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Everything posted by Nach

  1. Thank, I just change _mrap by mrap !! by;)))
  2. you must to have a liste with the cfg vehicule of addon for car and heli _warthog = nearestObject [player, "Car"]; <<< it the cfg of unit ex for remplace car by "OPTRE_M12_FAV" _pelican = nearestObject [player, "Helicopter"]; <<again "OPTRE_Pelican_armed_green" _warthog = _this select 0; _pelican = _this select 1; _warthog attachTo [_pelican, ([(typeOf _warthog)] call OPTRE_fnc_PelicanAttachToPoints)];
  3. New version : forget version trigger ;) into init.sqf --------------- _allmrap = nearestObjects [player, ["OPTRE_M12_FAV" ], 999999]; { null = [_x] execVM "helpscript.sqf"; }foreach _allmrap ------------------------------------------ helpscript.sqf --------------------- _mrap = _this select 0; addac = heloname addAction ["Attachtomrap",{[_this select 0] attachTo [heloName, ([(typeOf mrapName)] call OPTRE_fnc_PelicanAttachToPoints)]},[],1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 150"]; // 150 distance active script on heloname by a mrap to 150m publicVariable "addac"; you must to have a script into the init. addon I think for active adonn exemple >> OPTRE_fnc_PelicanAttachToPoints = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Maglocks.sqf"; or an global script who search the init null = [] initmyaddon.sqf; for active the fnc you must to call or execvm it into the init .sqf for actived attach to by ;)))))))
  4. Can you post this script I can help you if you want by ;)
  5. _allmrap = nearestObjects [player, ["O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F" ], 999999]; // https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_EAST // for exemple class east { _trg = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPosATL _x]; _trg setTriggerArea[150,150,0,false]; _trg setTriggerActivation["any","PRESENT",false]; _trg setTriggerStatements["this", "null =[] execVM 'yourscript.sqf',hint 'my trigger actived debug' ;", ""]; // "1st condition" , 2nd "on activate" change "this" by>> "this && vehicle player isKindOf ""air""" ---for the condition if is the player in fly }forEach _allmrap;
  6. If you write in a trigger in game or editor is >> if (isserver) then { null = [_trgMan, _ied, "PressurePlate"] call ace_explosives_fnc_connectExplosive;}; another solution into init.sqf ace_explosives_fnc_connectExplosive = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "myscript.sqf"; into a trigger null = [] spawn ace_explosives_fnc_connectExplosive;
  7. 1) yes you can change start here into unit init the box>> this addaction ["Rescue Pilot","unit = _this select 0,_this join group player, unit removeAction 0"]; 1*) into the first " " // "you can write anything to read on the IA" , Don 't forget write this addaction before for the script. 2) yes you input to the init box of the pilot. by ;)))))
  8. activateAddons ["ACE_IEDLandBig_Range","ACE_IEDLandSmall_Range","ACE_IEDUrbanBig_Range","ACE_IEDUrbanSmall_Range"]; I don' t try maybe the solution by ;)))
  9. put in the object init box of your unit (rescue pilot)>> this addaction ["Join.Player","unit = _this select 0,_this join group player, unit removeAction 0"]; You have now an action on this unit by ;))))
  10. Nach

    Hostage rescue script

    in MP You can put into init.sqf. hostageaddaction = namevariableuniteditor addaction ["Rescue","rescue.sqf"]; publicvariable "hostageaddaction"; all clients can read the addaction on the hostage
  11. Hello There a misc bug when we actived this function in the Windows debug into the editor. Other when the player set to the height for the jump the addaction for deploy the parachute " it' s the first arm" ? Thanks Nach
  12. if (!isServer) exitWith {}; while {true} do { "mymarkerheliinitvariable" setMarkerPos getPos variablenamehelico; variablenamehelicoeditor addEventHandler ["respawn", {"mymarkerheliinitvariable" setmarkercolor "colorBLUE"}]; variablenamehelicoeditor addEventHandler ["killed", {"mymarkerheliinitvariable" setmarkercolor "colorRED"}]; }; for marker color https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setMarkerColor.
  13. I send this mail because we making mission editor , with my team we want to jump simply with a parachute in inventory cop . We take a b_parachute in cargo heli. all players don' t have the addaction in fly after the ejection for open parachute on Server. We don 't use funtion BIS halo. We don't use another ADDON . Just it s an IA drive to a ejection waypoint . Other... I saw in the editor Windows debug there a misc error with the _bis_fnc_halo. ex : [player,100] call BIS_fnc_halo; A relation ? I don't say!! Thank you for your game !! Sorry for my bad English . Nach Arma Team GRIFF France
  14. Réapariton object Dlc Markmen after Eden update doesn't work in multiplayer , only the player install this can respawn on the "menuposition" of the revive BIS. Before there are no this problem .
  15. I use call bis arsenal on the initialisation of my mobile and a module respawn mobile i want say how at the respawn conserve the initialisation call bis arsenal on the new vehicle spawn if you have solution ? Thank you! :)