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Thermal sights

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How do you turn off them?

I use some weapon, dont remember whitch was, it have an scope with normal vision unless you press N and it turns on the thermal sight, but you cant turn it off again with N key, why?

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Most Thermal sights have 2 modes for TI, White Hot and Black Hot. It's possible you've just switched to Black Hot. Keep pressing N till it cycles. Also some TWS don't have a normal view at all.

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I don't think any of the rifle weapons have ability to turn it off or switch to normal sight. Even most NVG equipped rifles (M110 only exception I know of, but could be wrong) have only NVG mode. Tanks on the other hand, are typically sight mode galore :)

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Well, I used a weapon with Thermal vision off at the first time, once I pressed N key I cant turn it off again

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That's a bug, it's not meant to be turned off. This question was answered a few days ago I think, it's the fact that the sight you see through the sight relies on the thermal imaging equipment to work, thus it cannot show normal images.

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I played a lot with thermal when I first started playing AO thinking it was a huge advantage, but after awhile I switched back to optical sights.

Turns out to be useful to be able to see the colour of the uniform before pulling the trigger.

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You cant turn off flir on the rifle mounted systems.

I played a lot with thermal when I first started playing AO thinking it was a huge advantage, but after awhile I switched back to optical sights.

Turns out to be useful to be able to see the colour of the uniform before pulling the trigger.

Well, dont know about you, but I found FLIR really useful when I was playing a 12,7mm Stryker on a PVP server. First, it was really fun to turn the table around on those pesky edge map sniper campers. Second it was really cool to pop smoke and shoot through it. Even more fun was to use the anti flanking tactic of poping smoke, making the enemy flanker believe you are still there, just to reverse and flank your own smoke so that you would actually outflank the guy trying to flank you.

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You may have noticed in some missions the TWS is very black & white others its more gray with outlines of buildings vehicles etc. Well is I found that its all to do with the time of night & time of year!

As with the real thermal sights the colder it is the more contrast seen, if its just got dark especially in summer objects retain heat for several hours & show up on the TWS sights. Later & colder they don't show up at all. And this seems to be programmed into Arma2 OA :)

Try it in the editor . Do a quick test mission At say 01:00 1st Febuary then change to say 22:00 1st July same test. And see the real difference!!!

Edited by jgaz-uk

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You may have noticed in some missions the TWS is very black & white others its more gray with outlines of buildings vehicles etc. Well is I found that its all to do with the time of night & time of year!

As with the real thermal sights the colder it is the more contrast seen, if its just got dark especially in summer objects retain heat for several hours & show up on the TWS sights. Later & colder they don't show up at all. And this seems to be programmed into Arma2 OA :)

Try it in the editor . Do a quick test mission At say 01:00 1st Febuary then change to say 22:00 1st July same test. And see the real difference!!!

its good to know that this is implemented :)

is it harder to spot humans through TWS during a summer day?

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Instead of mAking my own thread on this Ill ask here; how do I activate thermals from helo's. I've seen lots of videos showing it active but all I manage are nvgs. Am I missing somthing? Is there a this addWeapon thermals or somthing I can do? Mainly with viper or longbow.

Thanks guys.

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Haven't tried but I'd guess hit the gun site view and hit N or look on your scroll menu. Cool feature. It was this, PAQ4s, and the Bradley that really sold me on AO.

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