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hamster furieux

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Everything posted by hamster furieux

  1. hamster furieux

    Advanced AI Command

    Hi, I just tested the mod which worked perfectly for my players group needs, but even if the mission preview nicely locally, It doesnt work once uploaded on server. I ve read previous discussion but I m lost with scripting, and the method seems to concern the script version only. I ve tried to change the orders of mods, with no luck. I also use Alive which may causes the problem. If anyone has a workaround, by advance, thanks.
  2. I had a similar problem in eden editor when previewing with mcc enabled and I could not find a fix. we spoke about it in the mcc thread. It works fine when you play on server though.
  3. Hi, I ve got a very stange bug with vanilla+ace3+cba+mcc, all with their latest version: In the mission editor, I launch preview and everything is fine, ace interaction menu is ok. if I abort, back to eden, then launch again, I can call ace interaction menu, but i get stuck in it, and no way to make an action. If I close arma and relaunch, still stuck. Now if I delete ace3 folder, and install it again, I'm back at step 1, and interaction menu is ok until I go back to eden, then relaunch (and i get stuck again). All is fine without MCC. I hope it can help. Also when I launch zeus with Y in editor preview, MCC seems to hide my addons faction. it's ok in a multi game, and also if I launch zeus from MCC.
  4. hamster furieux


    thx for this addon, it's great for small team MP games!
  5. hamster furieux


    @oOKexOo I checked the mission and server settings, every faction is checked. If I uncheck one of the vanilla faction, eg FIA, it correctly disappears from the list in Zeus/Achille, but checked or unchecked, none of my additionnal factions are visible if I launch solo preview. Is there another place with those settings wich could stay unaffected, eg old config file or comething like that?
  6. hamster furieux


    Hi, I recently had troubles with faction restrictions in achille: I never had problems before, but I just discovered that all my addons don't appear in zeus when achille is loaded when i launch a solo test from eden editor. They are shown the first seconds, then disappear when achille make its little nvg sound. It's perfectly ok when I launch a local multi server, restrictions work fine. I never had this problem before but I can't say if it's related to an arma update or an achille update. I run your last version. by advance, thanx, ask me if I could help.
  7. thx for the answer, waiting for a new version to call the birds!
  8. Hi, I try to have an aircraft CAS on a map that have no airfield, a kind of off map support, so here is the problem: if I create an CS+CAS module off map, the land is not plane enough to let the plane take off. if I add some init and an elevation , my plane just fall, and only sometimes manage to avoid the crash (and it keep on crashing when respawning). if I use the advanced vehicule placement, and set the formation to "flying", it creates two planes: one at the ground trying to take off, and another flying around but not receiving CAS orders. That said, I have no problem with copters :) Thanx fo any advice I can have (and please forgive my poor english).