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arrowhead constant freezing

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playing online, don't know if it's single player havent seen it but i get constant freezing every little while and it somewhat locks up my computer unable to alt tab or alt control delete. after a minute or two the game resumes. I just re formatted my computer just for the release of arrowhead so help?

windows 7 64bit

i5 750

4870 HD 1G

Kaspersky Antivirus

Zone alarm Firewall

4G ram

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Does it give you a black screen then the display wont come back, because I have gotten this several times and after I force close OA I get "Display drivers have stopped responding and have restored."

Maybe lower your graphical settings abit

Arrowhead seems unstable for the time being and 1.07 is causing alot of issues with me especially when using mods.

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Usually getting that error means a more serious driver/hardware issue. The only time I've had serious crashes like that (it was just after the first Arma came out) was because my PSU was on its way out and wasn't getting the right amps/voltage to my card. It could be many other issues as well (overheating, bad VRAM, hot northbridge/mobo, driver conflicts, etc. etc.)

I'm not saying that's definitely the case; but you might run some stress-test software on all your gear to make sure. First thing I would do is try some different vid drivers

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Try playing with Kaspersky and Zone Alarm (plus windows firewall if applicable) turned off completely, if the issue is gone then the problem is in the configuration of one of those, personally I would never try to run any game with Kaspersky active, awesome anti virus which I use myself but it can bog down games.

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