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About josueps

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Thanks a lot for your quick answers. That´s word by word what I was looking for.
  2. Hello and thanks for the attention. Like the tittle said I´m wondering if there is a way for, let´s say: putting some units in Eden editor, in buildings, roofs... anywhere, and then with the "mission.sqm" file (not binarize), create an: "whatever.sqf" file for spawning AI in the mission, just the same position, equipment... you did in Eden. Remember could do this in Arma2 OA, erasing some lines and adding something like this: setAccTime 0.0; processInitCommands;setAccTime 1; // And this in the "init.sqf" or in the trigger: if (isserver) then {execVM "whatever.sqf";}; // Whitout @CBA [0,{ execvm "whatever.sqf"}, []] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute; With @CBA I hope to make myself understood. Regards
  3. josueps

    attaching expl.charges to boats

    Remember used this script from Malak when Arma3 still in Alpha. Creating a "sabotage.sqf" with: ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// Sabotage script ///// ///// By ///// ///// ///// ///// MALAK ///// ///// ///// ///// thanks to Keine ///// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// _object = _this select 0; player playMove "advepercmstpsnonwrfldnon_putdown"; sleep 15; _timeleft = 600; while {true} do { // 10 minutes counter hintsilent format ["Charge Explode in :%1", [((_timeleft)/60)+.01,"HH:MM"] call bis_fnc_timetostring]; if (_timeleft < 1) exitWith{}; _timeleft = _timeleft -1; sleep 1; }; "M_Mo_82mm_AT" createvehicle getpos _object; {_x setdamage 1} foreach crew _object + [_object]; And in the init of the boat write this: this addAction ["Put a charge","sabotage.sqf"]; But the script only create a fake explosive, not use the charges of the inventary.
  4. Hey coopsswfc 76, i think you can run Arma 3 with low-medium settings. I have an q9550 / GTX 260 / 8gb.RAM / W-7 64bits and, for example, can run "King of the Hill" 25-35 FPS (medium-low). Overclock Q9550 @2,83 to 3,6Ghz. helps me with 3-4 frames, maybe. Down a fhoto with a benchmark on test mission OPF mark: http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g377/josueps/Bench_zpsd9c882ff.jpg
  5. I think your graphics card is much less powerfull than the rest of the rig. For gaming, always nVidia GTX.
  6. ...not bad for an old PC of more than four years old. For me things are going pretty well at the moment...
  7. josueps

    Modules: Object modifiers?

    This for Arma2 http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:ArmA_2:_Editor_Modules and http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138679-Advanced-editor-modules&highlight=modules+arma3 I know nothing for ArmA3...
  8. I finish with the "PhysX3_x86.dll" crash, when turned off the FXAA (in game video/settings, PAA: disabled) and only 2x Antialising. My Q9550@2,83/GTX260/DDRII-800 computer, not allows me higher settings.
  9. I´m not a Zombies fan, but this mod is Awesome!!! I like the dark night, zombies speed and zig-zag and 24=24 hours in game. But don´t like very much the "save" mode, cos you can press abort in difficult situations, and rejoinig with all items (sometimes the temptation is very strong:o). I imagine that will be very difficult erase that "glitch". Thanks for this fantastic mod. with PMC.
  10. I understand there is no valid responses for Arma: Armed Assault, but what´s about change groups name on slot selecction screen on Arma2:CO? is there any way to do this? as 5 years ago Dslyecxi i want change group name: "1-1-A" by "Comando Alpha".
  11. I feared that... thank you very much for the fast reply.
  12. Hi all. My question: is there any command or any script for not to show the statistics scoreboard? I want do that on mission editor, no changing server settings. If I ask something already written please delete my post, but could not find answers. thanks a lot.
  13. josueps

    -[TdC]- Convoy Script

    I ´ve the same problem that psvialli. The script works very nice, but on dedicated server shows me this mesagge, (althought runs OK): "Scr_fnc_convoy.sqf: not server or not enought param". In the script demo missions the same mesagge. Any idea to erase that unwelcome dispatch? Thanks a lot for this wonderfull script!!!