ?

    HI Sniper, Thanks for the response - might have to try that - I can't seem to get this to work... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. scottb613

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi folks, Please disregard the above, everything is working now. I didn't realize that "With Six" actually copies all the mods into the users document folders. So I was still launching the old mods in the old location without the updates. Once I figured it all out and pointed Arma to the correct folder everything worked as it should and my problems went away. Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. scottb613

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi Folks, Loaded With Six - installed all the latest updates - played with the interface size in settings - no joy... Same issues... 1) When I cycle the "F" Key - the weapon does not show what firing mode it's in (semi auto/full auto) or even what grenade I am throwing - is there anyway to determine this ? 2) when I open my "G" gear/backpack the screen seems messed up like tow different backpack screens are competing for real estate... I've seen this issue referenced in comments on YouTube - but no solutions were offered... Any idea as to how to fix this ? And finally... 3) I've seen the "Grass View Block Module" listed and referenced in this thread - however when I go through my ACE module list - this one isn't listed... Is there something I have to do to make it available ? My Screens don't seem right - the dialogs seem pushed off the top of the screen - 4:3 monitor... Any ideas ??? Thanks again... Regards, Scott
  20. Hi Froggy, As promised - just a simple IF3L ALiVE test that I've been having fun with... Load up your troops and advance south to take the town... Supply truck available via Transport Requests... Easy enough to modify for your needs... https://www.dropbox.com/s/p83iicsdypdg0la/SCO_IF3_ALIVE.Staszow.zip?dl=0 Regards, Scott
  21. Hi Folks, Found this chart - might be helpful to anyone messing with mortars in the arty conf files... One more question - is there an easy way to setup this file to almost guarantee firing - for testing or perhaps night illumination ? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. scottb613

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi... Thanks so much for taking the time to respond - really appreciated... Yeah - it's a shame about the documentation - I can't be the last person still messing with A2 and it sounds like ACE is almost essential... As I've read through this thread - I've seen it mentioned that 3.14 is only available via PW6... I haven't tried PW6 yet - but getting the last release seems like my best first step... I'll see if I can get the file tonight and I'll post my outcome... I've never played with the UI settings but I'll try that as well... Now I at least have a starting point - thanks again !!! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. scottb613

    [WIP] - MK10 Landing Craft Utility

    Hi Folks, Looks like a fine scale model... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Hi Folks, RE: Arty Configs... So if I understand the instructions correctly - I can define real in game artillery pieces that can be called on by both player and AI troops ? I'll see them fire if adjacent to their position ? So then the range of a given artillery piece is relative to the placement in the editor ? Would anyone know the approximate respective ranges for 81mm and 105mm mortars... Same for a 155mm Howitzer ? How exactly does the player initiate an artillery strike ? I've read the manual and there is a script call defined - but what do you use to run that script ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. Hi Folks, Wow - that looks great and looking forward to Korea... Unsung just added a nicely done BAR with their last release - it's a hoot and probably even more commonly used in your war... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk