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Everything posted by easyeb

  1. Ease? Ok, so the code works on top of what ALiVE is already selected to spawn, so I don't have to blacklist what ALiVE already does not spawn (like virtual reality items and parachutes as vehicles)? What I did was copy paste that code and added the OPFOR AA missile specialist. I have yet not encountered one by teleporting around looking at what is spawned, but it's hard to know for sure. I guess the easiest way is to get to da choppa and see what's shooting at me :)
  2. Gunny1979, Is the example code on http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Custom_Blacklists about what ALiVE spawns as standard? So I can just input whatever units I want blacklisted in the different blacklist categories?
  3. So I've been trying to get something to work out and i've not had much luck. What I want to do is have three groups, Alpha 1-1, Alpha 1-2 and Alpha1-3. I want to be able to Team Switch between the groups and also High Command the other two groups that I am not currently playing. What I get is I start as Alpha 1-1, then I can command Alpha 1-2 and Alpha 1-3. But when I team switch I of course have no High Command from the other two groups. If I give all of them High Command - Commander and High Command - Subordinate I can reach the commanding menu even when I switch groups (so when I switch to Alpha 1-2 I can see Alpha 1-1 as my subordinate) but the group does not respond to commands. Anyone of you have any ideas or experience? Input as always much appreciated.
  4. I think I have tried every combo of syncing, getting nowhere with this.
  5. easyeb

    More Options for Squad Leaders

    Clear building and Garrison building commands are available in the magnificent (yet not recently updated) WWAI Menu.
  6. Any way to get it single-playerized? One of the scripts you mentioned in the thanks (BTC Revive) has this great feature where the closest AI to you comes and revives you if you fall. Pretty please? With sugar on top?
  7. Hi! Is there any way to exclude a particular unit class from bbeeing spawned by ALiVE? I'd like to ease up on the CSAT AA specialists.
  8. I was looking for exactly this and tried ALiVE. Never looked back.
  9. It's weird becaus when you set it up so that both are commander over the other one you seem to be able to command the other one until you have switched to it once, then it stops reacting to waypoints.
  10. I'm getting nothing. Trying with two riflemen, Alpha 1-1 and Alpha 1-2. Both have High Command Commander synced to themselves and synced to High Command Subordinate for the other guy. Same deal; when I team switch it looks like I'm ready to roll but the unit is not responding to commands.
  11. I appreciate that you think highly of me Mr.J but could you maybe spell it out to me? As if I was three years old... :)
  12. Thanks for your help guys! I am however not having any luck. The reason for this is probably because of two things; first I'm not experienced in scripting. I kind of get the idea but I can't find whats wrong when something is not working. Secondly, more to this matter, is that I'm using WWAI "Eject player & selection" for my parachute drops. The eject code looks like this: I've tried pasting your suggestions in here (not sure where so I placed it in the end, after everything) but without luck. It's so weird because everything works fine. We get out of the plane, parachutes deploy for everybody, we take a smooth ride to the ground and then all of a sudden 1/4 or even 1/3 of my squad just ends up dead when they land.
  13. So whenever I parachute with my AI squad there is always a couple of them dying when they land for reasons I can't understand. Is there some script or anything I can do to ensure they survive the landing? I'd appreciate any help I can get. Cheers!
  14. Hi! So I'm a bit new to everything but I was wondering if it's possible to change the reticle of the vanilla optics? If so, how would one go about such a thing? Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
  15. Hi! I'm wondering if there is any way to make launcher carrying AI squad members to hold fire with their launchers until I tell them to fire them. What I want them to do is shoot at infantry and not blow their launcher load on the first unarmed Ifrit they see. Bonus question! Is there any way to get AI to stop wasting bullets on air units such as helicopters?
  16. Hey, thanks, but what I want is for them to NOT fire their launchers but do fire their rifles.
  17. easyeb

    RH Acc pack

    Top mounted PEQ-15s seem a little off center (to the left) on the rails. ---------- Post added at 15:26 ---------- Previous post was at 14:43 ---------- Also the 553 rides a little low, needs to come up a notch. Image:
  18. easyeb

    RH Acc pack

    RH. From the bottom of my heart thank you thank you for that 553.
  19. easyeb

    =BTC= Quick revive

    I'd also like to disable respawn completely, just have the player die when the time runs out but keep everything else as it is. It would be nice to be able to press escape and reach the standard escape-menu while in uncounscious so one could reach the team switch menu. As R3vo said, thanks for your effort!
  20. Can't turn of vehicle crosshairs (helicopters, planes) in difficulty. Third person maybe, but not first person. At least for me it foesn't work.
  21. I'd like an addon/mod that removes all standard crosshairs from vehicles. Such a thing exists?
  22. Sweet, thanks! The real curveball though is when I switch to a unit in another group. ---------- Post added at 07:50 ---------- Previous post was at 06:36 ---------- After testing it I don't seem to get it to work though :( Must be doing something wrong. ---------- Post added at 08:31 ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 ---------- Got it working via trigger on act "onTeamSwitch {group player selectLeader player}"
  23. Not talking about the lock boxes now. Since the weapons pbo is the one keeping AI gunners from engaging it unfortunately has to go (for me). But then when I fly I get those vanilla crosshairs.
  24. Yeah I also have the same problem of AI gunners not engaging. Is there any way to get the crosshairs away from the vanilla aircraft? I don't know whats worse - AI gunners not engaging or those white crosshairs messing up a perfectly good HMD :)