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Helicopters fail to land

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I placed a Helicopter somewhere and put a load of soldiers in it. Then I gave it the waypoint "transport unload" in the warzone but the choppa always failed to land under heavy fire. It starts to fly around, making no attempt to unload the soldiers.

What is going on and how can I fix this problem?

thx :)


the SpecOpBoy

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Well you could try it with:

{_x setCombatMode "BLUE"; _x disableAI "TARGET"; _x disableAI "AUTOTARGET"} forEach (units this);

Put this code in the "Init Field" of the driver ( pilot ).

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Well you could try it with:

{_x setCombatMode "BLUE"; _x disableAI "TARGET"; _x disableAI "AUTOTARGET"} forEach (units this);

Put this code in the "Init Field" of the driver ( pilot ).


this setBehaviour "CARELESS";

can help a lot.


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Your lucky so many people are helpful. It's common to get "search" responses. Especially with this question. Did you search? This question has been brought up a thousand times.

Anyway, you aren't specific, and since there are many ways to do this, we need more info. And the other responses are helpful but you shouldn't need any script or typing commands for this to be done. Putting "CARELESS" is important on the waypoint or landing will be secondary.

How did you get the troops in? You say you put a load of troops inside. Did you type "this getincargo" in all of their init? Or did you get them in with a waypoint? Or are they gouped with the helicopter and you checked off "incargo" in the special box? Also did you sync any of the waypoints together? the "getout"sync with the transport unload?

Transport unload is for units like a helicopter to unload units that don't belong to it's group. It is for tranporting units from other groups.

Unload is for units within the same group as the helicopter.

The helicopter won't land unless it is specifically told to. It will land at a waypoint if it is on an H. So put an invisible H so it knows exactly where to land. It can still land without one, but it needs to know that something wants in or out.

So you need to give the troops a "getout" command. Or the helicopter won't land. especially if you did not give the troops a "getin" waypoint. If they just started in the helicopter using script to put them in, then the helicopter has trouble identifying the it has units inside that don't belong to it. Giving troops a getin command and sync it with a load command for the helicopter will tell the helicopter it is carrying something for a purpose. Then sync the transport unload command with the getout command at the landing point on an H.

Also one important part to remember, Where you put the "getout" command you might want to put the completion radius pretty big. Like 15 or somehting. With the helicopter taking fire and terrain, etc. It won't always land perfectly on the spot. And if the get out command is not within the completion radius the troops might stay inside.

Anyway, hope this helped, Sometimes i can't stop typing:eek:

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I had EXACTLY the same issue in my mission. What I did was to place a chopper and, in the initilization field, put

driver this allowDamage FLASE; this allowDamage FALSE; this setBehaviour CARELESS;

Not letting it recieve damage means that the chopper won't be shot down while you are inserting and the pilot won't be killed so the mission doen't finish before it's begun. The careless bit means that the pilot will ignore all incomming fire.

I then put a transport unload waypoint down and in the activation field I put


Where CHOPPER_NAME is the name of your chopper (duh) and LANDING_POINT is the name of an invisible helipad I placed at the point I wanted my team to be inserted.

This should make the chopper fly to the area, land, drop off his troops and turn off his engines.

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Where CHOPPER_NAME is the name of your chopper (duh) and LANDING_POINT is the name of an invisible helipad I placed at the point I wanted my team to be inserted.

That's not exactly how the land function works. It seems to be working for you since there's an invisible helipad nearby, but the right side argument for land is mode, not an object.


helicopter land mode


helicopter: Object

mode: String

Force helicopter landing. Landing mode may be:

* "LAND" (complete stop)

* "GET IN" (hovering very low, for another unit to get in)

* "GET OUT" (hovering low,for another unit to get out)

* "NONE" (cancel a landing) Available since ArmA 2 57463 build.

_cobraOne [b]land[/b] "LAND"

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Well I'll be buggered... It's never flagged up a complaint in the editor so I assumed I was doing everything right. Thanks for the heads up, mate!

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did you name your helicopter?

Name it


Then in the waypoint where you want it to land type in

Helicopter land "LAND"

That does it for me

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The Wiki is wrong!

Since ArmA 2 it should be:

"LAND" (complete stop)

"GETIN" (hovering very low, for another unit to get in)

"GETOUT" (hovering low,for another unit to get out)

"NONE" (cancel a landing) Available since ArmA 2 57463 build.

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