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About daminos

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  1. daminos

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    I have looked around for thsi topic and googled it alot but did not find anything. So, I absolutely LOVE the UAVs in this game but I noticed I could not find a way to control multiple drones at once, let's say 3 drones at once, I tried to help my friends on wasteland which were in a fight they were getting attacked by 2 tanks, so I thought hey let's let my greyhawks ATGM fly over there and destroy it, but I noticed I could only control one, I wanted to make 2 of them fly over there and seek and destroy and control one of the drones manually. So yeah, here's my question, is it posible to control 3 drones at the same time or could this ever be a feature to be added? I would really love it if I could I imagine someone conrolling 10 drones at once is not possible, but that's not what I am asking, having 1 person control an army of drones would be completely overkill, but I guess you could limit the terminal's capacity to just 2/3 drones? Once again if something like that is already possible I would love to hear it, because it's really hard to reconnect to a greyhawk when it's 3km away and 200m up in the air ;P