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Should createSoundsource be updated...

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...to support custom sounds via description.ext? I have defined my own set of sounds in description.ext using CfgSFX. These play nice when played with trigger. Same does LittleDog.

However, when using createSoundSource, it only accepts those defined properly in cfgVehicles, and not those defined in description.ext.


aa = createSoundSource ["Sound_LittleDog", position player, [], 0]

works, since Sound_LittleDog is defined in cfgVehicles, but

bb = createSoundSource ["fx_well", position player, [], 0]

throws an error, claiming it is missing from cfgVehicles (which is true).

So, I know I can create triggers and use these, but they seem to require a lot of additional memory when all you need is a bit of sound ambiance. CreateSoundSource would have been a lot more trivial to use, but what exists in cfgVehicles doesn't really suit me.

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The same is happening for me when trying to use "Arabian Market 2". What is the createSoundSource to use "Arabian Market 2"?

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Yeah, we really should be able to define our own soundsources.

The same is happening for me when trying to use "Arabian Market 2". What is the createSoundSource to use "Arabian Market 2"?

There is no "Arabian Market 2" sound source in OA. These are all there are in OA:


Maybe what you're looking for is one of the factory sounds?

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It doesn't exist as a "soundsource" as ruebe says, only as a "sound class" (or cfgSFX, can't remember). So without it existing as a soundsource, what I'm suggesting is that we should be able to (without use of addons to do it). Reason, it's an object, an object that we can control via scripts. I.e. mysoundsource allowDamage false.

We can create our own sound effects using triggers and setSoundEffect, but the "object" within can't be accessed so it is prone to being killed (and the sound goes away, although in Arma2 the sound could go bananas). Note that you have to use a dummy (silenced) sound for the first slot as well as the triggersound in the last slot. Otherwise you may get an error message.

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