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Where is the crater?

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I notice that in the game, after artillery strike, there is no crater. Is this normal? I suppose crater is actually a very important feature in real warfare.

But now what we have is just a layer of different color with no curve.

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I don't think it's possible in this game engine at the moment, if it were it would cause a huge performance hit if people started playing with the ground; which is probably why not many/no games have this feature at the moment..

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It happens in ACE, a crater model is spawned at the impact point. It works quite well.

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Yes ACE2 does it but not a true crater as such.

ACE2 creates a static crater (model) on top of the map it does NOT actually remove earth from the map to create a concaved crater.

But still its very very cool.

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I don't think it's possible in this game engine at the moment, if it were it would cause a huge performance hit if people started playing with the ground; which is probably why not many/no games have this feature at the moment..

I think BIS said the problem is with buildings and objects, not so much performance. VBS2 (military version of ArmA1) already has land deformation.

The land in Arma is based on a uniform grid, so deforming it should be very easy on CPU and net performance I suppose.

Of course the terrain grid is also too low resolution to show a proper crater for anything smaller than a tactical nuke.

Edited by Pulverizer

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because this engine is not the same as BC2

Why the leaves doesnt move when I touch them, like Crysis does?

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The leaves are "decoration" of a skeletal model. To make each leaf and blade of grass and independent model to act with that behavior would be a CPU killer given that the CPU is processing over 200 sq/km at any given point. You would be lucky to run 2FPS.

Crysis does not deal with areas this large and is why it can do it.

At some time, hardware may catch up lol.

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Yes ACE2 does it but not a true crater as such.

ACE2 creates a static crater (model) on top of the map it does NOT actually remove earth from the map to create a concaved crater.

But still its very very cool.

It can also be used as effective cover. :D

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ECP for OpF had some great craters. I miss that mod.

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ECP for OpF had some great craters. I miss that mod.

Indeed! Some of my best times was using ECP!

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