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Posts posted by venthorror

  1. Vertical climb speed using standard flight model is 11mps. Vertical climb using AFM is 5mps.

    If this inconsistency is realism-vise it makes no problem.

    I was worried that it might be connected to the new throttle system, as I was unable to get any vertical speed.



    Notice that throttle on pilot hud goes to 100. Is there any way to get 120%?

    Also shouldn't Radar needle on the helicopter mdf and in the box on the pilot' hud sweep from left to right when I turn the radar on?

    I'm sure I saw it on some other vehicle in vanilla game... Maybe in New black wasp...

  2. EXE rev. 141872

    There seems to be something wrong with the sound while walking on the sea shore.

    Need more testing, but it seems there is no muzzle sound when firing in certain situations.

    Possibly while standing on the beach feet or knees in water.


    Will be making a ticket soon (if there isn't one already). Need to gather more info.

  3. When Jets DLC was announced I was so thrilled, but at the same time worried because there are no "large" maps Like South Asia in TOH, also knowing that South Asia was not "properly" ported to A3.

    I think PMC terrains saved the day.

    Being able to have 40 000 view distance without frame rate drops, and still not being able to see the end of the map really makes it feel like a flight sim.

    The terrain moves so slow below your aircraft even while flying mach1.


    Online on vanilla, or any other terrains for that matter, while being forced to have low view distance to preserve FPS, it feels so claustrophobic not seeing your target until you are too close. Then, time to react is non existent.


    44 minutes ago, Aradol said:

    I Decided to build a city

    Looking good.

    What are you using for object placement?

  4. Was following dev from the beginning and changes are very satisfying. But...

    I am somewhat... very confused about how sensors work now.


    Flying NOE does not hide my aircraft. Not even humming bird gets lost in the background hovering at 10 meters. (it is detected by the radar not by IR)

    Is Falcon UAV supposed to be stealth aircraft? It is small, but very detectable.

    I guess it is my lack of understanding rather than the game.

    Can someone elaborate?


  5. 7 hours ago, Imperator[TFD] said:

    Real 'pros' fly in first person mate. Might be time to learn.

    I'm also guessing that real pros fly with one eye shut and not using right hand.


    Jokes aside...

    Change to the camera seems to be carried form jets and does require attention.

    Not everybody uses the same setup, key-binds or hardware. Most reasonable solution is making it enjoyable for everyone.

    I vote for changing it back like it was before. (like it is in Take On Helicopters)


    If you look at discussion on steam (not likely to ever find anything intelligent there, but...) it is in flames over camera change.




    Looks like its being worked on so now we can get back to the Jets topic...

  6. Congratulations on release!


    Awesome. Jets now feel nice and polished.

    Playing with TflightHotasX Flight stick, and Opentrack for head tracking...

    Showcase is short but nice.


    Managed to connect to some NMD Sandbox server playing dogfight. What a BLAST!


    Also I managed to stall the aircraft with wings vertical, like i was frozen in the air... It was really difficult to recover... Is this realistic? Should the nose drop down?

    • Like 1

  7. 46 minutes ago, esfumato said:

    Has been the DLC delayed until 30-May ? I was going to buy it now but it appears on steam than the DLC will be released on 30 instead of 16 of may.


    Well... the DLC bundle.

    Timer says Jets will unlock in 3 hours.

    Thats 13h GMT.  (for me will unlock at 15h)


    edit: Can you please post a link or better a screenshot of the info you have seen?

  8. Release day for Jets DLC is close, very close.. You can see it from here.


    So when It comes out I plan to go back to stable.

    How do I opt out of DEV branch and avoid double download at the same time?


    Because when you opt out, your game "updates" a few Gbs just the same...

    So when DEV hits stable, will it be the same version for a day?

  9. 2 hours ago, captmoose344 said:

    When a helicopter clips a building and drops to the ground 5 feet below it insta-splodes and will kill everyone because you fell on a wall.

    While this issue regarding helicopters is off topic here. I feel a great desire to back this up.


    Exploding helicopters, being one of those highly unrealistic issues Arma has, shouldn't transfer to jets.

    It feels that this mechanic needs a little more attention.

    Even if there are no plans for adding damage modeling. Still, this issue with exploding aircraft becomes more of a nuisance than just a realism issue.


    Here is a video many of you might have already seen



    Having said that, In reality: Jets seem to have much more flame crashes than helicopters...

    Having so much fuel, with impacts being at high speeds.

    I have not seen many jet crashes without booms.

    • Like 3

  10. To throw my voice in:

    I believe limited zoom in DLC jets adds to the overall balance.


    Where old CAS jets, being inferior to the new ones, are having this "superior" zoom.

    It is holding some balance against DLC jets having beyond visual range senors..

  11. 4 hours ago, aardvark892 said:

    wish they'd add that for helos.

    Helicopters have optional (and if you use HOTAS, highly recommended) Advanced Flight Model.

    Feature you are asking for is already in the game and nicely polished...


    @Hvymtal  Are you sure throttle issue is not related to your Flight stick? Because sometimes I had this weird bug where game would not pick up my throttle input unless i tapped throttle up on keyboard...

  12. Flight direction indicators  T124748  and T124697  Have been fixed.

    Good job.

    I somewhat dislike new Shikra cannon sound, but that's just my opinion... what do the others think?


    Is aiming heat seeking missiles with free look going to get some kind of aid? Like a circle indicating center of pilots and missiles view?

    Are max AOA and G-force effect anywhere on the roadmap? (I know there must be more important things seeking attention especially a few days from the release)

    Sorry guys I was unable to find any new bugs. Lets hope it stays that way!
