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Everything posted by icmspectre

  1. icmspectre

    Arma 3 Science Fiction Map

    Absolutely love those Oblivion style buildings in the sky, awesome detail
  2. They look amazing. Hope he returns to good health soon
  3. Jesus, Mary and Joseph... There is NO SHORT SLEEVES (THATS 0 SHORT SLEEVES) on any of them..... just sayin' P.S get salty over a question, expect a salty response, smart arse.
  4. Any chance of short sleaved shirts and/or no shirts. Kinda like in the platoon or something?
  5. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    He's not really asking for an update, just wondering if they've resolved an issue...
  6. icmspectre

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Has anyone ever thought of making the galac-tac armour? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=galactac&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB706GB706&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=955&tbm=isch&imgil=JPYnO3GEAvhxsM%253A%253B_j_yc8OVa9qlAM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fimgur.com%25252Fgallery%25252Fhvske&source=iu&pf=m&fir=JPYnO3GEAvhxsM%253A%252C_j_yc8OVa9qlAM%252C_&usg=__QfMRHX8Yclz22qmYIFW6nZ_zJeM%3D&ved=0ahUKEwj55MWJhfHOAhVJJcAKHXSjC4MQyjcINQ&ei=O6DJV7nbFMnKgAb0xq6YCA#imgrc=JPYnO3GEAvhxsM%3A https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=galactac&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB706GB706&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=955&tbm=isch&imgil=JPYnO3GEAvhxsM%253A%253B_j_yc8OVa9qlAM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fimgur.com%25252Fgallery%25252Fhvske&source=iu&pf=m&fir=JPYnO3GEAvhxsM%253A%252C_j_yc8OVa9qlAM%252C_&usg=__QfMRHX8Yclz22qmYIFW6nZ_zJeM%3D&ved=0ahUKEwj55MWJhfHOAhVJJcAKHXSjC4MQyjcINQ&ei=O6DJV7nbFMnKgAb0xq6YCA#imgrc=uCg1bVx2--or2M%3A
  7. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    What do you mean by cfg patch? Like the way you have your spotlights and stuff?
  8. I'm getting a weird bug. All pilot coveralls are bright white
  9. icmspectre

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Roger that, going to take a look
  10. icmspectre

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Could someone be a legend and make the SA-2 Samson from Avatar
  11. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    What actually needs finishing with this mod? From these screenies it looks pretty much perfect as it is
  12. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    RHS United States Armed Forces addon
  13. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    Well I see a mod ready to be released ;)
  14. icmspectre

    Advanced Rappelling

    What helo's are compatible with this?
  15. You're progressing so quickly, fuck me sideways I'm impressed
  16. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

  17. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    Yeah thats what I meant mate
  18. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    I see that the back ramp is a two parter and you can open them seperately. But is there a way to open them both simultaneously?
  19. heyyy, they're gonna need a CH-46 too for charlie ;)
  20. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    Hows your module coming along buddy?
  21. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    Excited to drop some Marines into Tanoa with this bird
  22. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    How did you set the weight of the lift? Amount of items in the cargo?
  23. icmspectre

    CH-46 Knight

    When a mod author invests so much time and effort into building something incredibly well detailed with great features, such as yourself, the general public are going to hype and constantly compliment you and whoever is involved with the project. And when something as great as yours appears on the forums I guess its your audience's job to keep you motivated and pushing on because we, as much as you, want to see this mod finished and not abandoned. So I know for a fact I could say this on behalf of many other members of the community, we thank you too buddy
  24. My only suggestion is that the slick needs to be a bit more stiff, it feels too agile