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Binarize: Materials path is relative to what?

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Going a bit potty with this and would appreciate some help. I have a P: drive within which I have...


...when I specify this as the material file name in oxygen my attempts to binarize the model result in:

<model = "p:\anzins\weapons\aks74pso.p3d">
Cannot load material file ca\weapons_e\ak\data\aks74_pso.rvmat.
Cannot load material file ca\weapons_e\ak\data\aks74u.rvmat.

...and more of the same. If I instead save a fully specified path into the p3d, i.e...


...then the problem vanishes, it can find the file:

<model = "p:\anzins\weapons\aks74pso.p3d">
Cannot load material file ca\weapons_e\ak\data\aks74u.rvmat.

...but I'd like to use a relative path like every example model I've looked at (and suspect I possibly must if binarize also needs to refer to the paa's, I don't know) and I can't work out how to control the base path it uses when looking for material files to embed. It doesn't seem to be P:\.


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I get around this problem, cruedly but it works, by

1. Binarize

2. Unpbo using cpbo

3. copy missing files across

4. pbo using cpbo

5. should all work.

Crude but i find it works.

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Remove the ca from your path

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Thanks both for responding.

Remove the ca from your path

Wasn't sure if you meant literally avoid using "ca" at all or just leave that portion off either the p3d path or the directory structure so I tried all variations but to no avail.

<model = "P:\anzins\weapons\aks74pso.p3d">
Cannot load material file xx\weapons_e\ak\data\aks74_pso.rvmat.
Cannot load material file xx\weapons_e\ak\data\aks74u.rvmat.

<model = "P:\anzins\weapons\aks74pso.p3d">
Cannot load material file weapons_e\ak\data\aks74_pso.rvmat.
Cannot load material file weapons_e\ak\data\aks74u.rvmat.

<model = "P:\anzins\weapons\aks74pso.p3d">
Cannot load material file ca\weapons_e\ak\data\aks74_pso.rvmat.
Cannot load material file ca\weapons_e\ak\data\aks74u.rvmat.

But so far I've not noticed any problems using a fully specified path for the RVMAT's and if it turns out that it does need to load the paa's at binarize time (at the same absolute path) I'll just hex edit it back to a relative path after the fact. Still sooner not if there are any further insights though.

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Is this related to you not having


added to the "List of Files..." option in BinPBO ?

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Well maybe, I'm a bit noob at this but I thought you only did that if you wanted to pack them with an unbinarized model (as opposed to embedding them as part of the model optimization)?

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I've always had ";*.rvmat" added to the end since forever, seems to work just fine (for all my releases since ArmA1)

Its a little quirk in BIS's tools that wasn't very logical. It suggested we (I) didn't know the correct way to use their tools ....... but I've never seen anyone de-bunk it ...... and it works.

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Interesting thread. I found when I binarised models which required BIS files, I just had an unpacked version of the required BIS PBO in the same directory as the folder I was binarising (i.e. I had ca in the same folder as CMCD_Stuff). PITA, but it was the only way I could actually get it to work.

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I just had an unpacked version of the required BIS PBO in the same directory as the folder I was binarising (i.e. I had ca in the same folder as CMCD_Stuff)

wow! You should never have to move any CA stuff out of the main CA folder in P drive. I've made terrain and vehicles addons, referencing CA items where they sit.

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