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What about model proportions?

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Hi, I'm new at modelling, I've followed several tutorials, but some question never appeared to be important to me, now I think they are, the thing is: how does proportion works with a model in O2? Let me explain. If a do a cube, this cube will be of a size, let's say 1m height (it means a volume of 1m3). But, I let's think I need a bigger cube, like 10m3, you'll say, make it 10 times bigger. But the thing is, if I want such model of specific measures (or approximately) how do you know, for example, what if I want a model to be 2m height, 10m long and 3m width. Some times you see the model in Arma and you want it shorter but not 50% shorter, probably 10% shorter or 90%, how do you do that? I followed several tutorials, I did different models, like assault rifles and so on, and it always appear to work, despite the fact that the tutorial showed a 5 squares long model while my model was 20 squares long, but the assault rifle was always in arma the same size, is it because of config files? It is an important question to me. I plan to make and addon and I feel these questions are stopping me from doing it. Thanks in advance.

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In O2, if you open the scale tool dialogue, you should open a diagram of a cube with an input box for each dimension. Input the proportionate scale of each dimension into each of those boxes respectively.

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thanks for your answer Max Power, so do you mean that each square is about 1m2?, but my question is more about how to specify determined measures. I said a cube, but it can be a more complex thing, for example what if I want a ship 100m long, is there a way to specify the size (the length in this case)? The thing is that as I said, I did in tutorials models or bigger or shorter than the ones of the tutorials and the result was the same. So how can I know that making a 10m long barrel in O2 won't be 10m or 1m long? I feel really confused, as I have not done an addon on my own, just following tutorials. And it is more confusing when some tutorials say that it doesn't matter (the tutorial I followed for a rifle stated that the size of the model in O2 don't change the model in Arma, and it was right as my model was a lot bigger).

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When i'm modelling, i usually set one size (length usually) to 1 or 10 or 100 meters and create the model according to this size. As long as i'm working on it, i do not care about real size. I just know it is now, say 10 meters long. Once i'm done with modelling, i check the real size and do a 2D scaling of the whole model at once.

As example, the bomb i actually work on, i've started with 10 meters length. Once done, i've scaled it with factor of 0.914 as the real bomb is 9.14 meters long (GBU-43/B is really that big).

So take a size that is known to you (length, width or height) and start modelling with a round number that is easy to scale afterwards.

Besides that, any primitive you create uses meters as scale reference, so a cube with size 1x1x1 will have 1 meter in each direction. Also the grid is set to show 1 meter gridsize.

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thanks for your answer Max Power, so do you mean that each square is about 1m2?, but my question is more about how to specify determined measures. I said a cube, but it can be a more complex thing, for example what if I want a ship 100m long, is there a way to specify the size (the length in this case)? The thing is that as I said, I did in tutorials models or bigger or shorter than the ones of the tutorials and the result was the same. So how can I know that making a 10m long barrel in O2 won't be 10m or 1m long? I feel really confused, as I have not done an addon on my own, just following tutorials. And it is more confusing when some tutorials say that it doesn't matter (the tutorial I followed for a rifle stated that the size of the model in O2 don't change the model in Arma, and it was right as my model was a lot bigger).

Oh, I see. You're wondering the size of the grid. I'm not exactly sure about that, but you can easily find that by comparing the grid to a known length. Take BI's example soldier, load it up in O2. You know he's between 1.5 and 2m tall (I think actually they are 1.8m), so that should put you on the right track.

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Thanks a lot to both of you, it seems clear to me now. I think I'll do some test of your ideas. Thank you.

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