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Can i use my box-DVD key with sprocket version?

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Dear bis,

i own 2 licences of arma 2 oa and now i am facing driver problems. I cannot start Arrowhead because my Operating system does no longer detect my DVD drive.

I have bought a Sprocket version of arma 2, which i used to copy the server files to the dedicated server machine of my clan. Can this version be deactivated and re-activated on my local pc? Or can i even unlock this version with a 'normal' key from the german version?

Thanks in advance



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Could it be possible you installed something like NERO burning program?

I had that prob 2 days ago,and my system was not able to find my dvd drive anymore.

solution was this here :

In your registry you have to delete two entries. Open REGEDIT and go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

There you have to delete the upper and lower filters ! (2 entries)

Reboot your machine and watch the magic.

Hope it helps.

It helped me.


Edited by seelix

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I think you can do that Crowe. I saw a post by Placebo a few days ago about something similar. I'll link to the post if I find it.

EDIT - Maybe I'm crazy... I didn't find the post I thought I saw. But in the past I have used my Sprocket (US) Arma key on a German DVD of the original Arma. I'm pretty sure your CD-key will work on any version, just might limit what language options you have. (I know you're asking about OA, but I doubt anything has changed).

Edited by Mosh

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After i have uninstalled the DivX player my DVD drive is being detected again.

But it would be very interesting if you can play the sprocket with a 'normal' key from a box ;)

Edited by Crowe

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