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Dr Pepperoni

ArmA II : Blurry graphics and text

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Hello all!

Bought ArmA II from steam yesterday and installation went fine. Game started fine but then I found some issues. Textures are simple and blurry, even if you put texture quality to very high. I have tried to shut post processing off, but that does not help the situation. Menu boxes in the start are soft and text is blurry too. I have put both resolutions to native 1920 x 1080. Checked this also from config file.

Using steam version, game should be up-to-date. Anyone know how to make game look like it should be?

Some specs:

-Windows 7 64bit

-Asus HD5750 formula 512 mb

-AMD Phenom II x 4 945


I have latest drivers etc.

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With the steam ver. You'll still have to manually update the game; steam doesn't install the latest patch. Also, make sure your Interface res and 3D res are each set to 100%

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I've found that it actually has nothing to do with the game. Since you've got an ATI card, I'm asuming you also have ATI Catalyst Control Center?

Try this:


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I have put both resolutions to native 1920 x 1080. Checked this also from config file.

Some specs:

-Windows 7 64bit

-Asus HD5750 formula 512 mb

-AMD Phenom II x 4 945


I have latest drivers etc.

That's a lot of screen to fill with just a 5750 and this game engine.

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Screen definitions! idk what it's called in-game but it's abbreviated with percentages of your screen resolution (eg. 100%, 125% ...ect).

As these are increased the picture becomes a lot smoother and generally looks nice with fewer sharp edges, due to pixels causing mini squares at edges.

But what happens for me is that it causes blurriness in extreme cases. At 125% I feel that it shows the best image; it may change for different screens and people though.

EDIT: 'No Use For A Name' referred to it as "3D-resolution", this is what it could be called in-game

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With the steam ver. You'll still have to manually update the game; steam doesn't install the latest patch. Also, make sure your Interface res and 3D res are each set to 100%

This is completely wrong for anyone that reads this. Steam will always update all of its games, you cannot use disc patches with steam games.

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