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About Sh0rty

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  1. Hey, i haven't found anything to this problem yet, but if i lower my launchbar and get onto the catapult the launch crew spawns... but about 8 meters in the air and about half of them die from the fall. First of all this does not really add to immersion, second of all, i guess if the wrong one dies, he cant perform his animation so the others wait forever and i can restart the mission because i'm stuck on the catapult... Any Ideas? Flightdeck height is 17.5 meters, the same height as in the onShip Module...
  2. Well, it comes up with this problem now... 21:14:57: Extensions: "</texheaders>" class CfgPatches { class shrty_santmarteen { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = { "A3_Map_Stratis" }; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class shrty_santmarteen{}; }; class CfgWorlds { class Stratis class shrty_santmarteen: Saint Martin rapify x64UnicodeVersion 1.76, Dll 6.44 "config.cpp" In File shrty\shrty_santmarteen\config.cpp: Line 23 Expected ';' or ':' or '{' after classname Line 23 is : class shrty_santmarteen: Saint Martin and if i put a semicolon behind it, i get the same error...
  3. I tried your solution, but the outcome is the same, it just wont pack, telling me i am missing a semicolon in either the layers.cfg or the config.cpp ... i checked both, everything seems ok...
  4. Really? Where exactly? i thought the sum of { and } added up (7 open, 7 close)... Edit: Also, pboProject says no to this solution...
  5. Hello Everyone, i seem to have a Problem with my layers.cfg, atleast that's what pboProject thinks... ..File shrty\shrty_santmarteen\source\layers.cfg: Expected ';' or ':' or '{' after classname Failed. View->output logs for shrty\shrty_santmarteen shrty_santmarteen.pbo not produced due to error(s) Anyone spot something weird in my cfg? class Layers { class shrty_grass { texture = ""; material = "shrty\shrty_santmarteen\data\shrty_grass.rvmat"; }; class shrty_ocean { texture = ""; material = "shrty\shrty_santmarteen\data\shrty_ocean.rvmat"; }; class shrty_beach { texture = ""; material = "shrty\shrty_santmarteen\data\shrty_beach.rvmat"; }; class shrty_stone { texture = ""; material = "shrty\shrty_santmarteen\data\shrty_stone.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture = "maplegend.png"; class Colors { shrty_grass[] = {{ 0, 100, 0 }}; shrty_ocean[] = {{ 0, 0, 255 }}; shrty_beach[] = {{ 255, 255, 0 }}; shrty_stone[] = {{ 255, 0, 0 }}; }; };
  6. Hey guys, anyone noticed that you can't load JDAMs on the planes anymore? There are now tons of ammunition to choose, but no GBU-31/32/38 etc... Or am i just doing something wrong?
  7. will it be compatible with ACE 3 refuel system?