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Everything posted by PabloDMA

  1. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi! some people reported me that, some times, Contact DLC is required to play the mission. Of course, they have not bought it so the cannot play. The curious thing is that this issue is solved by closing arma 3 and launch it again, but this does not solve the issue permanently. Also, I've noticed that the mission is not using the player's default face. Any ideas why this could be happening? Thanks!!
  2. I'm having the same issue over here. Any ideas?
  3. PabloDMA

    Enhanced Movement

    Cause not everybody had EM enabled on that mission.
  4. PabloDMA

    Enhanced Movement

    Hi everyone! just to let you know that since last ACE update, this is happening when you sit down on a chair, with EM enabled. https://imgur.com/wdDAWaH
  5. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    I've just submitted an Issue on github for the "saving" problem with mi RPT https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/issues/625 Thanks in advance!
  6. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Yes, same behavior here. I'm sending the RPT through asap
  7. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hey! It would be great to have the "Prevent-AI-from-spawning-near-the-base" option on param.hpp for next release. Maby you could you the "flag" marker on the map as "YOUR_MARKER_AREA" Cheers!
  8. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    I think you need to log in as admin, and select "Database > Delete" from ace interaction menu. Otherwise, you'll have to delete database manually by cleaning up arma3profile.vars file... I think. Hopefully, that could help.
  9. PabloDMA

    ASR AI 3

    Hi everyone! ASR RHS Config mod (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=886857451) is still needed to be executed with ASR AI 3? Thanks!
  10. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hmmm, that's weird... Nope, no VCOM, instead we use ASR, and I already set up asr_ai3_main_factionskip_str with every "west" faction that we use for Hearts and Minds. Gonna have to ask both Alive and ASR team I guess...
  11. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Thanks! it worked. BTW, are you using Alive Support on your missions? We are having a lot of issues with Alive Transport and CAS. CAS helos don't engage any targets, Transport don't pick up any vehicle and every time I give them "Land" command, the HELO touches the ground but immediately takes off Have anyone of you experienced the same troubles?
  12. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hey! Back again with more annoying questions. I've noticed that every time the user connects to a slot, the default equipment of that unit (or modified in eden editor) is not preserved. I mean, if you have "disabledAI = 0;" on the description.ext file How do I disable that? The use case that I'm trying to cover, is that as mission maker, I want to have AI enabled for players, so if they get kicked from the server (due internet connection problems or whatever) the AI remains in the same position, with the same equipment and the user is able to rejoin the battle without having to re-equip Can you help me? Thanks!
  13. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi! It is possible to blacklist certain blufor faction (In my case, RHS Us Army) from being controlled by AI difficulty mission script? Thanks
  14. Same behavior here. Despite, we've been trying to use cba_setting, but as you mentioned, we've seen no change on any configurable parameter
  15. Hello! I don't know why, but for some reason, I can't set up VCOM to just rule over EAST and IND. The only thing I see on .rpt file is this: 13:24:16 [CBA] (settings) WARNING: Invalid value [<null>,<null>] for setting VCM_SIDEENABLED. Fall back to default value. x\cba\addons\settings\fnc_init.sqf:168 This is the way that I'm setting up VCM_SIDEENABLED on Userconfig VCM_SIDEENABLED = [resistance,east]; //Sides that will activate Vcom AI Also, I've edited the cba_settings (just in case) but VCOM still takes control over Blufor. We have tried also: VCM_SIDEENABLED = [resistance]; //Sides that will activate Vcom AI VCM_SIDEENABLED = [GUER]; //Sides that will activate Vcom AI No results! Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  16. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi! I'm gettin this error on .rpt at mission launch { if (_x select 0 > CBA_missionTime) exitWith {};> 16:36:28 Error position: <select 0 > CBA_missionTime) exitWith {};> 16:36:28 Error Generic error in expression 16:36:29 Error in expression <e; }; Any Ideas?
  17. Hi! For some reason, I'm not being able to use userconfig configuration (we have enabled "-filePatching" parameter). taking this into account, we've set up VCOM parameters via cba_settings.sqf, but i don't' know why, it's not working properly. This is what is currently configured on cba_settings: // VCOM SETTINGS force force Vcm_ActivateAI = true; force force VCM_ADVANCEDMOVEMENT = true; force force VCM_AIDISTANCEVEHPATH = 200; force force VCM_AIMagLimit = 5; force force VCM_ARTYDELAY = 300; force force VCM_ARTYENABLE = true; force force VCM_ARTYSPREAD = 300; force force VCM_Debug = false; force force VCM_FRMCHANGE = true; force force VCM_HEARINGDISTANCE = 2000; force force VCM_MINECHANCE = 75; force force VCM_RAGDOLL = true; force force VCM_RAGDOLLCHC = 50; force force VCM_SIDEENABLED = [GUER,EAST]; force force VCM_SKILLCHANGE = true; force force VCM_STATICARMT = 200; force force VCM_StealVeh = true; force force VCM_WARNDELAY = 30; force force VCM_WARNDIST = 1500; Thing is that when i acces CBA addon options, it doesn't follow those parameters, and the are all forced to server. Any ideas? Thanks
  18. Resolved. A mod was deleted from SW. I've deleted that line on mods.cfg @ownedarg
  19. Hi! I'm, having this error when try to check addon updates Any ideas? Thanks!
  20. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Sent! Thanks
  21. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi everyone! When i joined our server, I realized that the mission progress had not been loaded at all. I've start checking the .rpt but couldn't find any clue about what could happened. Is there a way to check on the .rpt if someone has deleted the database? I mean, i know that someone had to log in as admin first in order to delete it, but im trying to look something that helps me to understand what happened Maybe there's been an error loading mision data?? How do i check that?
  22. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi @Vdauphin I want to split both Arsenal and Re-deploy actions in two different objects. Arsenal should be on a sparated ammobox, and re-deploy on a flag. //Re-deploy _action = ["fob_redeploy", localize "STR_BTC_HAM_ACTION_REDEPLOY_MAIN", "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\simpleTasks\types\run_ca.paa", {[] spawn btc_fnc_fob_redeploy}, {btc_p_redeploy}, {}, [], [0.4,0,0.4], 5] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [btc_gear_object, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; //Arsenal if (btc_p_arsenalType < 3) then { btc_gear_object addAction [localize "STR_BTC_HAM_ACTION_ARSENAL_OPEN_BIS", "['Open',true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;"]; }; if (btc_p_arsenalType in [2, 4]) then { btc_gear_object addAction [localize "STR_BTC_HAM_ACTION_ARSENAL_OPEN_ACE", "[player, player, true] call ace_arsenal_fnc_openBox;"]; }; Should I change name a flag "btc_redeploy" and edit line 95 from "btc_gear_object" to "btc_redeploy" ? Thanks
  23. PabloDMA

    Respawn Ticket System?

    Thanks! Sorry, i'm not an expert on scripting. ..Where should i try this? Directly on the init.sqf?
  24. PabloDMA

    Respawn Ticket System?

    Hi everyone! Is there any way to have individual respawn tickets? I mean, as player if I die 2 times, i should not be able to re-join the battle no matter how many remaining tickets east or west factions have I tried with this on the init.sqf: if (isServer) then { [a1, 2] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [a2, 2] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [a3, 2] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [a4, 2] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [a5, 2] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; }; a1 is unit name, 2 available tickets Im not having the expected results, since if a player joins the mission in progress, (suppose A6) is assigned with 10 respawn tickets Thanks!
  25. PabloDMA

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi everyone! im looking for a way to automatically save>auto-restart and load the mission. The goal is to avoid the FPS drop after 48 hs of mission uptime Any ideas? Thanks! PS:(sory for my bad english)