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Everything posted by EllaElectro

  1. Yeah i thought about this. But im not sure how to realize this. Theoretically there are Battalions with three digits. May be possible by converting text to picture but right know im not sure how to do it.
  2. EllaElectro

    IR Illuminator

    In this case it should be possible to create a steady IR light source in grenade form. In combination with the ACE3 you could attach them to your vest.
  3. Heyho. I'd like to offer my help with regards to vehicle configs and / or creation of german winter camo. Simply contact me if interested.
  4. EllaElectro

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Hey. Sorry for the noobish question. I created a hidden backpack as a placable item. But i can't get it to work. How do i exactly use this functions? Greetings
  5. Is looking cool. We are in need of a working german TPz.
  6. EllaElectro

    Hitpart Modding

    Could you state how you solved the problem?
  7. EllaElectro

    Night Vision Google - LUCIE

    Very cool. Thanks for releasing it!
  8. Even on short distances you most probably see the weapon's dust and not the ground dust.
  9. EllaElectro

    Bullet Dust? Why?

    I guess he is using CUP Terrains. Some "grassy" Surfaces do lack this dust effects. I already reported this issue in the CUP Terrains thread.
  10. Bug: I'm missing some "bullet hit ground" particle effects for certain surfaces. Reproductible on huge parts of the Chernarussian terrains (normal and summer version). Place an unit at grid 045/048 (grass strip at the airfield) and shoot the ground. You'll get the "black" hit circle but no "dust" particle effects. This issue is problematic for ranged combat in general, sniper and spotter missions and supression. If you cannnot locate the spot where a bullet hits the ground you cannot adjust accuratly.
  11. Heyho I'm missing some "bullet hit ground" particle effects for certain surfaces. Reproductible on huge parts of the Chernarussian terrains (normal and summer version). Place an unit at grid 045/048 (grass strip at the airfield) and shoot the ground. You'll get the "black" hit circle but no "dust" particle effects. This issue is problematic for ranged combat in general, sniper and spotter missions and supression. If you cannnot locate the spot where a bullet hits the ground you cannot adjust accuratly. Best wishes and a Happy New Year!
  12. EllaElectro

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    @nkey I'm sorry if this question was already answered – was not able to find anything via search function. 1. Is there currently a way to prevent one player to transmit on a certain frequency while another player is already transmitting on it? 2. If not are you planning something like that in a future release? Would be great to have such a feature in terms of realism. In real life, radio channels are "blocked" when someone is transmitting. 3. Furthermore i'd like to see a possibility to comepensate for radio signal losses through terrain interception (or similar). Maybe adding funcionality to radio towers. Best wishes and a Happy New Year!
  13. Will the hit pattern change, if i adjust the bullet mass?
  14. Hey guys, is there a way to readjust the barrelheating of a certain gun? Our machineguns can simply fire like 1000 rounds without a single jam. We are using the MG3 (ksp94) from SFP, which requires a barrelswitch for every magazine shot in full-auto in real life. Same thing for the BWMod MG5. Hope you can help me.