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About SoulStalker

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  1. Looking for a piece of code that will prevent money being taken from players in the same INDEPENDENT group. Currently members in the same independent group lose money from there bank accounts when the hackers is completed by a member of the same group, not ideal. I think the code works for BLUFOR and OPFOR with the inclusion of the if - else script below I know the default section below needs a similar conditional if - else script to determine if players are in the same group and not to take money from their bank accounts, but just not sure how to code it. I can only hazard a guess at something like this if (side _x == INDEPENDENT && ? ) then {} where the ? is the missing piece of code Any help would be appreciated, Thanks // Give Reward to the hacker _totalMoney = 0; _playerSide = side player; switch (_playerSide) do { case BLUFOR: { { if (isPlayer _x) then { if (side _x == BLUFOR) then {} else { _bmoney = _x getVariable ["bmoney",0]; if ( _bmoney > 0 ) then { //might as well check for zero's _fivePercent = round(0.035*_bmoney); _x setVariable [ "bmoney", (_bmoney - _fivePercent), true ]; [] spawn fn_savePlayerData; _totalMoney = _totalMoney + _fivePercent; } } } } forEach playableUnits; }; case OPFOR: { { if (isPlayer _x) then { if (side _x == OPFOR) then {} else { _bmoney = _x getVariable ["bmoney",0]; if ( _bmoney > 0 ) then { //might as well check for zero's _fivePercent = round(0.035*_bmoney); _x setVariable [ "bmoney", (_bmoney - _fivePercent), true ]; [] spawn fn_savePlayerData; _totalMoney = _totalMoney + _fivePercent; } } } } forEach playableUnits; }; default { { if (isPlayer _x) then { _bmoney = _x getVariable ["bmoney",0]; if ( _bmoney > 0 ) then { //might as well check for zero's _fivePercent = round(0.035*_bmoney); _x setVariable [ "bmoney", (_bmoney - _fivePercent), true ]; [] spawn fn_savePlayerData; _totalMoney = _totalMoney + _fivePercent; } } } forEach playableUnits; }; }; if (_totalMoney > 1850000) then { player setVariable ["cmoney", (player getVariable ["cmoney", 0]) + _totalMoney, true]; [] spawn fn_savePlayerData; systemChat format["You have hacked players bank accounts to the value of $%1",_totalMoney]; } else { player setVariable ["cmoney", (player getVariable ["cmoney", 0]) + 1850000, true]; [] spawn fn_savePlayerData; systemChat format["You have hacked players bank accounts to the value of $1.250.000"]; }; }; ctrlSetText [ 8002, format [ "%1 kb/s", _dlRate ] ]; ctrlSetText [ 8004, format [ "%1 kb", _newFile ] ]; sleep 1; }; T8_varDiagAbort = false; closeDialog 0; _laptop setVariable [ "InUse", false, true]; }; }; downloadDataDONE = true; this is the code from the hacking of the laptop, need to change it so it doesnt take money from members of the same group. thanks