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Everything posted by alessiomoreno

  1. alessiomoreno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    What a quick response! Thank you ;)
  2. Thank you for the answer, chairborne :) I was not able to distinguish whether the T72 is influenced by RAM or not. Simply wondered, since CUP - at least that's my take on your work - offers -from a gameplay perspective - a magnificient alternative to the A3 vanilla content & was released long after RAM, some one might have considered applying it. In regards to compatibility with vanilla A3: I always viewed CUP content as largely unrelated to vanilla A3, hence didn't have any intentions at any point to mix the two of them. In that light it occured to me, as if such a choice might have made sense. I don't know any modification, besides RHS, that'd use RAM either :/ Nope. The above means though, any such vehicle would then be perhaps not vanilla compatible anymore, but RHS instead. And yes; as far as I understood Old's remarks on the damage system - we're talking about basically recreating the base model of any vehicle that should work as suggested. (Is that correct?) Such of course, indeed, miiight proove time consuming.. :blink: ~
  3. alessiomoreno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hi there folks :) Since it's February now and time keeps moving forward.. I wanted to drop a tiny, little questionmark behind that rumoured Mi 28 model that's been touched up on somewhere on this forum - Does anybody of you know how the fellow behind that beast is doing? Best regards, ~ Alessio
  4. Hi there folks, stellar job on the update! Especially ACE compat. - good to see that the large modifications seem to find some common ground :) Here's a question I've wanted to ask in a pretty long time, and, correct me if I'm wrong though, it seems, nobody has asked so far: Are CUP vehicles, like the T72M for instance modelled after RAM (Real Armour Modification), so that, theoretically speaking, they'd be compatible with other tanks based on that mod? If so, which vehicles, save for the T72, did get that attenton? I`d assume creating a model along the lines of RAM wouldn't necessarily help shiny deathtraps like a BMP or the likes, huh? Anyways, Keep up the good work, gentlemen ;) ~